What are some ways that I can subtley signal that I'm a white nationalist? I want to give off that vibe...

What are some ways that I can subtley signal that I'm a white nationalist? I want to give off that vibe, without leftists in school, work, etc being able to pick up on it and point me out as a WN. I'm talking appearance, taste in music and film, hobbies, etc.

I know this may seem like a stupid question to some of you but I'm completely serious, pls no bully

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conceal your fucking power level

Why would you want to do this?

What a fucking cuck

Shave your head, grow a beard, listen to Screwdriver. Express casual interest in German things.

I think it would be good if we could recognize each other in everyday normie world. Like in the movie Fight Club, guys who were in a fight club could tell when other people were too but normies didn't notice. I think it would give us some kind of sense of unity and brotherhood.

Nice. The kind of answers I'm looking for.

I've been thinking about the shaved head/beard combo. Would go great on a muscled white man such as myself.

Also, I would probably get fired or expelled if I put Hitler quotes all over my Faceberg or got a swastika tattoo on my arm. They can't really do shit if I happen to like , for instance, the band Screwdriver or if I sport a particular hairstyle or something. In a way, I kinda want them to suspect what I am but not be able to do anything about it. Would be super satisfying.

Probably your clothes.

If you were Scandanavian there's some company called "Nordic Wear" which has normal enough clothes, but people in the know know the company is pretty redpilled.

im just straight up cassually racist
and honestly thats not the way to go and i regret it.

A great big swastika tattoo right in the middle of your face
>the subtlest of signals.
Or you could just hide your powerlevel like every one else.

That sounds like what sociopathic trans do all the time.. You don't need to find NS, make them. Go to places of virtue and meet new people who stand for values and dignity. Then drop red pills on them, and presto you got new NS friends, is that easy.

Be a German speaker

Tell people that you're learning German, but only because you love the language and the culture and the history.

The signal for fellow nationalists would be
> You're using Duolingo to learn German too?
> What German textbook are you using to learn the grammar?

Nice. Interestingly, when I googled Nordic Wear it changed it to Nordic Ware, kitchen appliances or something.

Just tell people about how you realy really really enjoyed the new angry birds movie

I rate this thread 14.88/10


I think he means North Face, the company that makes outdoor clothing

these guys: europaexsurgo.com/

advertise on counter-currents.com and radixjournal.com/, and promise to give all proceeds to white nationalist causes.

I got a nice TRS (radio.therightstuff.biz) t-shirt (guy getting thrown out of a helicopter) but I think that sale has ended.

Wear Thor Steinar

I did the same thing and had the same results. Some American appliance company too... checked my flag so its gotta be intentional

Nice. I really want to learn German.

Don't do that. You want to give off that vibe? Just dress nice, stay clean shaven, do your best not too look anything like a modern day liberal. This would include beards for the time being. Just talk about Western things and anything to do with European history. Plus anyone who supports Trump is close and can be red pilled further by giving them more facts. Take an interest in people like Pat Buchanan and Jared Taylor. More importantly, focus on getting your family together and create stability and security in your life, while also having a good network of like minded individuals.

Now, I dont know if you are one of those people, but getting a tattoo and shaving your head is not a good idea if you want to be a symbol for nationalists. Be normal, traditional, not a skinhead. That doesnt inspire people. It makes people want to be away from you and anything you associate with. Imagine a young Donald Trump in college. That would be a good example of what to imitate. .


Say nationalistic things and when leftists act outraged and incredulous, don't give an inch. They will almost always budge because they are faggots. I do this often in college.

>I think all illegal immigrants should be deported.
>yes, 100%
>no nation can exist without being able to control it's borders.
>I don't care

etc. etc.

don't give an inch, but always act calm and controlled.

Also this. Learn German and read German thinkers about nationalism, then articulate their arguments and watch liberals get confused. I like Spengler.

No he does not

"Hey you want to get something to eat after cla-GAS THE KIKES RACE WAR NOW I know this good place on the otherside of town."

