How have I not seen this before?
>Japanese people have caucasian dna
could this be why they have the best society in Asia?
>inb4 fake it's 100% real
How have I not seen this before?
>Japanese people have caucasian dna
could this be why they have the best society in Asia?
>inb4 fake it's 100% real
Other urls found in this thread:
jomon skull types recently found in Hokkaido are a close match to Anglo Saxon types found in early England
>japanese people have caucasian dna
what even are you talking about? they have japanese dna you dumb chink
explain yourself
>caucasian DNA
The amount they have is from a random slav-ish caucasoid population, and it's such a tiny amount of admixture that it is insignificant. It's like saying Europeans are significantly influenced by their Arab DNA because most europeans have a tiny amount of it as a result of muslim conquests...
Also, Japs were nigger-tier until the past 100 years so
We wuz japs!!
>explain yourself
Be nice to Canada.
"She" is transitioning right now and hasn't worked up the courage to use the Ladies room to tinkle.
It's ok Tranada. After a quart of bourbon and a six pack, I think you look quite passable. You should totally go flirt with China.
Crossbreeding of two different race create the modern day Japanese people
Do not bring us down to your level, filthy 毛唐
Japs have always been based they've just had a massive amount of social/governmental strife due to living on a tiny island that is only good for growing rice.
>inb4 fake it's 100% real
Aren't the Japanese basically Island Chinks?
there is a common misconception that Japanese are an Asiatic peoples but there mysterious origin will be uncovered
those are common haplogroups that appear amidst anglo saxon populations across UK and americas
Male androgenic hair
I don't understand what this means or implies. What is relevant about those specific sequences?
Doesn't this just imply that the Japanese interbred with the first set of natives?
Has power japanese sumo evicts smelly white
the white man also brought along with him dogs for hunting native Japanese animals such as Raccoon and Fox
There is not whit in japan. This is white dream.
>be asian
>have caucasian dna
>end up looking like HP Lovecraft
the mass media does not want you to see the photographs!
Japanese people are fucking Asian. Stop trying to justify race mixing.
Oh it's that same nip from Canada again.
Daily reminder that japs are a mix of yayoi and jomon peoples. Yayoi came from China and Korea, Jomon were literal niggers from Sundaland, meaning they are Sundadonts related to southeast Asians who populated the Philippines, Vietnam and Thailand.
Nips are the nigger hybrids of East Asia, they look remotely white because North Chinese and Korean DNA mixed wth their ooga booga sundadont features sometimes creates a person with deep set features and light skin.
End of story. Also you are a frail and weak race of alien looking fucks with a chittery insect language.
Hitler actually was a weeb
sure thing kimchi
Thats not true ancient Japanese have caucasian archetype
no need for angry stop trying to hide the truth shill
quality shitposting
North groups invaded China and Korea again and again.
But they could not invade Japan, because of the sea.
Then Japan and Tibetan have same type DNA.
Look up sundaland and the sundadonts you mongol fuck. Unlike half the pseudohistory here, this is legitimate science.
>those flip looking fucks
They look like aliens m8. Stop trying to justify your weak race.
Only reason he was, was because he needed supporters and allies. The same reason he allied with the muslims, whose race he didn't think highly of but liked their fascist religion.
No, Japanese people are Mongoloids.
>no argument
Speak for yourself degenerate. My points are very correct.
>Photographs of white-type skulls and beards
>Shitposters respond with NIGGERNIGGERNIGGER
Twitter surpassed this site's signal to noise ratio a long damn time ago.
are you jealous japan was the first anglo civ in the east?
>ancient Japanese have caucasian archetype
'Bukkake' is an Ancient European word meaning 'Jap slut needs entertainment on her grocery hole'.
Fucking Island Niggers.
Why does that sumo have so many toes?
Why is it that canadians are always talking about asians?
>Only reason he was, was because he needed supporters and allies.
you are wrong and ignorant of history.
also, anyone who replies to this thread without sageing is a dumb nigger
>this is a mongoloid head shape
Half his posts are black and white pictures, every cunt with light skin looks white in black and white pictures.
There are Asians with white skin all over the North side and the pale ones all look as white as his pictures.
By his argument, the uighur turks of China are the whitest people of Asia since some of them are literally indistinguishable from whites when they have blonde hair and blue eyes.
There is no way in hell a race of chubby faced, dwarf proportioned island fucks are white.
upset Japan is whiter than usa
That headshape exists all over south east Asia and a good part of North Asia too.
>League of Legends player tosses Ivan the Liberator before an audience of Japs dressed up like Frenchmen
>NOW, this is mongoloid
>dem nigger nostrils
Stop trying, thais and indonesians have literally the same nose. Thin nose bridge with gorilla nostrils.
>a fucking leaf
aussie cant handle the truth
>Why does that sumo have so many toes?
Ancient Chinese Secret. Plus, Nagasaki.
Don't you have free college in the morning, chug?
>ITT: people trying to supress the truth
Ainu are actually a hybrid of mongoloids and abos.
They are literally genetically related to the abos here.
You are niggers.
This sounds just like the 'WE WUZ KINGS' afrocentrists. Posts a bunch of pictures with no academic sources cited.
