Lushsux: Sup Forums's official artist

I nominate Lushsux as Sup Forums's official artist.

If you guys don't know, lushsux is basically a shitposter in the streetart/graffiti community (and of course he's Australian).

His latest stunt was going to the National Gallery of Melbourne and putting his artwork in the bathrooom and other shennanigans:

You might recognize him from this video:

But it seems he's a fellow Sup Forumsack based on his latest instagram posts.

Dude's hilarious, check him out. What're your opinions?

>Pic related; it's by Lushsux.

His instagram:

His YouTube channel (think he stopped posting):

I'll bump with his artwork and "artwork"


go fuck yourself
zyklon ben for lyfe

Dude's actually pretty talented. Another work by him

Yeah, but he's a cartoonist. I feel like lushsux would do shit if we tell him to.

Do none of you Aussiefags recognize him?

>Be arguing with libfag SJW
>They call me Nazi
>Stranger takes my side and say I'm not a Nazi (based on what I've said)
>I actually am

Who else here /isexactlywhattheysayyouarebuttheycantproveit/

The dude literally puts up memes.



Bump if you're enjoying his shit


Memes hard

He just stole our smuggies and is making bank off it

this is fucking stupid. if you like this shit you are part of the problem


His work is literally just the jokes from that counter-signal Facebook page but with slightly better art

Bump for interest.

These all look incredibly familiar...

Original meme made by Sup Forums around 2015

Art by Lushsux made around 2016

Ah THAT'S why they looked so familiar

>our smuggies
They are counter-signal memes for fashy goys m8.

Yeah lush is pretty cool. He's a metalhead which is mad because most graffiti dudes in Australia are wannabe hardcore faggots or just dirty dero gronks.

Lush has always been pretty counter culture too.

breddy gud

I mean, he's not claiming it's original. Artists steal.

Plus, that's the whole point of memes anyways. To share and spread.

This is truly Australian-tier IRL shitposting, leafs have to do something to catch up. Disgusting.