What did he mean by this?
What did he mean by this?
Isn't Venezuela in a state of total chaos right now
Wish we could just execute every single communist
if the election were free from capitalists which are the american people bernie sanders would win
im fairly certain he meant something like that.
We need Bernie Sanders in the White House, to turn America into another Venezuela.
elect Bernie guise! you too can enjoy a socialist utopia where there is no toilet paper available!
Bernie is losing the popular vote as well as the delegates needed.
Maduro is a fucking clown. Yea lets make america as bad as fucking venezuela is where eggs are selling 150 dollars a fucking pack.
How does he even reach this conclusion? Bernie has raised over 200 million dollars. Trump got more votes than Bernie and hes only raised 60 million
>tfw the only guy who supports you is the president of a country where people are literally eating dogs and cats to survive
Those weren't real communists.
Reminder that Bernie has done best with Caucus states.
As you know, caucuses take a lot of time and therefore has very low turn out ratios.
Time is money, Bernie has done best with caucus states.
Hillary with less time consuming primaries.
Therefore if elections were "free" Hillary would have done better.
Reminder that the Washington caucus was a blowout win for Bernie, but the open primary was a clear win for Hillary.
Even if nobody who voted for Bernie in the caucus voted in the primary then Hillary would have still done better in the open primary after giving Sanders a lot of extra votes.
The system is NOT rigged against Bernie as he has benefitted massively from less democratic caucuses.
If U.S. elections "were free", Bernie Sanders wouldn't throw away 200 million dollars.
>Even if nobody who voted for Bernie in the caucus voted in the primary then Hillary would have still done better in the open primary after giving Sanders a lot of extra votes.
I think I worded that badly.
Even if you give Bernie 200k votes in the Washington primary, Hillary would have still done better in non-binding primary than in the caucus.
And 200k was the complete turnout of the caucus not just Bernie voters.
>communist loses
>the system is rigged i demand a recount
communist candidates are the most salty mother fuckers when they lose.The demand and assume all people voted for them and the system rigged them.They are disillusional fags
>What did he mean by this?
He actually meant that if Austrian elections were free Hoffer would've won.
>an endorsement from Venezuela
>economy in freefall
>people literally starving in the streets
>takes his time to attempt to criticize American politics
Fucking hell. This actually upset me.
Once again proving that Juche is categorically superior to "democratic socialism".
Maduro's fucked too and he knows it.
Tobequitefairfamilia we can't rely on the authenticity of the popular vote when Riggary Clinton is involved. It would probably still be close, but there are a LOT of hyper-entitled, expand-the-welfare-state lefties out there. The Cultural Marxists' Long March through the institutions has been so roaringly successful I have no doubt this election is in danger of being handed right over to a self-professed Socialist Revolutionary. Hell, we handed the 2008 over to a covert one.
Or Bernie isn't as successful as his deluded followers want you to think.
The electorate is dominated by older voters, people who weren't sold on Comrade Sander's socialist horseshit. Bernouts are very loud, but not that numerous.
Why do I care about this nobody?
DNC rigged it so that independent voters didn't count.
Bernie's largest amount of supporters are Independents.
fucking lol
like clockwork
Breadlines are a GOOD thing.
except you are all wrong.
the system is rigged.
hillary has not been getting more votes than bernie.
Well if you want to nitpick hows the great capitalist country of brazil doing?
Why would anyone care what the president of a country facing total economic meltdown thinks?
and do you know the solution the DNC and media and white house came up with?
they simply stopped doing exit polls.
Why should the Democrat candidate of the Democrat party be chosen by people not in the party? These are political parties, not government institutions.
nigger what are you smoking
when exit polls are off by more than 2% for a candidate or 3.5% overall the UN demands that the vote be investigated and possible declared invalid.
some of hillary's wins have been when the exit polls are off by more than 10%.
if this happened in any other country the US would declare it a fake election
The system is rigged for Hillary Clinton... which is why, you know, she lost in 2008.
Bernie supporters are such fucking whiners. "Every state that Bernie won is legit; Clinton's wins are fake. Sanders is the most popular politician ever, he can lose fairly, h-he just can't!"
Maduro says free because with Venezuela's inflation even voting paper costs thousands now. He just thinks in the US its the same.
Why should the minority of one party choose the candidat? When in the generals they all get to vote including independents the majority of both parties.
Couldn't the differences be attributed to people opting out of the exit poll? Sometimes a fucking commie really is the lesser wanted candidate.
>US Primaries
>Elections in the slightest
>Venezuelan intellectuals
>There are people who vote to bring this here
>I'll take a self funded campaign for $1,000, Alex.
Up until just recently he has taken no funds from anyone. Clinton and Colonel Sanders are both out to repay their donors
False. Only idiot bernie supporters are saying that she wouldn't have won the popular vote. Even without the rigging, she still probably would have won. That isn't the debate. The debate is how the media and "democratic" political insiders swayed voters into voting for hillary/not voting for bernie.
Bullshit. Exit polls are wrong all the time. You had entrance polls saying Trump was going to win Iowa by five points. You had exit polls in 2004 saying Kerry was within one of Bush... in South Carolina.
Bernie's fanboys are probably more inclined to talk to pollsters outside the polling place.
what is this?
I'm pretty sure most of there GDP is based around capitalism. Look it up.
What is Bernie's opinion on the state of Venezuela's economy?
Why won't he acknowledge or explain the failure of their socialist system?
>minority of one party
Democrats vote for Democrat candidates.
Republicans vote for Republican candidates.
You're bitching that Independents, who have no loyalty or affiliation to the party can't just barge into a nomination process and pick whichever candidate they please in the primaries.
If you're so butthurt over Bernie being snubbed by Democrat VOTERS (and rightfully so, for he is attempting to hijack the Democrat platform for his own gain), tell Bernie to run as an independent.
The popularity of Hussein was too much for even the Clinton machine to work against without damaging her standing with black voters (one of the few groups left too ignorant to not like her).
Sounds like a social construct. Another form of systemic oppression, if you will.
A man in a Venezuelan prison having plastic bottles melted over him and a dead body. He is being forced by other prisoners to eat parts of the dead body.
>also known as: Socialism (Venezuela)
We've been 13 years under a government with socialist tendencies that cares more about giving free gibsmedat to poor people and sending money to Cuba than fixing our economy
While not an exit poll, the biggest polling discrepancy of the entire primary season was in Bernie Sanders' favor.
Because in a radical alt-universe where the DNC actually allows him the candidacy over Clinton or Biden, the 2016 election of Trump V Sanders would be an election for Americans to choose Chile or Venezuela. Sanders, the slimy coward, doesn't want the public to see just how possible it is to see these two potential futures on display.
We burgers know this feel far too well.
>communist sticks up for fellow communist
So we've had Kim Jong Lardass essentially endorse Trump, and now Mad Spurdo is endorsing Sanders.
This election cycle is the best we've had in living memory.
>communist candidates are the most salty mother fuckers when they lose.
This is because they're on the right side of history.
By the way, got your bricks all laid out to dry?
Socialist Free means Not Free.
This is why I want to see a Trump vs Bernie debate.
Capitalist vs Commie
build wall man vs free shit man
The moment Bernie gets hit with Venezuela issue, I want to see him flounder like that interview.
Why does this faggot honestly feel the need to criticize us? I'm honestly kind of annoyed by this considering how many people are suffering because of him.
I kind of wish Sanders did win the election, just so he could redpill liberals about Jews once and for all.