>day of vote: "I'm like totally for sovereignty and all but on second thoughts i don't want the economy to collapse if we Brexit. So Remain it is.."
This is how Brexit will lose
I'm really curious how it will turn out.
And I'm glad you are performing that experiment and not us.
People typically opt for the devil they know, rather than uncertainty. But maybe Brits might fucking wake up to the undemocratic shitfuck that is the EU.
If terroristic acts in June will happen(ramadan, Euro 2016, etc) how will British society will react?
I'm voting brexit just to spite my m8 who talks about how leaving is bad.
sure showed him
When things are going well people will choose the least risky path, what's the point in adding risk if things are good already?
When things are not going well people will choose risk to give themselves the chance of getting out of the shit.
So, are things going well?
Immigration ok?
Terrorism/domestic safety?
Sovereign and private debt?
Productivity (GDP per capita)?
Standard of living increasing?
You tell me?
Why not just educate yourself and realise how lucky you are that you have a vote in this once in a lifetime opportunity.
what do the projections look like?
Isn't it funny how you take 27 or so democratic countries and end up with something that's perceived to be undemocratic? (Yes, here on the mainland too.)
But besides that: I saw an hour long BBC film yesterday "For richer or poorer". They interviewed both sides of course, and both sides agree that leaving will cost them in the first few years. After that it's really a question how Britain manages its economy. It could go well, or it could go like in the 1960s and early 1970s.
German below is glad England is performing the experiment, not them! Isn't that things a German coward would say. England has never been afraid to stand on her on feet! proud of you England for keeping the pound, your own money, and for voting to get out of Islamic servitude. you have nothing to fear but fear itself.while The Germans are wringing their hands with Islam you will be building the natural relation with your brothers across the pond. fuck the EU.
>what do the projections look like?
they are at 50/50 and they will stay 50/50 to get the remain vote out.
You dont think they are going to publish the truth about this, do you ?
You forget that Britain has much more muslims then we do, because they started importing them en masse from their commonwealth before it was cool.
Also if the refugee flood really WERE an EU thing, how come states like Poland can just refuse to accept any, and get away with it? Truth is every country can just close their borders if they like.
because the EU has been infiltrated with Kalergi Plan enacting politicians while the former warsaw states know mass immigration is a tool the Soviets used to destroy local culture.
In short, after living under commie rule they know better. Western Europe is hypercucked.
Are you implying the Trump phenomenon?
where polls decide to be 15% off from what the jewish media said it would be in order to encourage people to not vote?
>encourage people to not vote?
in this case, the opposite.
they need to create fear among remain people to get out and vote.
Leave people are all committed already.
It could play either way
> holy shit get control of borders right now
> we must stand together with our EL allies :^)
No. You can't compare our opinion polls to Americans ones that are always paid for by one party and have a hidden agenda. Ours are sponsored by institutions that don't seek to influence people, but get a reading on them in order to prepare for things.
So if European polls say its 50-50, then it's really close to that. Of course there's always a few percent error margin.
enjoy being prosecuted by EU law in the future and sent to a "rehabilitation program" for questioning immigration
but hes saying that
oh wait your on Sup Forums all you brits will be prosecuted.
Brexit will lose no matter what.
The entire government and military and intelligence systems want it to lose. Billions are being poured into the media to promote it.
Even if they won the vote, they would rig it.
There is no chance it will pass, no matter what.
The last UK election states you are completely and 100% wrong.
try again.