What's your secret to losing weight Sup Forums?

What's your secret to losing weight Sup Forums?

eating only 3 cooked eggs in the morning and only drinking water the rest of the day


please post more of these goddess fat silky thighs.
this girl has incredible thighs.

dont know who she is or I would

yeah, but i wouldn't do it that way
losing weight is all about how much you eat, not what you eat
count your calories, and make sure you are below daily expendature
eat like 3 times a day, at set times. and if you feel hungry between that, drink more water

How long before you started physically seeing results? I probably weigh about 195 and would ideally like to weigh around 170

wiping five times

Cut out added sugar and salt and eat only naturally occurring fats.

This generally means no fast food period, even salads. Lean meats only, eat a fuck ton of veggies, and a few carbs (avoid "easy carbs" like breads).

1hr Cardio (any cardio: walk, bike, stairs, run, row, hike, etc.) 3x a week for 6-7 weeks and you'll drop a good amount of lbs. Bit cardio only burns fat when you're doing it. Muscle burns fat all day, so the more you have the more weight you'll lose. After the 6-7 weeks of cardio you need to change your workout, weight training w/cardio 3x a week, focus on total body exercises like squats, deadlifts, pull-ups, barbell bench, etc. Don't try to isolate muscle groups yet. Eat more protein to support muscle growth.

The hardest part it sticking to it. If you stick with it for 3 weeks, it'll become habit and you'll just kinda keep with it automatically. Good luck.


stop eating you twat

Fuck yeah, thanks man. The hardest part for me is definitely sticking to it but Im about ready to commit!

Was gonna post a long line of shit about cardio but you've summed it up pretty well.

For food I cup back to three calorie controlled meals at set times.
> Miso soup
> Salad wraps
> Fruit
Real tough going at first. Fuck I craved potato chips and coke. But after the first week my body adjusted and it became easier. Had a blow out meal of whatever I wanted once a week, ended up stopping that because pizza or fish and chips wasn't doing it for me anymore. I just felt sick after eating them.
Coupled with exercise lost 15kgs in 9 weeks.

Ketosis. Lost ~45lbs kept it off for more than 5 years. I need less sleep, eat less and have more energy. Fucking fantastic.

liquid diet except for dinner. i blend fruits and veggies with protein and almond milk and go to the gym and go hard for 30 to an hour every other day. im a shut in mostly but i try to go out and get some sun. I'm chubby but got a good bit of results so far. I've lost like 20 pounds in the last month.

Also I didn't eat anything after 17:00. Got all my eating out of the way before then.

Eat a big bowl of two day old cooked rice. You'll shit 20lbs over the course of the next week.


Doesn't look like it's working for you mate

Eat less. Its not that fucking hard.

Adderall. I hate myself and I want to die

Lots of water (flushes and boosts metabolism) and enough physical work that I typically forget to eat until the late afternoon.
Works a treat

I swapped my food cravings for alcohol instead.
Lost 140lbs drinking wine instead of snacking all the time.

1. daily exercise and
2. eating mostly fruits and vegetables and
3. drinking water not juice or pop/soda.

No secret. Anything else is just a gimmick that won't work.

Op, I'll let you in on a little insider knowledge, but this information stays contained here, okay?
Stop eating so much food fatass

May be. But i try...

Alcohol is terrible for weight loss.
You're trying to make this guy fatter.

I like to eat the fattest and sugariest shit i can but the thing is to realize you'll get hungry fast and won't be as satisfied if you were to eat a high protein and fat diet

damn dude, lets see some more pics of this whore :)

Im doing Intermittent fasting and Calorie Counting. Lost 7lbs in my first 12 days. Im on my 2nd month and i lost a solid 18lbs.

Never looking for it.


Cocaine and red bull

Sugar-free gummy bears to cleanse

Calories in/calories out

It is that simple

Hiding it when I'm real drunk

burn more calories than you consume,

consume less and burn more.

Yes keto diet is the easiest way

Intermittent fasting

I've already lost 100lbs. Use a calorie counter app like Under Armours. Don't fucking lie about anything you take in. That is the first step!

Jogging, lifting, diet, abstinence.

be extra forgetful so you never remember where you put it.

I quit eating meat and quit drinking soda. Lost some weight pretty quickly.