who else getting ready to leave for russia to fight against the EU?
Who else getting ready to leave for russia to fight against the EU?
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Should go support Switzerland first, they're not part of the EU and they're basically fucking surrounded by it.
Apparently a nice country too, I'd like to go visit it someday.
the EU isn't going to touch switzerland, much like nazi germany didn't
Is there a russian foreign legion?
Op is a faggot
I've heard something about them letting foreign nationals serve for citizenship. You can look it up
Gotta know Russian tho.
Even Russians run away from Russia into my poorland but nobody runs to Russia, it's supercorupted country and you need to bribe literally everyone for them to do their job if you don't want problems.
no, but there probably will be soon
yes of course! everybody has to personally pay and thank putin every single day!
>who else getting ready to leave for russia to fight against the EU?
can't saying this online get you jailed in your shit country?
Yeah but what people see in Russia is a people, with all their faults, trying to improve.
They are not actively heading towards certain destruction like the west.
not beforehand, you'll get help with courses
besides, some local nationalities from far east speak russian on level of a beginner
lol probably
we have less freedom of speech than russians do now
>wanted to move to the UK 4 years ago
wew lad, glad i didn't go through with that.
You'll probably get a visit just for your post, be stripped of your right to vote in Brexit, and be labeled a racist and thus unable to ever find employment for the rest of your life
w e w
Well, why don't you go to that shithole now? Why are you waiting?
I bet you can't live one year in such a place.
Russian Communism confirmed, this is a fight for FREEDOM!!!
Probably shouldn't have laughed at this but I did.
Keep posting Russia.
I forgot to mention that we also have daily mandatory "Putin-praying" where we thank him for letting us live, so no communism as it's kind of like a religion. LONG LIVE THE TSAR!
the quality of life there isn't as good, but that's not why I'm going there, I'm going there to serve in the military and perhaps find a wife.
also need citizenship to organise something BIG in vladivostok
why did my ancestors insist in beating the shit outta the roaches to free your country?
No all my russians were saying it: 'If you want permit for reconstruction get bribe or it will get denied/obstructed'
'If you pay police for extra protection they start demand money even if danger passes.'
Basically every government employee demand 'tip' to even care about you and do their job, I wouldn't care if it was Burger propaganda but Russians themselves said it and I like Russians (your women at least).
if you want to go to the far east, there's a programme now that gives away free land, 1 ha I think, even to foreigners, but only for 5 years and if you've used it appropriately (like building a farm or smth) then you'll own all of it
>Russia v. EU
>China/NK v. SK/Japan
>Iran (and allies) v. Israel
Well it was nice knowing you guys, I don't own a fallout shelter so I guess I'll see you on the other side.
Why did the communist swines kill your ancestors :( ?
who are these russians? did they flee in the 90s or something? those times are gone. I won't disagree on police tho, they do take bribes sometimes but only if it's a car related thing (like speeding). the son of the Lukoil CEO raced through moscow a couple of days ago, his ultrarich dad couldn't save him with money or connections, he's getting a trial and not gettin away with it
Actually, I feel very sympathetic for the Russians, because we both had to live through 50 years of monkey politics, while the rest of the world was developing. So now we both are 50 years behind the rest of the world (well, not considering Africa and shit), the only difference is that now you have a dictator. At least I think Medvedev wasn't as stupid as Putin.
Trump will continue in the path of his hero Patton, and bring you ruskies some FLAMES OF FREEDOM
no I'm going to kaliningrad to do service in the baltic fleet, much nicer and cheaper to move to
vladivostok after, location is important
Same thoughts just 1 year ago then i found pol. Holy shit I would be fucked no guns no rights immigrants everywhere oh wait thats california!
>Serbian and Russian half breed
>hafe Russian citenzship
>hafe family over there
If Serbia goes to cuck themself and join EU I will go there without a second thought.
Well some of them were Ukrainians but that police story is from actualy Russian, his father had some company and some faggots were threatening them (mafia? police?) so they wanted extra protection and cops said ok but for extra money, so he paid extra money for few months, faggots stopped threatening and so he stopped paying only to get told by police 'pay up if you don't want problems to appear again', so he flipped finger, took what was left of his company and moved his family here.
