Bernie's going to win California.
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he needs to win it by like 80% or something right?
Did you expect anything else from Commiefornia?
State-wide polling would suggest otherwise.
Only if you donate the remainder of your savings account like I just did. Match me?
i thought he had no way of winning, why is he still running?
Even anime is for Sanders
I would match you but my wife's son needs some new clothes.
Yes. Politics, like religion, are determined entirely by geography.
That dusty kike is one of the smartest jews out there. He has these kids feeling proud of getting robbed by him.
He blew all his donators' money when he still had a small chance (technically) so now he needs to recoup before they figure out he can't win.
Bernouts are also illiterate, apparently.
>stealing Ron Paul's logo
really didn't think I could hate this kike any more than I already did
This thread is going to 404 soon, but I might as well try to teach berniebots that socialism is mental retardation and it was BTFO perhaps best by Milton Friedman.
>Milton Friedman Speaks - Is Capitalism Humane?
He better.
Otherwise you Bernie voters are going to have to bend down and kiss Clinton's wrinkly old ass and beg her to let you back into the party.
She truly hates you and your kind.
When Bernie becomes president your free government-issued tunics will be all you need.
This, I was actually peeved when I saw someone edit a Happening gif with Bernie's ugly mug over Ron Paul's face.
Bernie supporters are so uncreative and feel like a forced meme.
God I fucking hope not.
I can't wait for the liberal tear explosion for when this guy drops his campaign.
new and improved.
Win? Like with a cloth?
Bernie will lose and reddit will be on suicide watch. Their tears will be delicious.
Top lel made my night
Everyone's eyes are on California right now.
Will the cuckboy Bernie lose and finally drop out?
Or will he win the land of degeneracy and we'll have to go on another few months hearing his faggot supporters?
The cable news media is saying California doesn't matter at all, that, thanks to New Jersey, Clinton will have locked up the nomination before the polls even close in California.
well done user
I live in California and know of literally no one who is going to vote for Hillary or even remotely likes her. Everyone's either for Bernie or Trump. Who the fuck is voting for Hillary?
People who don't want to tell you they're voting for her. Through the power of anonymity, they can vote for whoever the fuck they want without people breathing down their necks about it.
Algorithms and fraud.
Is that intended to be a Ron Paul banner rip-off?
Maybe, but have you ever met an enthusiastic hillary supporter? I have met trump and bernie bots, still waiting on a real hardcore hillary supporter.or any supporter of hers for that matter. She will win, and everyone will scratch their heads, scratch their balls and say thank God American elections are fair.
He needs to win by 90 points to get enough delegates to compete with Hillary
I voted for Hillary since trump already has the nomination.
I want Bernie fags to suffer
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its not like it matters seeing as he will not have enough delegates still even if he takes them all. hillary only needs 71 delegates to steal the nomination
You don't have to be enthusiastic to cast a vote. You don't even have to know who any of the candidates are.
And of course, the popular vote isn't the only determining factor in the Presidential election, much less in the Democratic Party primaries.
lol +18 in one poll. Trump is more likely to win California
Bernie is going to win AIDS
KEK 10/10
It's ironic that Bernie, who wants whites to die out and disappear, would win if America was all white.
>Bernie is going to win the most corrupt state in the Union
Good luck with that, California is literally Mexico.
How can they both go up and down at the same rate, when it is a two person race?
Wow do they really use such small sample size for california?
I thought that size as acceptable for Iowa and Hampshire, but that is not even enough people to have a good idea of a one of our major cities.
the guy's outfit makes me want to send him to a gulag indefinitely
I swear to god the one good thing to come from this election if Trump loses will be the tears flowing from Bernie supporters.