I fucking hate Americans...

i fucking hate Americans, whenever they want something to go their way they just say "muh amendments" but when they want to fuck over someone else they act like it dosent exist
god you guys are annoying

low quality bait.

thanks for telling us.

t. eurocuck

>fuck over someone else
dear foreign faggot
our const doesn't protect you
your const doesn't protect us
kys to find out more


The only reason other countries do not have access to weapons is because the USA has disarmed them.

i diddnt mean with other people outside of the usa
i mean with other americans
>gun controll
muh amendment
>free speech
oh no we cant have that

The Trips of truth have spoken.

You're silly!

trap thread?


What planet are you on?
The people who are anti-gun are also anti free speech.
The people who are pro second amendment, are also pro free speech.


Build your shithole country into the most powerful in the world and you can do whatever the fuck you want as well.

Go back to tumblr

So. You're posting on an American Anime Imageboard, hosted on American Servers, using The Internet, an American invention to complain about Americans? Boy, you sure do love Americans dont you?

Do you honestly think we give a fuck about you shitholers? I bet not in my entire life has your third world shit hole even glanced my conscious mind.

I dont consider usa to be a country but many countries under a government
But k


American here. We genuinely don't care what you think.

If it's done in the name of more money, people are down for it.


then why did you even post at all?
that just proves you do care

Sadly, that's no longer true. In a frightening twist, the right is now also the bastion of free speech. It's bizarre.

>god you guys are annoying
Yet here you are, crying like a little bitch with a skinned knee.

Remake of futaba channel.
True american servers.
Invented by guys of european descent your point being? And btw designs of the concept of internet were also made in france and the uk.
Not gonna comment on the last paragraph. Deal with your inferiority complex alone.

ur tilt is uncanny

Is this gif made to provoke
epileptic seizures?

op canada is just another state of usa so u american too

Hes right yk - >

united states is #1 at everything
that includes being bad at everything

I hate living here, USA sucks. This place is a craphole.

op here
not canadian

Cry about it kid

I know what you're saying, I hate living here in my shithole country that isn't the united states

honestly, if OP is from a 1st world country he's got zero reason to be jealous. We lag behind on virtually every important metric here in the US - health, happiness, even fucking infant mortality. It's fucking sad.


>be me
>Amerifat of burgerland
>go to grocery store and buy cheetohs
>tip the attendant for watching me scan all my items at the self checkout aisle
>walk out of store and get robbed by nigger for cheetohs
>muh reparations nigga
>tip the nigger for not killing me
>call the police
>tip the police to only shooting me in the arm and letting the nigger get away
>take police to Supreme Court
>tip supreme court for throwing the case out
>tip my lawyer for losing the case
>april rolls around, taxes are do
>tip the american government for not taking away my rights
>oh wait

>right is now also the bastion of free speech


You forget to add in the fact that we have so many niggers, most other countries you quote dont have millions of nignogs running around being 81% of ALL CRIME in the USA.


The right is, just as the left is, a "bastion of free speech" if and only if you say the dumb bullshit they want you to say.

> kid
Careful with those sharp edges

Most Americans don't want to admit this. That's the problem.


All the more reason to make guns illegal, or at very fucking least a whole lot harder to get ahold of.

Because your pharmacy company's build big cartels.
Which is why the medicines you buy costs only a fraction of the cost in canada

another thing i dont like about you americunts, you all have a massive ego and a superiority complex

yeah but remember the golden rule of america
"muh amendments"




America is a group of continental bodies and not a country. Learn your fucking geography.
The people of South and central America have been here for ages longer than any of you. They are the real Americans. Not you. Hence 'of America' at the end of United States. You're just Statesmen.


she is so hot

No we don't you insignificant piece of shit.

and back to this point...
you guys are just making yourselves look like idiots at this point


I know I love her. this one too

You do know in the UK most kill with knifes right? Banning something doesn't stop killing, it never has. All that happens is something else is used

In ny opinion the worst part is they take every critism against something that might go wrong in the US personally.
Their national pride is injured when you mention one thing that questiobs their fragil wold view of being perfect,superior and the center of the world.

Nowadays everything is called "cringe"

Bad troll is bad.

This post is a textbook example of how not to troll.

You're sin isn't saying something disagreeable. It's much worse: you're a bore.

cry somemmore fagget

Still less murders per capita

>unironicly saying troll
please leave


homicides per capita in the US is way more that of UK or most of europe. People will always kill each other, no fucking shit.

>when you dont have anything to say but you still want to look like a moron so you shit out a buzzword and a meme

>le edgy meme XDDDD

To be fair the .png too doesnt really have an argumentative statement

The laws are different such as you are allowed to kill intruders in America (idk if self defence murders are classed as murder)

It does keep someone from walking into a club/school/mall and killing a dozen people tho.
Honestly it's not even about the guns why you cunts get so many shooting. Yall are just plain fucked up, no other first world country has that issue.

Then crack down on gangs not guns. Pretty obvious

No, here in the UK you get blown up/stabbed by Muslims instead!

Cry moar

They don't even know what "muh amendments" is. In the 1970s, some college kids circulated a petition asking to add ten amendments to the Constitution (yep, the very same Bill of Rights) and folks beat them and called them god-damned commies. And just last year, NPR tweeted bits of the Constitution and…

but highscores are so kewl, it what makes america, america. It is a form of art, poetry in motion if you will, that captivates the soul.



waddup wiv u mang

tell you what. if you hate us so much stop using everything we invented. oh wait you cane because every aspect of everyones lives either depends on what we invented or are so ingrained into your lives it would become so much less conveniant.

Guns don't kill people.
Stupid muriKKKans kill people.


Note how the only replies to my statement were cancerous.

oh jeez you must have had some serious contribution when the lightbulb was made, amerca. im so sorry for ever calling you bad because a single guy made a thing i use, oh i should be burned at the stake shouldnt i?


>how do i crop





For quads... I will.

There's a vola for her?

< Most Americans. Meanwhile there are people legit getting jimmies rustled about a country who couldn't give less of a fuck about their shithole. Shut the fuck up and keep consuming our culture and innovation and we'll continue not to give a fuck about your irrelevant lives.

Only one of the two is currently trying to outlaw speech they don't like. Go talk to young progressives, they don't believe in the FA anymore.



i diddnt know land wales had culture