Aren't Serbs basically Russians already? Literally cannot find a difference between your cultures, peoples, etc. compared to Russia.
the october revolution was a western-backed (mostly germans) "colorrevolution" as in the arab states now. on one hand they either killed or chased the "intelligency" away, thus letting the dumb idiots of the land rule, but on the other hand it started a cultural, educational and industrial revolution in the country. Tsar Nicholas II is the 3rd richest person in history and is the richest saint in history, the commie jews took away his wealth and allocated some of it to build the superpower the USSR once was
I hope he doesn't bring us western """freedom""". I see myself as a liberal but nowhere near the western marxist liberals that are only being manipulated in destroying traditional values, culture and mix everything up. I don't have anything against multiculturalism but only if it happens naturally, mixing every available color in the pot is going to produce shit
Our culture is a lot diffirent from Russian. People are almost the same, but I see far more friendlier people here in Serbia.
The only thing that we have in common is that we are slavs, but we're the "balkan" slavs while they're eastern slavs.
that sure sounds like the 90s, never heard nothing of it in the past 10-12 years at least
When Russia supports anti-EU parties the West calls it “Hybrid-Warfare”.
When the West supports pro-EU parties they call it exercising “Soft-Power”.
Fag, they didn't help anything. We were about to be liberated anyway, it's because of you that we didn't get our full territory.
That's why you supported Serbia when they attacked us during our Reunification, supported all the Balkan countries except us in the SBW, gave our territory to Romania and occupied us after WW2 even though we NEVER send any forces against you.
FUCK YOU and your retarded gypsy nation, I hope you choke on the sanctions
If there is a WW3 im defecting to Russia, as well as countless others will no doubt
No sane White man would fight for "multiculturalism" at this point
> russian revolution was backed by "the west"
> making it clear that russians are in fact ORIENTALS
shut your whore mouth
we dont listen to gooks unless they are japanese
gypsy? we're white and you're "diet" shitskin. the sanctions are good for russia, politicians don't get to have their money in a foreign bank, can't visit west. because of the sanctions the import is drastically sinking, our own production is finally evolving and yurop has too much milk and other goods that they can't sell to russia so they just either rot or get very cheap, so farmers quit as they don't earn shit
The world is so upside down now. As an American who served in the army years ago I would have never thought that I would support Russia in a conflict with Europe. But here we are, and I'd enjoy watching Russia kick Europe's ass, starting with Turkey, then Germany.
what kind of logic is this? go eat some more of your "delicious" GMO burgers
>we're white
>your production of Lada's and Moskvich
>State is almost bankrupt but sanctinos are good for Russia.
top kek, m8, top kek.
>state is bankrupt
You couldn't sell your bonds, gypsy boy, what's so funny?
Already hacked into the Kremlin with my elite hacking skills gained from seven years training on detailed simulations of the CIA, FBI and Department of State servers. My skills are perfected in only a way that can be refined through training with swordsmanship, balancing my Tanto in my grip as well as I balance the fine lines between firewalls. My resume is on Putin's computer, sent through several proxies with inverse DNS and SFTP ports. I'm not merely a man of the web, I'm a god of it. They have no chance but to higher me.
Actually Russia is world's biggest recipient of immigrants after US and Germany, and unlike those countries the biggest immigrant group are Ukranians, white people.
last i heard they got sold
Im not sure you know what it means, but living in a gypsyland you should know
Why is every bulgarian i've met in person awesome and friendly but Sup Forums ones are saltier than a bowl of salt seasoned with salt.
its like Canadians, who are sickeningly nice in person, but here on pol they are worse than lingering bowel cancer
>last I heard they got sold
No, they didn't They planned to raise 4 billion and raised only 1 to shady London investors (presumably Russian), which means jack shit.
>Im not sure you know what it means, but living in a gypsyland you should know
>Russian diaspora
Besides, I think I know a little more about economics than you do, Vadim.
I'm not salty, I'm just telling it how it is. He started first by spewing propaganda straight from communist school books
>Russian diaspora
is this the best you can do bankrupt boy?
>bankrupt boy
Bulgaria's budget is on 3% surplus, whatchu talking bout, Willis?
>ouch switzerland, much like nazi germany
well yurop will turn to islam. i don;t think islamists will share hitlers vies
Switzerland is one of my escape plans, along with New Zealand and Singapore.
I feel the same way, no way would I fight for the side that does nothing but damage to me and those like me
I think you're massively overestimating Russia's military power.
just looked up gdp of bulgaria and russia for shits and giggles, do you call yourself a first world country? im serious, im curious what you guys think of yourself
You can fight against the EU in your country and help save it too. Be like Nigel Farage.