Anyone who believes his trash is a dumb cunt.
sure thing boss
The Japanese are the offspring of two different racial subgroups: the Yayoi people and the Jomon people.
Jomon/Ainu people were related to proto australoids, probably similar to early Taiwanese aborigines or Southeast Asians without mongoloid racial admixture. They were generally caucasian in appearance, and despite being of the same genetic stock as Australian aborigines they seemed relatively human and intelligent. They were quickly displaced and bred out of existence.
Yayoi are thought to either be Chinese or Koreans in origin, fair skinned, flat nosed, with high set slanted eyes who brought more complex elements of culture to the Jomon people. The wars and interbreeding between the violent Jomon people and the cultured Yayoi created modern Japanese civilization and the Jomon influence is what I think sets Japan apart from other Asian countries.
Racially you can see elements of the Jomon in the raised nose bridges and more open eyes in Japanese people, many who tend to be a bit taller than Koreans or Chinese.
The true influence of the Jomon on Japanese genetics is very debatable.
Japanese are not Caucasian.
>yeah they aren't related to British at all
why are their heads so fucking oversized? NIPS INSPIRED MINIONS CONFIRMED.
Why do they look so damn yellow?
>not white
>pick one
>japanese main food: fish
>england main food: fish
and it doesn't stop there
I saw this dude on music station the other day
genuinely thought he was a hafu or straight up gaijin
Anthros called them false caucasoids.
The Chinese who are called "mongoloid" bred with the local Ainu/native populations thousands of years ago. Their melange/mix can have Caucasoid features.
They genetically tested Ainu and people of Japanese descent who looked Caucasoid-ish.
They're not genetically Caucasian or have DNA of Eurasian Caucasoids.
>eats rice
>slaughters dolphins
Wat? We don't eat much fish at all.
>most europeans have a tiny amount
The mix of Chinese and Melanesian/Polynesian is supposed to look faux-Caucasoid.
>canadian main food: cock.
>Jap main food: cock with tentacles and more cock
You convinced me.
Hongcouver is Jap soil.
What now? All porn has an Abba soundtrack??
The last known contact with these tribes was around 9,000 years ago
>What now? All porn has an Abba soundtrack??
Not a bad idea. :^)
>We don't eat much fish at all.
You faggots love to douse it in vinegar and throw it in the air.
Thank god we tossed your tea instead of your salad, you fucking poof.
The ancestors of Australoids came from Taiwan.
Southern Australoids, especially on Australia devolved into subhuman niggers.
Northern Australoids I assume never were exposed to the same environment as their Southern cousins, and generally kept their appearance and intelligence. And these were the people the Japanese bred with.
They're a whole different race than the British. I assume Australoids from Taiwan or a similar frontier environment such as Japan would've had a similar culture. They were basic warrior tribes comparable to Amerindians, especially violent but not above basic intelligence and integration into society.
White? Asian? Abo? Something else entirely different, but there is so little evidence of their existence that drawing a conclusion about them is very difficult.
>Japs are white
>finns are not white
>argentinians are not white
>slavs are not white
>Both people live on islands
Let's completely disregard that fact and assume it's to do with Japs and Anglos being the same race.
Anyway, Japs cook much better than us, so I think you're wrong there.
There is no such thing as taiwan.
It's the republic of china.
The real china.
>muh eastern aryans
you both got fucked up teeth though.
>ukrainian whores make great strippers
Yes. Yes, they do.
compare the Japanese to the chinese. One is clearly more Anglosized
God I wish Tranada wasn't so catchy.
>some stupid fucking faggot chink who happens to live in canada making at attempt to claim, "oh no no, I'm actually white!"
if you like asia so much then get the fuck out of canada and go live out your weeb fantasies
The Ainu are the equivalent of Australian abos. They are not white.
>caucasian dna
So they wuz churkas?
You mean the Chinese/Koreans.
Over half the Japanese population, I believe, shares their y-chromosome with the majority of Han Chinese men. They belong to haplogroup O.
The rest belong to D and others.
Japanese are a heavily Chinese"mixed" race.
It's to do with one being more accepting of western values and ideas, and of one being an island like Britain and sharing a similar culture.
You're taking the 'Britain of the East' analogy a bit too far.
some of the earliest emperors of the Meiji era were known to have caucasoid features such as a broad nose
>I wish Tranada wasn't so catchy.
Yeah. Just like you wish you couldn't sing Rocky Horror at a fag bar at 3am for free COCKtails.
I hate having a faggot brother.
some of the earliest known photo evidence of rare caucasoid in Asia
I think you're onto something here
Both live on islands
Both have bad teeth
ancient japanese were blacks tho. we are all from africa. then first black king of Rome sailed to china and then japan 10 000 years before christ and started population there. There were some savages and black king learn them how to fish, about astronomy and about medicine.
The Yayoi drastically outnumbered the Jomon people so their genetics are the most dominant. There is speculation that the Yayoi were Korean, but genetically they're more similar to South Chinese for some reason.
only small numbers of africans ever made it to Japan before 300 AD
Oh shit, I just remembered the "the japanese are the lost tribe of israel theory" that was such a weird concept
what? I thought Japs are an interbreed of Ainu and Jomon peoples. Ainu are clearly of Caucasian descent for they have similarities with Basques