Israeli American Unity thread

Israeli American Unity thread

America, we have your back!

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uhh pretty sure america has israels back.


With a bunch of weapons we gave you. Swell.


Also, pretty sure that because we prop this bullying racist of a nation up, about twenty other countries see us as oppressive and bomb and 9/11 us. We’d be better off without them.


I am with you brother.

Someone please shop big Jew nose anally raping Uncle Sam with the Israel stands behind you quote

Remind me why we as Americans should give a shit what happens to this arid dump of a country?

Besides the fact that both the Democratic Party and Republican Party are bought and paid for by Jewish interests.

You should give a shit. Us Jews will replace you.




This is offensive



Die die die die die die

The only good thing about Israel are the goddesses that are bred there. So more of those please.

go away JIDF

the middle east has alot of evil hiding there thats a solid nope from me cant trust


yeah, fucking US in the ass

Then why the fuck is Bibi negotiating with Putin today?

when will the next american civil war start?

2018 ...2019... or 2020?

and who will win it? The whites, reds, blacks, rainbows, whiggers, the yellows, the satanists, buddhists, teletubbies, talibanese, the rich or the poor ones?


Shot in the back by Jews.

what happened to the murrican dream?

Nice jets, who paid for them?

The biggest issue with Jews is that they'll always see themselves as a minority and will politically involve themselves as a minority, they invented a political philosophy to help export their views.
Using Marxism they will always be at odds with the majority. Marxism isn't simply a different economic principle, it's the philosophical intellectualization of being a minority.
Marxism was originally workers versus factory owners, then it became women versus the family, race versus the nation and now it's gender minorityism and the other perversions today (illegal immigrants versus native citizens).
The goal of Marxism is never to complete or connect a community it is to divide and Marxism in a majority underprivileged nation will still be divided up further into weird perversions because Marxism as a philosophy doesn't end. The base goal of it is to "get rid of the institutions holding back humanity", which ends up making more institutions.
Also, Marxism isn't epistemologically based, so it doesn't matter whether something being split up makes sense or not (gender) it just matters that there is something counteracting what already exists.
You're never going to find a complete Marxist nation which is why they fail all the time or they turn towards race and nationalism (ussr, china, nkorea).

Jews kicked out of Guatemala for not getting along with and trying to subvert natives

MFW We subsidise Israel and they have universal Healthcare
Yet my brother in Texas has to sell his house to pay for his cancer treatment

list of places jews have been kicked out of



Until ww2, the creation of israel, we used to not care about what happened in the middle east. Now we have hair trigger responses over anything that happens there. We keep going to war for Jewish interests and Israel receives the most military aid from us every year. Considering out senators are Jewish and control the narrative, we have effectively become a vassal state for Jewish interests, which promote a wiping out of white people

Is this a new meme I don't know about?

As far as I know, nobody cares about Israel ... Much less America

I care enough to capitalise the "i" and that's about it


You have no country that you were born from or fought for.

It's old meme that Boomers keeep trying to push on us






















"Goyim, we're your friends, give us everything!"



We need this in society now more than ever.

Where oh where are you leader? We need you, Your people need you.





>tfw came into thread to fap to jewesses
>see this

The conflict is too real

As an American, I want the news out!

There should be an USS Liberty Tshirt to the right of that one.

Fuck Israel!

The creation of Isreal was planned after WW1. Pick up a history book retard

“Good goyim! Not let us suck the blood from the circumcised penises of your infants!”

>was planned after WW1. Pick up a history boo
Yes but it didn't become independent until just after ww2 (1948)

Jews are not friends to America or Europe!



Jews are the parasites that need to be removed. The Holohoax didn't happen, but it should have.

Stop asking stupid questions goy and go to for Israel !

If the Holohoax truly happened, then why do Jews get so worked up and defensive when question? Why do Jews outlaw the questioning of the Holohoax. Not only does the victor write history... They are never asked if they told the truth.

i t was planned and conceived much earlier as early as 1897

Wake up! They are our enemies. It's time to stand up to these puppeteers!

This is's been proven

could somebody shoop this and replace all the stars in the corner with david's stars?

Jews have been kicked out of hundreds of places. They are the destroyers of civilization!


Uncovering the Mysteries of Your Hidden Inheritance
Book by Robert / Alan Balaicius

holy fuck europe is so hot. If I hat a wish I'd wish to not be a nigger....

>other countries

Don't be a cuckservative or some lib cuck! Wake up! Rise!
Say goodbye to girls that look like this.
The thing about the European and Asian blood,Europeans and Asians have more population groups (family trees) and much shorter/younger family trees then the African and arab genetics, this causes those to be more dominate.

The media is using the term genetic diversity for a old population group who lived in isolation for a long time. This is where the misconception of African Negroids being more genetic diverse comes from aswell (the African family trees(main ethnic African groups) are bigger and have longer branches but the rest of the world Asians and Europeans have more family trees

Because of this long isolation these genetic groups(trees) gained genetic dominant genes true interbreeding and strengthening genetics by keeping a selecting the same set of genetics over and over again generation after generation

All other so called junk DNA, that causes the unique mutations needed for evolution and diversity decay with every copy reducing mutations within the population group

This is the cause of regression of the Asian or European genetics AKA genocide.

Tl;dr european/ asian genes are recessive, they will regress when bred with dominate arab or african genetics causing the disappearance of them.

You need less then 5% to cause this genetic shift, most european countries have 10% of their demographics being african/arab. most only have around 60% 70% of their native population left.

This is genocide.

because it's kinda difficult to just put thousands of people into a place that is inhabited by people that are against those people.
yeah, during the zionist conventions that Napoleon first allowed. But let me ask you a question, if nobody wants them, why not just give them their own country?
Especially if they can fight all the sandniggers and destabilize the area.

I am white and I shall rise! I am white and I am proud! Smash Communism and smash Marxism!