The thread were you can theory about our universe

The thread were you can theory about our universe.

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I might sound af but if you think about it, if the universe was created by a form of atoms and hydrogen and shit, then how the fuck were atoms and all made in the first place? A higher power? Discuss about this one guys

Well... It's assumed that there are fields for each particles... Like in a nutshell... Imagine a oil layer as a field, then try to agitate it by an toothpick, you droplets right? Now that toothpick is supposed to be the source of energy for excitation, the droplets are particles which are the standard particles of the universe like electrons and quarks... Like wise if you pick a point in space of an electron field and excite it, it results in formation of electron... Then the electron either decays to give back the same energy ( doesn't as it is quite stable on its own) or interact with the surrounding matter...

All you need to know about it, including the 11 dimensional hyper-woman (the biggest bang of all time) whelping the Universe into existence nearly 15 billion years ago:

The most appropriate material which you can experiment on the excitation of fields is the silica oil... If you agitate the surface with a toothpick it forms an droplet which really takes hours to go back into the oil layer again...

>The thread were you can theory about our universe.
It doesn't matter. Let's go get some tacos.

Complete bullshit regarding the women...

Better than porn spam...

You can ask me further questions that might satisfy your curiosity for now...

Existence is a strange thing as everything has a beginning. How does one create existence? Think about it, how did the universe and existence be created when there was probably no such thing as existence at the beginning. I feel like it's something that us humans will never be able to understand. Reply if you feel the same.

There are 10 dimensions... More than than is irrelevant to our model of space time...

Well, space is really, really, really big, lemmetellya, it's so big you won't even believe the commuting time.
You may think it's a long way down to the chemist, but that's peanuts to space!
And the timeframe? Jeez, don't get me started dude. You have a hard time remembering what went on last week, compare that to the quadrillions of years the universe has been around, my word! it's a long time.
I don't even remember what I had for breakfast!
Holy moly, the amount of matter being flung about in space, I can't even begin to... I dont even!
It's a lot!

I guess there's nothing to discuss about; we are irrelevant for the universe, and absolutely not necessary.

I theorize that Technological Singularity.

Energy is energy; by cooling down it condenstated to atoms, like water cooling down into ice. Ice aggregated together and formed bigger pieces, that thanks for fusion began to become heavier types of ice.

The question here is where all that energy comes from?

Actually there was an existing object... The big bang is nothing but an event which allowed the universe to expand rapidly... Before the event it also existed but the explaination to the physics inside it is beyond our reach... It is because the grand unified theory is incomplete... Any further questions?
Regarding existence... Everything exists buddy... The only thing is that we have ability to think makes it little complex...

I really wish that something like that could happens; but it's really unlikely.

It's a property of space... Not quite understood but we will surely... The more space we have more the energy it has... Because of the entropy increase which gives the direction of time...

Elaborate plz

>it's really unlikely.

nigga you dumb.

It's just 10% of the energy available at the critical temperature kid, stop behaving like a awestruck 9th grader...

Well, at the time of big bang there was no space. Everything was concentrated in a single point, which was basically all.

Do you mean that the less space we have, the more the energy?

That way it means that, as for gasses, the more you compress it, the hotter it become. Going on like this means that if you have an infinitely small place, you have an infinitely hot region.

But there is something which is compressed, and it has a finite mass/energy. Where that comes from?

Sorry it's actually 10^-8%... My bad... Just remembered the calculations...

The universe belongs to humans and xenos can fuck off


The space ( I'm talking about true space as in the space-time continuum ) cannot be compared to a gas system as a gas system has finite energy in it and would
have the same if it is compressed adiabatically...

Dude, I'm working with that shit, and I know lot of expert in the sector (well, not really AI, but still computer science).

We have smarter computers which can answer questions even better than humans, but we don't have computer which question themselves.

No machine really understand the significate of the letter 'a', or of a paint; they just evaluate them as we say them to evaluate them.

Ok, but still it is something (which is currently expanding).

Is far from me to comprehend this subjects, but saying is like this because its like this is like saying god exists because it's god.

Try to help me understand a little....

No, I meant the more space we have, more energy is originated from it and increase in volume is sign of positive entropy change and more the entropy at the same Temperature, the more gibbs energy we have... This is my current point of view... I want to attend college real bad now... I'll major in fluid mechanics and dynamics and minor in quantum physics...

This is just a set of performance to carry in order to improve; not a real singularity.

I'll explain it to then... See the universe is expanding right? It's actually accelerating... There must be some force behind it... Then there must be energy expended to do it... That energy is currently labelled as dark energy and the origin is the expansion of the space, the reason universe doe's get heated up die to expansion is because all the energy which is created due to expansion is expended in acceleration amd hence fuels the dark energy...

