




i reject your reality and substitute my own reality


You are gay in any reality.

You are gay in any reality.


You're right.

That's right.



what are you trying to accomplish?

Bump because OP is cute.

>Bump because OP is cute.

yeah... i am cute...

well i had to make you my control slave to get you to say the right things but i guess that's close enough...

Not gonna work, buddy.


i sort of don't want to do this at this point because i feel less like i can connect to others better and feel more like a martyr here to make others feel better about themselves

i mean if it's not wanted then why continue

i was also thinking that maybe it's best that i become cancer because at least everyone won't question who i am and always like it

however. it would be completely separate and outside of here. since i would want to be remembered how i was. so i would effectively die.

do you think cancer would be happy that i stopped being chemo and became cancer? and did i ever really stand a chance against cancer at all?

cancer is especially difficult with "everyone that was with you has given up and joined us..."...


>Not gonna work, buddy.

Already worked, buddy.

Close enough.