So is Europe just gonna sit there and take it? You cucks are literally losing your right to free speech tomorrow and you're all just going to sit there and take it in the ass? You're going to throw away everything your ancestors fought for because you care more about your comfy lifestyle then you do your freedom? Honestly if that's the case then you deserve what's coming to you.
So is Europe just gonna sit there and take it...
Other urls found in this thread:
>You cucks are literally losing your right to free speech tomorrow
Free speech doesn't apply to private platforms like Facebook. They aren't government entities.
Yes, because the jew media told us is good. I can understand western cucks not understanding this coz most of them never experienced censorship but ex comunist countries embracing it after a max of 30 y from communism it's plain retarded. It s like they have fucking amnesia
Yes they are, it's a law and not a FB corporate policy, it's cooperation with government and turning contact info over to police. Police are going to arrest people for having opinions.
This is how the west finally dies, with the sheep willingly led to the slaughter. The masses will approve of this after years of indoctrination by the media and the education system. There will be no Brexit, the British will tie the noose around their own necks. They will willing vote for the boot on their necks.
The globalists have won, they played the slow game ever since the end of WW2. The migrants flooding the west are nothing but pawns in their game for total world dominance. They are being used to break the back of the only group who could possibly resist their tyranny, the white race.
This is it Sup Forums, this is the sun setting on our culture and our once bright future. We will be bred out of existance, replaced with a brown horde of dull expendable cattle that they can control with ease.
This news has depressed me more than anything else these past few years. The dictators won. They buried their plans deep, hidden under the guises of tolerance and fairness.
The dusk is upon us Sup Forums, and soon darkness will descend on the west and what it stood for. Things are going to get much, much worse.
Slippery slope
What new legislation are you talking about?
have you converted to Judaism yet? I'm not even kidding. Get started now so it looks authentic
>it's always the worst before it gets better
The west is not going anywhere
But the immigrants are people too and should be protected at all costs.
Why don't you care about Chad, Africa?
>meanwhile nobody gives a shit about that over here
>meanwhile muricas get butthurt about what happens 5000 miles away from them
Control your freedom feelings faggot
The EU has state-mandated tolerance laws now. You can't say anything that's anti-immigrant, anti-Islam, or perceived as hate speech. You can be fined, jailed, and censored for doing so.
It also outlaws Holocaust denial, anti-Semitism, and "totalitarian ideologies" (in practice, though, they won't enforce the law against Communists)
You're going to care Luigi when you and your family are being rounded up and sent to re-education camps.
Wow and I thought America was getting bad. Probably only a matter of time now before that happens over here as well.
Google, facebook and some other "social" sites agreed on deleting hatespeech. Something that's been there for quite some time already.
It's just that some czech cunt that wants to make a name for herself brought it up recently.
It's not some global law with capital punishment as some individuals like to paint it.
I can still call you a nigger cumsucking faggot, the only difference is that those service providers promised to delete it in 24 hours.
That shit only happens in the average wet dreams of murica people you all fags have wet dreams about wars and shooting people
slippery slope
I wouldn't even believe this shit would happen 4 years ago, who knows what's in store for you fellars
""""People""""" with the same skills as cattle with the possibility of some farming skills. I doubt they are sentient. Overall a negative yield on society.
>Stockholm syndrome
Its how Slavery lasted for thousands of years.
Humans can endure depravity for a very long time even if they don't like it.
No it isn't. As long as youhave no idea about the policy making process of the EU and aren't able to see the difference between a code of conduct and a la, better go back to prep school or kill yourself
Yeah the fact that they just seem to be taking this like it's nothing really says a lot. The EU could make it illegal to not be a Muslim tomorrow and those cucks would probably just bend over and conform. Europe really is a pathetic country.
So will Facebook, Youtube, and Twitter only censor stuff written by EU cucks, or by everybody? Can EU cucks still post on Sup Forums?
I have more freedom of speech then you have in USA. That's a fact.
>t. CIA employee
They are already censoring you too.
And evidently I can still post.
Wheres the statement or evidence of this statute being implemented so soon? I've read the pdf but it seems that it's existed for some time is there any evidence of them planning to implement this so soon?
Fuck meant to quote the OP
>Eu member
>Freedom of speech
Choose one(1) and only one
We need to start reading up on Samizdat before Google / FB / MSFT / TWT remove all knowledge of samizdat.
Samizdat FTW!
Kek believes this is an American cause.
why haven't you left the EU yet? Poland keeps getting cucked by it.
We can say whatever we want, you on the other hand are fucked. Polish people are turning into batshit crazy maniacs if somebody tries to take their freedom.
>Mark cuckerberg please censor all dissent in Europe
>ok Frau merkel
This is ok though because fagbook is a private company right?
EU law is EU law.
We are in the same boat until you leave the EU.
Reminder that this is the official "online hate speech code of conduct" legislation that's starting soon in EU.