Heated up is due to*

Do it then if you are interested in it.... we already have too few physicist and mathematic! Carry on human knowledge!

You are absolutely right user, and technology never improves. it always stays at the level it is right now.

The human brain is a biological machine. Machines will someday be able to replicate it's functions exactly.

Transhumanism and The singularity are 2 different concepts. although they are related.

> " There are 10 dimensions... More than than is irrelevant to our model of space time.." ;

The hyper-woman exists in a multiverse requiring 11 dimensional space, and that is how she was able to whelp your entire Universe into existence according to "your model of space-time"

Prof. Michio Kaku:

But the humans won't unite for science... If wish the human reach type 1 civilization before I die and we don't have good colleges in India... It's hard here... And I don't have the money to study abroad

If I'm not wrong the existence of dark energy has not been proved, and there are some alternative papers on it which indicates primordial black holes acting as the forcewe call "dark energy".

I'll try to understand it... Think over it

It isn't proved that's why it called dark energy... Same goes for black holes but we haven't proved them yet...

Why would primordial black hole fuel the expansion of the universe anyway? Explain it to me... Im curious about it...

No, it improves, but not towards AI direction. We have neural networks, which are quite old idea (but it is just now that we have the 'power' to actually run a meaninful neural network), and they are not "intelligent".

They carry on a job given a target function and continue to improve using some randomization strategy.

No neural network ask question, that's why I'm saying it's unlikely to happens, as long as it carry to go in this direction.

We need machine, like human brain, which needs to forget something, and start to ask itself without human saying "you need to efficently generate questions"


You can always learn by yourself' you don't need universities, just curiosity (something which has been forgotten by lot of researchers)!

I guess this trigger the start of your research:

I have planned to learn higher mathematics by myself... I want to help humanity... Once everyone unite we will have a better resources and ideals, then space age begins

As a scientist I can say to you: prepare to life a full but depressing life. Knowledge does not bring happines for most of the time, but still is worth it!

But this will damage our DNA and our evolution... What if the new species originated from us doesn't survive?

You are missing the point entirely. If nature can produce a thing like conciseness or.. the ability to ask questions or whatever. THan it is possible for a sufficiently advanced machine to recreate it. Perhaps not with neural networks. Perhaps with a technique that has not even been thought up yet.

You are talking as if the tools we have now are the only tools we will ever have.

There is woman I love... I'm still confused about choosing science or her...

You are overestimating the ability of humanity of not self destruct itself. It could be that this achievement (so called "artificial" life, but I prefer to call it next step) will be never performed by humans, but maybe by some other intelligent race.

Given enough time it is even possible for a brain to be created out of nothing, but it's too much time.

We are not special at all....

Plank particles?

If you ask this question maybe is better if you choose her. You can still work on math and science in your free time. You will maybe not become the next Einstein, but still you have the possibility to contribute.

I theorize that the big bang has happened before and will happen again, repeating this process until its energy is used up.
I say this, because black holes compress matter to infinitesimally small points, similar to the universe before the proposed singularity that set off the inflation. So it's not unreasonable to think that black holes, will grow, eating eachother untill they eventually merge into one supergiant black hole, at which point we'll be back where we started.

That time, if your are talking about spontaneous formation of self aware entity, is >10^100 yrs...

Estimated... that calculation is NOT correct, but just an estimate... it could be that it will never happen

Universe is expanding faster than light, and some black holes will never experience enough gravitational pull to attract everything together again...

Quite nagging, black holes have a lifespan... They decay through Hawking radiation and there is no possibility that whole universe will be consumed by a blackhole... That wouldn't be enough to recombine all the fundamental forces...


It will but it's assumed the formation of self aware entity after decay heat of Universe is exhausted...

Parenthood doesn't give enough time...

You live in Existance, a
Superior and more complex form of life that you Will never understand because the human brain cannot understand more of what his capacities let him and the human brain is not meant for that.

What can I explain well, it doesnt matter and you should not concern about it since you can't do shit

Well it's somewhat true... But our brain is really complex as it can create 6D environment... Other animals make only 4D...

We belong inside an organism and planets are like cells,we just have the role of bacteria

Shut up

the "big bang" its just the moment when the sperm reach the egg,thus life begins creating an organism or else our galaxy

That's not a very good theory, please think it through.

I feel that life should't know every answer, otherwise it would just be boring. I feel that its best that we just theory and discover small things at a time, but not everything as it would mean that there will be know more fun. Do you any yall get me?

No user, the real fun starts when we finally understand everything and become gods.


2018, I guarantee it.

Closer every fucking day man! I have to admit though. Even as an avid transhumanist, it's really scary thinking about all the possible negative aspects of crazy powerful technology. How much shit do you think the government has access too that we don't know about.. Makes me shudder.

i think of the same shit fam