What you people don't realize is that Russia RUNS the EU behind the scenes. They are the ultimate Jews/niggers of Europe. Think about what is happening, ppl. Why would the US and European governments WANT a weaker nation? That goes against everything a government stands for! The only logical explanation is that RUSSIA is controlling internal EU leaders to destroy Europe. Then they will invade Europe to "liberate" them from the Muslims and Liberals they deliberately set into power there in the first place! Do not fall for the tricks of the Russian JEW. They are devious and always looking for conquest! They set you in a position where no matter who you support, whether the EU or Russia, you will still support Russia. Do not fight for them. Be smart, there must be another way.
oh you silly kiddo, i hope you enjoy getting aped by your chechen seniors
WW1 = Anglos + Russians vs Germans (French surrender)
WW2 = Anglos + Russians vs Germans (French surrender)
WW3 = Anglos + Russians vs Germans (French surrender)
I heard rubles are worthless these days.
There are lots of GDP's, uneducated moron - GDP PPP or nominal, GDP per capita nominal or PPP. Whatever do you mean?
If you're talking about GDP and not per capita, that means you're stupid since Russia has 160 million people, of course they'll have a higher GDP than Bulgaria.
Per capita is what matters, but I'm getting sick and tired of trying to educate you.
Tipping fucks up everything, doesn't it?
lol, lets with per capita, you educated poor man
Higher than Russia. Before you start throwing at me meme statistics from 2014, think for a sec.
i think you should check again
The mullahs have their money here too. But I'd much rather be surrounded by european countries that dont touch me than by islamic countries that dont touch me.
Ivan, if we want your opinion, we will take it from your cold dead mongoloid body
Those slavs are going to bugger your fresh limey ass every night
just like everyone whom tried to conquer russia, yes? like hitler and napoleon?
actually since Ivan the Terrible, the anglosaxons always felt that russia is a menace/obstacle to their geopolitical strategies
Britain has always opposed hegemony over Europe. Britain fought against Charlemagne, the Hapsburgs, Napolean, Hitler, the Soviets and now the EU. Nobody shall rule over the whole of Europe. Never! Europe will always be divided.
BIS, which is Rothschild central, is in Switzerland, so you're totally right. Shekels gotta be counted.
Do you identify more with Russian Slavs or Polish Slavs?
>1 ha I think, even to foreigners,
Wrong. Only russian citizens can participate in this programm
>Russia RUNS the EU behind the scenes.
Wow, that's rich. Are you trolling or you just THAT mental?
If anyone rules the EU - it's USA and Turkey
>Ivan the Terrible
This triggers me all the time. Why the fuck they translate "Гpoзный" as "Terrible"?
I mean the word "Fearsome" is much more fitting.
>Foreigners are also allowed to use the land, and the registration of full property rights is only possible after the naturalization of potential owners.
I don't think rt would be lying about this
as I said, since him Russia has always been a target, and they got no morals or principles, they use everything they can at war, like the demonisation of everything russian
Tbh It's Mongolia, did you hear anything about them?
Well if you want to join Russian Civil War( wich is very close)on any side you are welcome
You can join rightist leftist or evern islamist( in case you are paki )
tell me more
>people want to serve another nation
How much of a cuck can someone be? It's the foremost duty to defend fatherland against the inner & outer enemies.
Russia doesn't care about Europe, all they want is to increase their influence.
Beside that, Russia is a shit hole compared to Western standards of living. Soldiers in Russia literally gave to live like Roaches.
'Terrible' back when Ivan was first known primarily meant 'fearsome' or 'awe-inspiring'
The English language isn't a conspiracy against you, potato
>foreigner serving the Russian military
>wanting to be the bitchboy of the conscripts
There's a reason why even Russians want to avoid conscription
>risking your life to impose multiculturalism on uncucked nations
no thanks, go and suck on merkel's saggy tit you stupid eu-loving kraut
fuck off jew
>Russian Civil War
get gassed.
Yes, you are a cuck
Give me an AS VAL or a Vintorez and we'll talk.
enjoy ur v&
Yes please
I want to fight alongside our greatest historic ally
why? because I want to fight against the EU instead of for it?
are we saying mass-immigration and cultural suicide is a good thing now?
>>ukrainians >>slavs
The only reason why there is a surplus is because massive EU funds my friend :)
If only said funds were used to fix infrastructure...