They want to make Indiana Jones 5 with an 75 year old harrison ford. How do you feel bout that?

They want to make Indiana Jones 5 with an 75 year old harrison ford. How do you feel bout that?

Hes going to get kiled off just like Han Solo

i allready wonder who will be the new young indiana jones copy bitch who ford gives his "legacy" who will make indiana jones 6 so shitty no one will ever watch it ever again


nigga's too old, he should retire

Given the crap Shia has pulled over the past couple of years (including that wonderful game of Capture the Flag) no movie exec in his right mind would give him the keys to this money making series.

If anything this is Ford's last take on the series before Disney decides to reboot the franchise and give it over to some hack writers who will make it a bomb so Paramount has to sell the distribution rights to Disney

As long as there's no Shia or aliens in it, I'm totally OK with this.

Also, dubs

I would imagine it would be like Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. Good but awkward. Maybe they'll make this he last movie.....hopefully

Considering that in a lot of interviews it seems like he's in the early stages of senility I sure as hell hope so.

But you're right, this movie will follow the Disney Star Wars model. High opening weekend followed by a quick drop off here in the states with a large audience in foreign markets

All the novies were garbage anyway. No fucks givin

Chris Pratt

Shit, I might actually watch it, if it was Pratt.

I witnessed my father (73 years old) working in the fields with four ribs fucking broken. If he can, I guess Ford can as well make a movie.


They have a lot of making up to do after Skull. I'd watch Pratt though. Has potential.

There is only one trilogy with five chapters out there.
Indiana Jones will forever be only three movies plus fan fiction tier material. Only exception is Fate of Atlantis.

75 is the new 74. He'll do fiiiine.


Faggot had 30 years to make another. Waits till he's an old man. Fuck him.

What is Indi looking for this time? The fountain of youth?


Sorry as much as I should like to see Ryan Reynolds or his clone drugs prat there's a cannon ending where this man in pic relates leaves the wedding with the classic hat
>it better be my boi shilbufe

His walker...

Soon as i saw that outfit on him. He rocks it and I can already see people like him.

More importantly, who the hell is going to be the bad guy this time? The Nazis are gone and the whole Russian thing was a flop.

Maybe this time Nixon and conservatives so the new movie can be topical just like Crystal Skulls was? If this happens the movie is going to flop big time

The government is mentally preparing us for the death of Harrison Ford by killing him in the movies all the time

Respect af

Get ready for black faggot SJW Indiana Jones in the reboot

In my experience once you make that 4th movie you have ruined a trilogy. You trample on what ever legacy the films have and no longer care about ruining the franchise because the cattle like weekend movie goers will open wide for what ever shit you spoon feed them.

Just one problem, Shia is box office poison. He may win awards, but the movies he is in don't make money. Fuck, in Britain only three people saw one of his indie movies on opening day.

Execs in Hollywood may be liberal as all hell, but at the end of the day the spice must flow and a movie like this NEEDS to turn a profit

>inb4 it’s a woman nigger faggot so that Disney can appeal to the nigger faggot community

He's an actor you shitdick not a producer.

they should've let the franchise rest after the last crusade
crystal skull was pretty meh, and it's only downhill from there with disney
also please no black lesbian protagonist

Don't forget obese and paraplegic. There won't be true equality until Indiana Jones is a fat black dyke in a wheelchair

remember when indiana jones movies hat working humor and great stories?

They should use CGI and put a young Harrison Fords face on a young actors body and just let him do the voice.
Just no. He looks like a nobody and he doesn't have the charisma.


>CGI face

Great idea, why be cringe inducing when you can move into the uncanny valley and be creepy as all fuck. Just like Super Saiyan Leia

They should put Sean Connery in it. They can be bingo rivals at an old people’s home.

Well, after seeing the new Blade Runner I'm thinking maybe not.

but sean played his dad, that wouldn't work user

Yea but his dad can be demented as fuck

that would hurt too much to see, he was probably the best character the series had

His dad was already dead in Indiana Jones 4 anyway

I feel fine about it, I liked the 4th movie, but then I've been a happy fan since the begining.
I don't understand this trend with putting down everything, every fandom has this odd hate of the newest thing, then when another, newer thing arrives the hate that but suddenly love the one before. Just like what you like dudes.

No matter how well you emulate Ford, it will just be called an imitation. If you don't emulate him, then you upset people who came to see an Indiana Jones movie. It's an impossible situation to be in.

It wouldn't be hard to come up with a new character. Brendan Fraser's character in The Mummy proves it can be done. They managed to achieve the tone without copying attributes like the hat and whip. Indiana Jones is already a copy of adventure serials, so in a sense it would actually be a better tribute to the genre make a new character.

The third movie said it best (I might be paraphrasing a bit): "It belongs in a museum" "So do you..."

Not true. Bladerunner 2049 seemed to receive near universal praise.

they just threw in that he's dead because Connery retired btw, Spielberg actually wanted him to do a cameo
just as trivia

I heard a lot of complaining about it.
I went to see it anyway, and I liked it.

Probably Chris Pratt

no, chris pratt is a nobody. tell me one noteworthy movie he's been in. the guy has about as much charm as a slice of cheese.