Interests I guess. It's complicated right now. In order to join EU we had to destroy out industry, but we agreed and went into services and got good at it. Now is the time to slowly rebuild the industry and then we will probably move out of EU.
You have free speech, you fucking idiots.
Just stop using Twitter and Facebook. Take a principled stand, dump them and turn them into Myspace or Bebo because of this shitty censorship nonsense.
But will you do that? No, will you fuck. Because you're all so addicted to the fucking serotonin hits that come from the attention.
Fucking millennials, man...
How does it feels to know that if theres a ww3 poland will be the bitch of everyone again at least Italy would be like the second bitch
EU law needs someone to implement that law in Poland.
Because it's just an agreement among the big players (facebook, google, twitter) and EU who in return, will not regulate their shit as much as they usually do. That. Is. Literally. It.
It's not a law. But hey, atleast clappers have something to "id's habbenning!!!" over.
Let me know when they start to sober up
Dopamine hits. But agreed my friend. I don't use any social media *tips minora*
Of course Millennials will passively accept this. Everyone will for that matter.
Who cares about free speech when there's reality TV to watch?
And the EU is trying exactly that.
Poland might be in the middle of it again, but this time it will be completely different. First of all, everyone want Poland to be the buffer zone. As long as Poland seems weak we are safe. Our strength is in our unity as a nation and it's probable that white Westerners will hide in Poland during Islam outburst in 10-20 years from now.
Better start deleting those Face/book accounts if you really care about your freedom.
Poland - the only country with balls
Sure, this just opens up market opportunities for better social networks without the ideology of cuckbook.
...and ? What's the result ? Same as in Hungary ? You must realize that EU is a failed institution with imperialistic aspirations. It will collapse because it's ruled by idiots like Schultz that have no idea how to rule.
>It's totally okay if Facebook reports apostates to the Saudi beheading services guys! It's local law!
You think you can delete a Facebook account?
Everything is saved wether you like it or not.
I completely agree that the EU is a complete disaster.
But until you leave there are many laws the EU enforces upon you.
Was just reading the Protocols.
In it they talk about how after years of media and political programming, the mob will WILLINGLY handing over their freedoms and rights to a higher govt.
In trying to exercise their power and liberty, they actually give up with consent.
>you have free speech, but just not over the phone and the internet because they're private platforms
Oh yes, this kind of thing has never happened before in history right? Do you think Europe is somehow immune to totalitarianism?
There's a huge difference between a private company censoring tweets or whatever, and a government policy under which people can be ARRESTED for wrong opinions.
Really, you see no problem with an "agreement" (collusion) between giant multinational companies and people who make laws? Why do you trust a foreign government that rules from afar so much?
God damnit europe. Fucking do something about this shit before it starts fucking happening everywhere.
It's different when the "private company" is big enough to be it's own nation and essentially has a monopoly on the thoughts and speech of everyone in the developed world.
>panders to Sup Forums by calling Europeans cucks
>calls Europe a country
Nice psyop/mandala effect thing you got goin' on there, Shekelberg.
Haha why would anyone make illegal not to be muslim your ideas are so messed up also
>europa country
I kek'd
>m-muh freedom cargo cult
>"you deserve what's coming to you" which are mostly problems my country is causing, but I get to act condescending because my Jewish overlords throw me occassionally a bone like muh freedom of speech (but not freedom of consequence) and muh gunz
Americans everyone.
Man you have little knowledge about Polish people. When it comes to law we are escape artist and I mean real geniuses. Our law is so twisted and complicated because of that, that being a lawyer in Poland is a nightmare (especially when it comes to finances). EU is not ready for this kind of resistance. Some of the law will be implemented, sure, but you can be also sure there will be a lot of exploits.
Yes, I agree. I wasn't defending Twitter or Facebook's actions since both have the power to change the outcome of elections.
reported to the thought police
enjoy the "rehabilitation" :)
>le witty comment referencing current situation :-dDDD
"Muh guns" are the only thing keeping Obama from declaring himself President for life. We got c.ucked for a long time, but once Trump is office, it's all over. Meanwhile, you guys have no hope in sight.
Don't worry though, we'll still take in European refugees into the US when the islamic shit starts hitting the fan in Europe, even though you thumb your nose at us.
As an example I give you a history of 100 Wat light bulb (they are quite popular in Poland) that were ruled as not kosher and should not be produced or sold in any EU country. Do you know what Polish producers did ? They've created 99 Wat light bulb. I was loling my ass off.
Europe will sort itself out eventually, they always do.
But just like always, it will take a war. They've never been the type to get things done peacefully.
Give it a few years
>"Muh guns" are the only thing keeping Obama from declaring himself President for life.
I like those fictional scenarios when Obongo could pull off his shit for 8 years without nothing, but I guess it's ok, b-because a-at least he's not p-p-president for life.
