How much does being physically attractive matter?
Do you think attractive people have it easier in life?
How much does being physically attractive matter?
Do you think attractive people have it easier in life?
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No user it's what's inside that matters :^)
How is this even a question? Yes they have it easier in life.
This bitch is about to get $200mil for nothing.
You tell me.
I constantly have people say im handsome//attractive and im starting to feel like its complete bullshit they are saying just to make me feel better. Fuck people.
Of course it matters. Ugly people shouldn't be allowed to breed, fucks up evolution
she is fulfilling a want that people are willing to pay for. If you want $200 million you better make yourself worth $200 million.
that's what yo momma told me when I entered her punani :^)
but to what extent?
do you think ones life would be significantly better if they were beautiful instead of ugly while everything else remained the same?
That's.... that's not how evolution works.
If an ugly person is ABLE to breed, then clearly they have some sort of trait that evolution has selected, is selecting, and probably will select for.
This is like saying songbirds and peacocks are apex predators.
to be fair, if you have constantly things handed on a plate to you for
you don't have as much room/motivation for working on other areas in your life
the pretty bud dumb stereotype exists for a reason
Forgot to say because my life certainly isnt easier by any means.
Yes. This has been scientifically proven. Men and women who are attractive are thought to be more sociable and friendly compared to less attractive people.
Yes, it is playing life on the easy setting.
Yes. We think more positively of people who are attractive. It's called the halo effect.
Good looking person here. Women always smile at me and love talking to me. You get a better mate, but that's the only fringe benefit. Nobody gives me any money or anything.
She's not getting it for contributing anything.
She's getting it because she's divorcing her rich husband that she got because of her looks.
you underestimate the power of high self esteem
Well no shit dick tracy
>Nobody gives me any money or anything.
More attractive people have higher incomes on average. Being attractive gets you money, positions in life and better women.
Being attractive makes it easier to get involved socially, but doesn't preclude it. If you're not attractive you just have to work harder.
For women, it makes a massive difference, but just being a nice pleasant person and hygienic will, still get you far.
For men, not much of a difference, but they "being nice, charming and hygienic" part makes a massive difference
You don't know what edgy means do you?
You can still fuck up your life while being beautiful if you're stupid enough. But ugly people will never have the same opportunities in life beautiful people have.And it's not limited to romance.
The people who really make the big money and really run the show are usually ugly but all smart.
Attractive guy here. The only thing i notice is women like to stare and talk to me alot in everyday life and that's about it.
I would seriously love to have the ability to see myself from the outside so i could see why it was like that, It would be very interesting.
Apart from that i don't notice any advantages or am i just selfblind?
>am i just selfblind
the phrase "check your privilege", actually, refers to self-blindness
Just be yourself. Be a nice guy. Treat women with respect. Just be patient; You'll get your Disney Princess in the end.
>you underestimate the power of high self esteem
True that. Just see David Bowie who was widely regarded as one of the most beautiful men in the world. But in reality he was a wonky-eyed, snaggle-toothed skeleton who never managed to learn to dance properly.
It matters. Read the book "Influence: Science and research".
There is a chapter on what makes a person appealing, and how manipulative people are able to manipulate. When somebody is attractive, they automatically appear to be smart, talented, and nice.
If you just stay at a healthy weight, wear well-fitting clothes and stay well-groomed, you can benefit from this, at least a little bit.
Yeah but the problem is i can't see it i mean i know iam attractive because i have alot of girls either trying to fuck me or they fuck me but i don't understand what everyday advantage i have.
I would love to know what advantages and disadvantages i get.
>You can still fuck up your life while being beautiful
Just look at most whores and pornsluts.
Johnnny pls.
You are so butthurt you had to make a whole thread about it.
Accept it and rejoice, you are about to join the JUST league
Try to reflect on how you tend to interact with other people who are ugly, and other people who are good-looking. This would be your advantage
I'm unattractive in ways that can only be fixed with a lot of Jew gold.