Learn Old English.

> getting a tattoo and shaving your head is not a good idea if you want to be a symbol for nationalists. Be normal, traditional, not a skinhead. That doesnt inspire people. It makes people want to be away from you and anything you associate with.

This is exactly what Norbert Hofer said. That's why he got 49.999% of the vote in Austria. His political party used to have a skinhead image, but he changed it to a traditional, educated but still conservative party. Be like Norbert Hofer.

And yes, I learned German so I could actually listen to Norbert in German. He has a delightful Austrian accent.

>these guys: europaexsurgo.com/

This is brilliant. Thank you for showing me this.

This is a very good advice, leftists are beta males and women, they will follow an alpha male who doesn't give an inch, even he is opposed to their ideas.

is this a fucking joke? all the clothing is modeled by curries and the factory employees are all curries


Old english is too different from modern english.
Middle english will make you comprehensible while being a snoot cunt

Great advice. I don't have any tattoos nor have a desire to get any. One way I signal my hate of modern degeneracy is telling people I don't like tattoos, since every slur and druggy is covered with them. You're probably right about beards too. The thing is, I've had a beard for a very long time, way before they became popular, and I just can't bring myself to be clean shaven. I got too much of a baby face.

It is nordicwear.se not your pajeet site

>leftist not agreeing to your opinions
>literally the definition of a bigot

Is that rainbow fashy (cos Nordic) or cucked (cuz Nordic)?

oh shit you guys you are being censored hard

pic related as fuck

Holly fuck they have been taken off line by their web hosters for there views.


Same, but everytime I try I end up getting bored as no one to speak it too.
Maybe set up a pol thing somewhere to practice German?

Ok, I'm triggered. Apparently their site got shut down because of rumors that "certain people" like their clothing. Even though the company itself are apolitical. Fucking hell.

Well look at the picture and think for a sec

>the beaners targeting that guy's family in the video
was glorious actually brought a tear to my eye. On to the topic at hand, you're pretty much correct there. If you want to look like a punk you can get an epic fashy undercut and some other edgy bullshit but the white man's place is in strength, family, and tradition.

I have scars from psoriasis on my face under my beard. I'm not going to lose mine either.

m-m-maybe you could be my German-learning /pol friend?

Western society is going to hell.

Yeah, Fuck it ey?
Why not.

No idea how to organise it, but sounds like a plan to me.

okay ... is this when I post my kik? or my Duolingo username?

Wow, you're way ahead of me.
Just been learning my German out of books.

That's good. I guess it depends on how big the beard is. Doesn't matter too much, the key is to look good and healthy, as well as approachable. You do not want to appear edgy or angry. You can say edgy things but branding is very important.

Also, not kidding here, get a water filter and dont use fluoride toothpaste.


my kik is pinkpuffpoof

Any lurkers can kik me too and I'll start a German /pol group ....

Will download kik

>>without leftists in school, work, etc being able to pick up on it



that's because you're an insincere faggot looking for attention and validation. Faggot.

That's from Father Ted, Season 3, episode 1

Around 4 minutes

i keep a 4 of clubs in my house among some other random shit that just looks decorative and am openly proud of my race. any time this causes issues i can usually softly redpill people or get away with it by being full blood irish.

Americans and Australians trying to teach eachother german... how about you learn proper english first?

how about you focus on being successful, starting a family. Power through money and numbers is the only way.

Talk about facts instead of interpretation.
Should be sufficient.

how about you learn to resist the temptation to sniff the pennies off the ground with that mountain jew nose

Thanks lad

It's like I can smell your greasy brown skin from here.

FFS guys, thorsteinar.de/

Let's assume I'm completely
Retarded. How do I add to kik?

I think you just did

Anecdotes aren't arguments



Jesus people..

dude get Fred Perry polos
I have long hair and people in the know always ask me in a round about way.