>We got c.ucked for a long time, but once Trump is office, it's all over. Meanwhile, you guys have no hope in sight.
If our presidential election taught be anything then it's: Get him elected first, let's talk then :^)
>Don't worry though, we'll still take in European refugees into the US when the islamic shit starts hitting the fan in Europe, even though you thumb your nose at us.
>h-help us with our shitty demographics and abandon your ancestral homeland so that you can become a rootless mongrel like me
The Balkans were half a millennium under Islam and they're all more dignified nations than the diverse melting pot that is the goodest goyims of America.
It will never happen
unless someone wants it to happen someone with enough power to make it happen and with interests on a global scale war and a muslim with a c4 bag killing a few civilians is surely not the person who will make it happen
Why do American a pretend that they are all one step away from overthrowing their government to defend their rights
You didn't do shit about the Patriot act lol
We're electing Trump.
>You cucks are literally losing your right to free speech tomorrow
As others have pointed out
>it's on private platforms which pretty much already deleted hate speech
>it's for inciting violence (kill all the migrants!) and approving of genocide (Hitler was right! We should gas all these migrants)
It always existed, just not in form of law. Kikebook always deleted this kind of comments.
As long as it's not used to silence dissertion it's doesn't affect anyone
You Brits better fucking show up and vote to Brexit. Look what the EU is ducking doing to you
So should we be expecting a war anytime soon.
>ah made a cross next to da right name, dat mean I doing more than yuropoor cucks
>let's ignore that he's not even in office yet
>or that he's a civic nationalist at best
>and a kike lover
I love how delusional Americans are.
It's gonna be OK senpai. Just hit the gym.
Because we are literally experiencing a non violent revolution. No one trusts the media anymore, people are ditching political correctness and white guilt in droves, and Trump was the catalyst. The straws were building up for a long time, the camel's back finally broke.
If they try and steal it like they did in Austria, pic related.
>As long as it's not used to silence dissertion it's doesn't affect anyone
Nigger that's exactly what it will be used for. Used to silent dissent about Islam.
If this were happening here, I don't think I'd be alone in doing the following:
>post "illegal" thoughts online.
>lock and load.
>wait for police to show up to arrest me.
>epic shootout ensues.
Regulating free speech is something I wouldn't stand for. I would also make it known exactly why I went that route, and would live stream the whole thing. I might die, but better dead than red.
>le psychology 101 parabel
>i-if you don't like my 62% white country that's run by a nigger and in the tight grasp of the kikes then that means you want to secretly live here
I can go to work in a Muslim community without hearing a whisper about Sharia or fearing that they might blow me up. Can you say the same in Eurabia?
>In court
>Deny setting up the account
>Someone must've used my info
>Need to be proven you set u the account to be guilty
>Go free
That easy.
>last time they could have stopped it
>Can you say the same in Eurabia?
I don't know, I'd have to drive a few hours to Vienna to find a muslim community in the first place.
It's funny that you posted that grape picture, considering all Americans are doing here is going "a-at least our foreigners aren't moslems,that makes it ok that they're way more numerous than in any country in Europe".
Lmao you have no idea how much the government knows about you, do you? They could literally trace the Facebook account to the device it was created on and verify that that device belonged to you.
>immigrants are people too and should be protected at all costs.
this is the retarded hive-mindset that allows placing invading hordes of muzzies above the citizens of the country. it's time for the people to demand accountability from their governments and refuse entry and assistance for these invaders. let them go back to their countries like Syria and fight for their freedom.
It starts off with facebook, then the next thing you know is obligatory propaganda videos on a fake-youtube platform and brainwashing.
Remember to be tolerant
Do not question the government
God Exists
God is Government
>that makes it ok that they're way more numerous than in any country in Europe".
We have more Whites than any country in Europe too. Plus we're about to drop that 60% number to about 25% in 8 years of Trump. SMASH YOUR CELL PHONES!
true. The west is doomed, the rising alt right is like the swelling around a mortal wound. The Jews have taken over the west and are sucking it dry. Within a few generations it will all come crashing down with none but the Jews living on.
>I like those fictional scenarios when Obongo could pull off his shit for 8 years without nothing
yeah because Obismal using some executive orders is the same as declaring oneself president for life.
>The EU has state-mandated tolerance laws now. You can't say anything that's anti-immigrant, anti-Islam, or perceived as hate speech. You can be fined, jailed, and censored for doing so.
And that's bullshit.
Stop making it look worse than it is when you actually believe it is bad. If it is as bad as you think you would have no reason to exaggerate it.
You can criticise all you want, hate speech isn't allowed (and it never was here), i.e. literally threating a group of people or generalizing ("all refugees are rapists").
Maybe it helps conservatives in Europe actually stepping their game up, using their brain more and stop behaving like dumb nazis, pic related.
What the fuck can we do? We have the whole Europe against us. I'm going to leave as soon as I get my degree, but aside for that, there is nothing I can do.