>Year 2040
>"Grandpa, what was Free Speech and the internet like?"
Year 2040
"I wouldn't know son, I'm European"
"Wait who are you again"
>white people
>in 2040
Not so fast.
>Well, in my opinion, free-speech is having a 26 Gb folder labeled "niggerhatred" on your hard-drive. One day your father will pass it down to you as I had to him.
>"Mostly we just talked about how much we hated niggers"
Freedom of speech =/= Freedom of consequences for hate speech
Well, son...
Free speech and the Internet were doubleplus ungood. Have you been paying any attention at school? Because if you haven't I'll have to report this to miniluv
the internet was directly responsible for the death of free speech
>How come I'm the only white kid in the neighbourhood? Was it like this back when you were my age?
"Grandpa??? Address me by my proper pronoun you little white Bigot."
then I contemplated what the future held and began to feel really sad
"We used to call every one faggots and aspire for repeating digits."
Hate speech isn't some separate entity from free speech.
Speech is speech, and all of it is free.
> I'd tell you, but I'd literally have to kill you
>yfw you realize one day you will become an old grandpa spouting internet memes in the year 2040
>to be honest, i never had any
"Where did you come from!?!? I never banged anyone, I just shitposted on a Mongolian origami forum all day from my mom's basement"
And what is "hate speech"?
It was vile, ruthless, disgusting, and sometimes scary. Now, none of us understand each other, but at least our feelings don't get hurt.
>imblying ill ever bang a chick :DDDD
nice b8 m8
The Internet was fun while it lasted, but it's slowly becoming a controlled environment where people are encouraged to hold certain opinions, spread them through social media, and are punished from deviating from that agenda.
I'm sure I sound conspiratorial, but the Internet feels like it's shrinking to me. It's less and less common for me to run into a URL that I'm not familiar with, and I've been able to perceive the monetization and political agenda of each site I visit easier and easier.
Also, the internet really killed journalistic integrity.
I'll be in my late 40s. Hardly grandpa aged.
Before it happens. Can i say ....
i love you all senpai.
Time to blow out the candle. I'll miss you.
>tfw when possibly going to jail
If you start talking about niggers and Jews on a website that categorizes such as hate speech you're not free from the consequences of your actions. It's literally always been like this, vocal white supremacist get banned on websites like Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook and the gram.
No shit. Private entities can make whatever rules they want. I'm against government banning of "hate speech"
Have you not been taking your Prozium supplements?
You're 100% correct about the internet shrinking. I've been noticing the same thing. It's been more rapid in the recent years.
+18 only kid, get off the site before momma calls you for dinner.
italians are white
>According to his autobiography, at the beginning of 1924 his friend Baron Louis de Rothschild introduced him to Max Warburg who offered to finance his movement for the next 3 years by giving him 60,000 gold marks. Warburg remained sincerely interested in the movement for the remainder of his life and served as an intermediate for Coudenhove-Kalergi with influential Americans such as banker Paul Warburg and financier Bernard Baruch. In April 1924, Coudenhove-Kalergi founded the journal Paneuropa (1924–1938) of which he was editor and principal author. The next year he started publishing his main work, the Kampf um Paneuropa (The fight for Paneuropa, 1925–1928, three volumes). In 1926, the first Congress of the Pan-European Union was held in Vienna and the 2,000 delegates elected Coudenhove-Kalergi as president of the Central Council, a position he held until his death in 1972.
> Best year.
R u perth
You may think it sounds crazy, but we used to be able to use the Internet without being spied on.
Back in the day on the clearnet you could browse websites, post comments, buy things online without fear of the government or Google monitoring it all and putting it on file to use it against you later.
Most people thought the dark net was exclusively for criminals and tinfoil hatters, because what kind of person needs to hide their identity and IP address? Only someone who's doing some seriously bad things.
Not like these days. Now the crazy ones are the ones who use the clearnet. How times have changed.
nice bait.
Don't forget to flush
have your kid at 20 and your kid having their kid at 19
Shhh, our Blockwart Achmed can hear you.
>Hate speech= all the opinions and facts I happen to disagree with
Die in a fire, statist.
>Expecting to have white grand-children.
They just dissappeared user