Hey /b I need help...

Hey /b I need help. My macroeconomics professor will give 20 points extra credit to anyone who brings a topic into class that does not relate to economics at all. He believes that everything does relate to economics. A student already said an involunary eyeblink but he spun that around on them to make it relate to economics. Help me think of something so i can get that extra credit

>involunary eyeblink but he spun that around on them to make it relate to economics.
how did he possibly do that?

Just curious. How does an involuntary eyeblink has to do with economics?

You've gotta pay a doctor to find out why you have an eye that blinks involuntarily

ask him about judiasm. he might actually say nothing about that

that's bullshit
didnt the student mean the way we blink every few seconds?

if he says something, he's racist and will be fired
if he doesnt say anything, op gets extra credit and the teacher cries

religions are connected to economy, he will just bs some about them collecting moneys from gov. and ppl to sustain themself

That’s a good one. I'd go for something like “Jewish Greed”

He'll just be fucked.

if he's going to use logic like that, don't waste your time thinking of examples. "What about Tardigrades?" "durr you need money to buy a microscope to see them"

the life of an undiscovered species on the botom of the ocean

the big fucking bang

As an econ lecturer myself I cannot possibly think of anything other than nothingness. Even if you take anything such as string theory, he can go off into the direction of the scholars that do string theory which brings him one step closer to some market force existing, which makes it economics.

From this standpoint, he can indeed relate everything to economics. As long as he keep building bridges between elements that are somehow involved in the thing you name, he'll ultimately be able to bridge towards economics.

It seems like you need to find something that contains no elements, in other words, something that is completely unrelated to anything. Doesn't seem possible to me.

Alternatively, you can throw him off about something that he definitely does not now about. How will he tie that to economics? If he says HE can relate everything to economics, then give him that.

Get points when he realizes he can win that argument but doesn't want to because everyone knows it's a bunch of nonsense and every real economist laughs at idiots that support it.

That does not relate to economics, well, there is nothing that can't be related to economics.
Even Non-Profit Organisations can be related to economics.

However if you really want to make it hard for him, just say the energy fluxations in quantum stable timespace continuums. That should get him. However if he were me I'd immediately mention wormholes, which would be a possible future method of intergalactic trade, which could be incorporated into economics.

In hindsight, write down meaningless equation or number.


Anything physics related can be spun to science and market forces that partially drive it. Anything done by science is discarded in my view.

That one is funny, but sadly even I can relate that to economy, it's not that hard, it's the relocation of resources in such a fashion that the government keeps the goods so that no one will abuse the system.
Communism is as far removed from profits as possible but it is still one of the 2 different forms of economy, Socialism and Liberalism.

Rape. Make him explain to you the economic benefit of rape.

start talking about algebraic topology

I already know that the task is impossible, but the inherit difficulty for him to claim a relation to economics is the part that you should try to abuse.
If he himself is out of his limit of relating it back to economics, then you win. But seeing as it's literally impossible to win, as long as it's something he knows of. If a subject of interest is unknown to him then he can't relate it to economics, which in turn makes his point moot.

tell him that the phlubakritranscion (flew-back-ree-trans-kee-on) does not relate to economics

when he asks what it is, tell him if he cannot be bothered to know what it is, it clearly does not relate to economics

Do you really need to know how rape is related to economics?
Well, everything has it's price and seeing as in Asia brothels are a thing, even illegal brothels are a thing there. And if something is illegal it means it's guaranteed to have a market price. For instance, kids. Because even pedos can make money, and by definition statutory rape is adult having sex with a minor. So it's easily related to economics.

What does that even mean and if I knew I could relate it to economics.

one cannot blink their eyes without the presence of air and gravity

one cannot be in the presence of air and gravity without being on earth or in a man-made earth-like environment

one cannot be on earth or in a man-made earth-like environment without being subject to the laws of some country's government

governments relate to economics

ergo involuntary eyeblink relates to economics

yeah these things arent really related, its more like 6 degree from Kevin Bacon but with economics

but since you don't know, it by definition does not relate to economics

You could ask this question about anything. Because everything is defined by its relation to other things. Therefore everything is related to everything else in some way.

Leave it to a economics professor to be that Jewey.

That said, I think your only option is to use a Jew answer. So how about you say: "economics." Because economics does not relate to economics it is economics.

Garden of Eden when Eve disobeyed God’s wishes and ate the forbidden fruit. There were only two people on earth at that time and no such thing as money/economies.

If he says he can relate that to economics he is typical full of shit college professor who gets his kicks bullshitting kids into thinking he chose to do this for a living as opposed to doing this because he couldn’t hold down a job in the real world.

Pretty good. But it applies to itself. The economics of economics is a pretty well known topic. It's about the economic forces that govern the science of economics. That's an explanatory relation, thus related.

Hell say some shit about the cost of the research team that is investigating those areas, given ops example the teacher is willing to make enormous leaps to "prove his point" also I'd go with something like a community that lives apart from "normal" society and everyone there helps everyone

Communal societies are well within the realm of economics

Everything has some level of economic factors or effects, so that's impossible. But this is not particular to economics, but can be said for any subject.

Because is some sense everything that changes is some sort of transfer or exchange of value.

Some metaphysical concept perhaps?

Or just try some entry level philosophy like the problem of absent qualia has for functionalism

The "economics of economics" is a subset of "economics." And I'm saying that economics is not related to economics. It is identical to it.

I think it's worth a shot

I get your point. But I think there are two distinct uses of economics. On the one hand, the science that studies decision-making under scarcity, to be brief. On the other hand, the concept of an application of that study. So by saying "economics is governed by economics" he correctly claims a relationship. You cannot say blue makes blue, it is clearly tautological and your point applies. However, economics is both a study and a way of describing the study of an object, in this case, economics, which makes it different

I guess he could say that the relationship between the two is "equivalence."

>anyone who brings a topic into class that does not relate to economics at all.

The international Jew

He won't dare say how they're responsible for controlling and manipulating the world's economy for fear of losing his job.


Pokemon Breeding.
Your welcome

True. You would have to enforce a single definition of economics.

This wins.

Step 1. Make up a word.

Step 2. Define it as "that which does not relate to economics."

Step 3.????????

Step 4. 20 points extra credit

I mean economics is a really broad subject. Honestly I'm inclined to agree with your professor. You can tie almost anything into economics if you stretch far enough and put it in the right context.

economics - market interactions are a solution to a utility maximization problem, which gets described by mathematics but after all his nothing more than evolutionary greed