It's rough watching equally qualified people soar above me in life no matter how hard I work.
>I would love to know what advantages and disadvantages i get.
make yourself ugly and see what happens
no shower or shave for three days.
colour your teeth
ratty clothes
then walk around and see how much pussy you get
As corny as that sounds. It actually does work. Just don't be a cynical fuck and lose patience. I have seen some average-below average guys pull chick's way over their league like that.
maybe he can actually pull the hobo look
>How much does being physically attractive matter?
30% for men, 70% for women
>Do you think attractive people have it easier in life?
if you weren't so ugly, you would understand
Thanks for the tips, i will actually try this someday and see what difference it makes on me.
if it's not harder it's easier
As a man your face means very little. Height is more important than being born with a good face. And even if you aren't born tall you can still succeed if you lift weights. You don't need to be in the top 10 percent of males to be successful. If you're average then focus on being better than all the other average people around you. If you're autist then be better than all the autists around you. Women become a reality for any man willing to be brave
Yeah it's called desperate ugly people that haven't been outcast because of PC culture and "acceptance"
Johnny's not allowed back in Australia m8.
Being attractive and charming is huge boon in life. It opens so many doors for you, and you absolutely get treated differently.
I personally don't differ from the way i act with attractive or non-attractive people as far as iam concerned, But i can see that other people interract differently between attractive and unattractive people so i know there is advantages.
>Johnny's not allowed back in Australia m8.
Oh shit it's true, bravo aussies
Nobody cared who I was until I put on the bulk
>30% for men, 70% for women
tbqh it's more important for men, it's the pareto principle, where most women are attracted to a select few men, whereas most men won't really have any problems going for a 6/10 instead of an 8/10 - women are much more selective in this regard.
And yet you call her a bitch, when she does nothing to you?
>I personally don't differ from the way i act with attractive or non-attractive people as far as iam concerned,
You dont have to, you are on the top of the situation.
Dont forget to change the way you walk, and slouch a bit if you are tall.
It makes things easier, people treat you better and are less critical of you. You're allowed to make more mistakes than the average person. It also opens doors in terms of opportunities, and makes you more likely to be promoted. Also invited more often, approached more often, and seen as better than the average person.
Source: me, an 8/10 face male.
Ugly mother fuckers are always hating, but dick less boys will admire you...
There are definitely bad things you can make up... But it's a pretty good life.
At least plastic surgery is getting better.
LOL facelet detected
face is the most important thing
everything else doesn't matter. sorry about you hideous face man
>You dont have to, you are on the top of the situation.
I have never thought about it being like this, Now the picture is alot clearer because i notice that espescially females get very nervous when they talk to me.
>Dont forget to change the way you walk, and slouch a bit if you are tall.
This, I got very good posture according to my friends, They say when i walk it looks like iam marching almost like iam here to claim the space, I suppose military service have left it's marks hehe.
Also iam 185cm tall if that makes a differance.
>implying I only care about myself
>implying I'm not going to call out people that do horrible things to others like any decent person would.
>Malaysian Intellectuals
So you're saying Frame > Height > Face?
No thats not what you were trying to say. Shame on you and your education standards.
Heh... just smile, alright
Bitch is a term of endearment bitch.
I would argue against this because attractive people tend to have bigger social circles and all sorts of orbiters that only talk to you because they want to mate you. This brings a lot of unnecessary drama to life which may bring a lot of unnecessary hurdles to your life. Sure being ugly as fuck will tip the scale to another direction because people don't want to deal with you.
But that depends on what in life gives you value and makes you happy.
Yes. It does matter a lot. That's how biology works.
I used to have a weak chin, and a high jaw slope. I also had flabby thighs. So, I spent money on cosmetic surgery to get a more rectangular, or "nordic" face shape. Immediately, girls looked my way, people happily shook my hand, and it opened doors. Sure, some may get free shit (I don't, except maybe a drink) but it got me hired above others at job interviews, which I then worked my way up much faster than others.