Its sKREWdriver

worship your goddess in public
if anyone asks, you just think "shake it off" is really catchy

>Also, not kidding here, get a water filter and dont use fluoride toothpaste.

Why? Legit question.


>Rightwing not agreeing with your opinions
>Definition of bigot

Makes you think...

>tfw no natsoc gf that will read hitler speechs in the bed before sleep


Wear camo and fishing gear all the time.

There are some 'high class' rednecky stuff. Like ducks unlimited, cabbelles and like maybe bass pro shops.

Hopefully you actually hunt and fish too. Ive noticed you can talk about any topic if you're in the middle of the woods

Regularly bake your colleagues and peers little Star of David cookies and tell them "fresh from the oven today :)"

>What are some ways that I can subtley signal that I'm a white nationalist?
>I think it would be good
>Like in the movie Fight Club

>dont use fluoride toothpaste.
topical use is fine. it really does strengthen teeth. just don't ingest it.

Swastika socks.

Start following the Greenbay Packers. Aaron Rodgers is secretly a powerful captain in the White Nationalist front.

Alex Hirsch master race

Plus being a member of Packer nation, opens up a bevy of beautiful buxom babes to you.

The people in my town are either so dense or so timid I barely have to hide anything. I walk around openly with a totenkopf patch on my shoulder, and various runes on my clothing and I have never heard a peep. Perhaps these things are too vague, or people are just keeping quiet, but I genuinely think most normies have very little comprehension of NatSoc symbolism.

Lonsdale/Thor Steinar clothing, black army boots with white laces, Iron Cross necklace or ring.

conceal it.

but white nationalist hobbies may include: reading, tinkering (as in fix stuff when it's broken), dancing (as in waltz etc.), everything your gramps would've done in his life.

think: neo-conservative.

You still caged in the modern mindset, that you have to market your appearance to a target audience and signal your virtues. Just be a healthy fucking white male and don't follow every postmodern fashion, even the degenerate right wing ones.

also, start lifting; pick up a sport. you want to be perpared.

also, rhethoric classes might work for you.

All Nationalists should display the image of a lion somewhere.

Symbolism is clear, and yet there is also plausible deniablity when needed.

They probably think you're some kind of neo-pagan

Black and red shoelaces on workboots are a universal symbol for modern NS. Also the brand Thor Steinar.

I'm late to the thread but fuck all of you saying "Hide your powerlevel like everyone else".

That's exactly what's wrong with the world. If everyone acted that way, Trump would still be at 10% instead of getting his potential.

It's also what makes people think they are on the right side and virtue-signalling universally when they spout cuckshit. If they knew that at least 50% disapprove, then they'd make up their own mind instead of repeating shit to gain goodboy points on social media.

Pricey stuff, desu

Stylish though. Doesn't seem any more "edgy" than wearing Affliction stuff.


>Get a Jewish GF, cum all over her head, then say "it's time for a shower"'

>Offer concentration tips outside a Yeshiva school

>When you're fucking your kikess, scream "Judenschiesse" as you cum

>With Jewish gf, don't let her swallow ur cum. all Jewess's have a fetish for cum, as it is considered sacred in Judaism. She will be angry and disappointed, kind of like when her grandmother realized it was a different kind of shower.

>Fuck her raw, whisper than you're going to cum inside, as you get closer to ejaculation, she will pull tighter, and use kegels to lock your dick in her cunt. Use ur Aryan strength to escape her Usury. and come on her stomach instead. This will displease the kikess once again, as it's her job as a member of the tribe to collect the semen of the Shaygetz, so she can produce more tribe members. On the 8th day(and from then on) after your son/sons is born, do not leave the kikess alone with Ur male progeny. as the Mohel is always ready to pounce.

Possibly, I do look like a degenerate most days so it'd fit the bill. I personally have a hard time blending in, I'd rather be the whipping boy. Must be some kind of martyr-complex.


Praise kek

I've just brought loads of stuff from them wat do?

Wear it