It's November of 2016 and the election results have just come in, and they are
>Hillary - 50%
>Trump - 48%
>Johnson - 2%
What's your reaction?
It's November of 2016 and the election results have just come in, and they are
>Hillary - 50%
>Trump - 48%
>Johnson - 2%
What's your reaction?
Other urls found in this thread:
>trump gets majority electorate anyway
An even greater hatred of libertarians than I thought possible.
My rage and fury could propel humanity to the stars if harnessed as a power source.
Pfft, Deez Nuts will get more than Johnson
Perfect, i just made popcorn.
No matter who wins, we're in for the ride of a lifetime.
I don't have a reaction.
I get up.
I leave.
And I live in a cave for the rest of my days, eating berries, wild animal meat, and drinking water from the nearby lake.
Disappointed that Johnson didn't get more. He needs at least 5% for automatic ballot access in 2020 and matching funds.
>Deez Nuts
quit my job get on neetbux and do my part to bankrupt the evil beast that clinton will no doubt turn the US into
Who makes these? lol
My life is wasted on memes
>Post yfw Trump pulls a dubya repeat
I'm getting to that point now. Fucking liberals man
The last time I saw that nigger it was tied to a bed in Se7en.
Drop out of society. Go on neetbux. There is nothing left
I beat my Johnson in anger to anime.
Start building my emergency suicide kit.
If Trump loses, every Trump voter should quit his industry job the next day and join welfare.
Crash the system with zero survivors. Make your country realize who really runs it.
Laugh at my television as I watch Libertarians get hung from trees.
>What's your reaction?
Amusement. You had one shot and you missed it big time.
Johnson is preventing 52-48, not 50-50.
>Johnson getting any results to speak of
Only in a Libertarian's fantasy.
Johnson is a joke.
How fucked is Hillary if Bernie decides to go independent?
How irrelevant Johnson would be?
>Libertarian party isn't dead on arrival for 2016
Admit it, Sup Forums. Admit that the only reason many of you pull for trump is because you just wanna watch greatest and funniest political spectacle in US history. You just wanna watch the world burn and have a spray tanned, dumbass, racists moron at the top.
The ultimate sacrifice to Lord Kek
Pretty much this to be quite fucking honest with you familial entity.
I'd be fappin all over the world if a libertarian candidate managed to get 15% of the votes just so a third party could get represented on television and maybe sway everyone who hasn't decided yet.
Him fucking it all up is only the backup plan of entertainment. Pretty much every Trump supporter here genuinely believes he's the safest, most trustworthy option. But the agenda is set by the establishment, and any attempt to go against that is dealt with by the CIA anyways.
people are already prepared for that. those who have been long expect the worst in life.
the jews are going to keep pushing until first shot is fired, then civil war. rebuild with what's left after it settles.
I honestly think he'll succeed in exactly what he wants to do.
...however, if he fails miserably and ushers in the apocalypse? Whatever, it's a win win. Make America Great Again or bust.
We can go to a cave together and watch the world fall over if you want Canuck.
>yfw It's taken to Supreme court and stuck at 4-4
Not happening, the latest polls show Johnson takes more from Shillary than from Trump.
And then you starve to death because Americans can't survive outside without McDonalds and mobility scooters.
more like
>It's November of 2016 and the election results have just come in, and they are
>Putin - 146%
>Hillary - 7%
>Sanders - 3%
>Trump found hanged in his tower, with empty pill bottles lying around
Face it - if Putin would want to be the president of USA, he would be.
you wot m8
>you had one shot and you missed it big time says the austrian
Where is everyone?
Where is everyone?
Where is everyone?
Where is everyone?
Trump isn't dumb or racist
get used to more and more Russian shitposters. They are coming from 2ch /po thinking they can change the narrative of /pol
Hey Bergjude, you do realize that HALF of all Austirans voted a right wing party. You know how big a win that is? And you do realize that the president has no power whatsoever?
It made the realists in this country even angrier that Hofer lost by 20k votes (and a little bit of voter fraud). Real elections are around the corner, you can shit on us then should the FPÖ loose that one, which I doubt.
>Rosen Center Hotel
>Europe just got fucked
>Canada has been fucked
>Russia is a bunch of Slavs
I'd feel homeless. Like I had no where to escape from this insanity. Maybe I'd go to Alaska where Americas influence has little hold.
Filling out my immigration forms to help make america great again
I guess it can't be helped...
given that gary johnson is shit, and is taking more votes from Hillary than from Trump, i would call this unlikely. Vote McAfee if you're going libertarian. he is the only one there who isn't trying to put a foot in the democrat party to get votes
Explain how he's racist.
be glad that Johnson stole 2% of Hillary's votes so the election was closer
Drink until I think I'm talking but I'm actually yelling and I don't realize it. Just like almost every other day.
Maybe send Johnson a sternly worded letter if I'm feeling particularly ambitious.
>being too autistic to understand that misery loves company
Hah. Hah.
Too far away as far as I'm concerned.
Operation Weiterwurschteln isn't gonna stop all that soon.