Let's say an ugly person worked hard, and I worked less as hard. We'd be on par. Now me, being much better-looking, also worked hard, I'd have that much more of an edge over him in succeeding for a promotion. I mean, shit. I walked into some pretentious clothing store and got paid to work front-end, goof off, while some ugly guy was hidden in the stockroom and only gets to work seasonal, I.E. for a month or two.
Also, being attractive gives you the social edge for CONNECTIONS. You don't automatically get success, but it gives you a path to walk along.
>Be attractive
>Invited to hang or go to a party
>Meet more people
>Get opportunities
Keywords for all of this. It gives you more opportunities than others.
Being physically attractive is good for men and paramount for women.
Socially you need to be attractive, only loner autists would enjoy being ugly.
However I do think its troublesome when you are higher than a 7/10. Its easy to become alienated because people are intimidated/threatened by you. Particularly women are nasty bitches who will find any reason to tear you apart as a person to try and bring you down to their level while at the time sucking up to you and pretending to be your best friend. People make assumptions about your sex life because a hot girl MUST be roastie slut.
Not sure how it is to be a top guy around other guys, I would assume its similar without the cattyness in as much as it breeds a lot of resentment and a hot guy probably immediate gets labled as a player/asshole of the group.
In day-to-day life its a no-brainer. People generally are nicer and want to put beautiful people on a pedestal. Manipulating the opposite sex is a breeze.
At what age did you undergo cosmetic surgery and how much did you pay? I don't hear often about people undergoing these things.
Well it sums it up.
Being tall also helps a shitload if you're male. 95% of CEOs are at least 5'11"
>tfw goodlooking
>Big dick
Literally won the genetics lottery. I could become very successful in Business, politics or entertainment industry if I worked hard.
>Not sure how it is to be a top guy around other guys
If that "top" guy is genuinely nice and and more than bro-tier, that's practically flattery in a no-homo way.
you can fuck 10/10s all day long as a fat ugly faggot as long as you're rich
you can cuck at least 50% of men on the planet as long as you have a vagina
I've never met an anti-social male or female that was considered a 7/10 or above.
>Not sure how it is to be a top guy around other guys, I would assume its similar without the cattyness in as much as it breeds a lot of resentment and a hot guy probably immediate gets labled as a player/asshole of the group.
I've felt it personally and it's basically other men are intimidated by you and try to be an asshole to you in order to try and bring you down; jealous guys are basically more hostile. Sometimes you won't get invited to things because they're scared you might take their women.
Interestingly enough you can also be "too" attractive and people wont attribute your achivements to talent or hard work.
I went under at 24. I paid about 15 grand.
Jaw implant is a complete chin and jaw piece that wraps around. The jaw width was fine, but the height needed work, so it's has been lowered. That same implant also modified the chin to square out more, instead of being pointy, while also giving it more forward strength, but none going downward.
Cheekbones were lightly modified, and I mean lightly with the smallest implants, mainly to balance out the intensity of the new jaw. They're more intended to fill in, rather than strengthen.
I also did a chemical peel later, but that was only 100 bucks, and all it really did was remove light blemishes and maybe a mole.
>Work hard
If you truly are good-looking, you need to work smarter, not harder. You have tools, use them.
Just b urself
>As long as your rich.
Ugly rich people usually come from old money. New money rich people are typically good-looking.
I knew chemical peels are garbage. Laser resurface or gtfo
sounds like me, i get none.
>People make assumptions about your sex life because a hot girl MUST be roastie slut.
This, The biggest sluts out there are not the 10/10s it is the average or like 4-6 women.
Don't know why it is like that but it is.
>Not sure how it is to be a top guy around other guys, I would assume its similar without the cattyness in as much as it breeds a lot of resentment and a hot guy probably immediate gets labled as a player/asshole of the group.
My friends are bro tier and don't do drama shit because that is for women not for us men.
not only attactive, tall as well. i can't complain but there are some weird facts.
tall people are healthier and wealthier.
don't believe me? check it out.
Dude you do realize that jaw implants cause bone erosion over time right? Back before I got braces I had a weak chin (fixed by braces because overbite) that I was considering a chin implant. The surgeon told me about how overtime the implant will erode my chin bone over the decades and then I noped the fuck out of that.
You're gonna have that thing eating away your jaw bone for at least 50 years.
The problem for me is that while I won the male genetics lottery (I look like Keanu Reeves) I feel like a woman trapped in a male body.
Fuck everything
Chemical peels work, actually. I got the light grade. The more intense, the higher the cost. Also, you will look kinda red for a couple days, but hey, one weekend alone at home is no loss.
Laser removal is more for burns, hairs, obscure rashes, dry wrinkles, and for people who have sun damage(how ironic)
Pic related. What a high-grade (level 3 I believe) chemical peel can do. Mind you, she looks shiny and red, because this image was most-likely an hour after the peel. That goes away, and she probably has an ointment applied.
>How much does being physically attractive matter?
I'm attractive, I basically can get pussy on demand. Girls rarely turn me down. One byproduct though is I'm rather picky.
b-but i can't stick my dick in personality.
Seriously, Sup Forums told me i had good aesthetics once and I took to heart and started winking and smiling at babes and talking louder when going for numbers and actually had more success.
If i was rejected i just thought "kek its her loss the gays and the neckbeards said im good lookin"
Same goes when you are fit, you just have more self worth so rejection dosant really bother you because hey its that cunts loss not yours.
Guys are very obvious when/IF they are aggressive or resentful of a more attractive guy.
There's very little passive aggressive cattyness, unless it's a gay guy, who if feeling threatened will behave exactly how you described a woman would towards another woman.
That withstanding, if guys are friendly towards each other, it's typically genuine. If I get hate, it's not because of how I look but because of some other really stupid bullshit like not living up to ethnic stereotypes.
In my experience it goes LOOKS > PERSONALITY > HEIGHT for guys.
Just look at the people we put on pedestals in Hollyjew. Many of the most successful and popular actors are manlets.
This has absolutely nothing to do with politics.
You do know that implants use a newer material than they used to, right? It's not puddy, plastic, and resin anymore.
Also, I had braces as well. Didn't do shit to help my chin. The chin actually receding with a slope, not from a bite like how British people have weak chins.
It has everything to do with politics.
Identity politics is not politics
Identity politics has ruined Sup Forums
Yes I do realize, and I also realize implants will settle into your bone and erode them. Medpor, silicone, etc; any will gradually erode the bone.
absolutely disgusting.
I hope that the faggot in your pic isn't your idea of attractive.
Actually, it does. It's also a fact of life. People like pretty things.
The same reason why presidential candidates spend so much time trying to look handsome, having the right news anchor-tier hair, the right suit, etc. The only person who doesn't seem to do that is Bernie.
Womans are more likely to rate the majority of men below 5 when all they have is a picture (men do the oppsite men) However physical attraction not as important to women as confidence, money, and power.
Height and Looks are a major factor in politics.
Don't tell me they aren't when a faggot like this can be elected because of it.
Identity politics are the secret underpinnings of all political interactions.
People do not vote with their heads, they vote with their feels.
What people identify with is white drives political direction.
Then so be it. I'd rather die a painful death with a happy, successful life than a lonely and ugly one full of no opportunities.
I got tired of being put to the shitty stockroom positions while some lazy, attractive people got to work front-end and do nothing, while also getting paid more. I got tired of not being allowed to go to parties and network. I got tired of being assumed for a creep. I got tired of being treated on the level of BEANERS I.E. the discount section of people.
Even if end up living an "average" life, it's better than the pleb life than ugly people have.
I would agree with you if it werent for women being allowed to vote, Alot of women vote purely on the fact that they like a politicians way of coomunication/his looks and not for his content.
Otherwise you are correct i belive Sup Forums have been getting alot of /r9k/ tier threads lately.
Nobody ever shouted "Nice personality, I'll show ya an emotionally fulfilling good time baby!"