>Be white male engineer
>Always play engineer in tf2
>tfw blizzard wants me to play as a literal she-pooinaloo
fuck this, I'm not playing overwatch
why is the world so hostile to white males now days?
>Be white male engineer
>Always play engineer in tf2
>tfw blizzard wants me to play as a literal she-pooinaloo
fuck this, I'm not playing overwatch
why is the world so hostile to white males now days?
she sucks ass only good thing she can do is place portals
>not wanting to exercise control over the lesser races by playing as one
What, we need non whites in game as meat shields and targets
yeah nah m8
so she is an useless she-pooinaloo, that's even worse tbfh m8
But it's the truth.
Pooinloos are taking over the engineering jobs. Is it really that implausible to think that there is an Indian engineer in the future?
Torbjörn is better.
Mercy is white and best ogrewatchfu
I liked tracer until i heard her speak.
Not to mention she's a little too close to the gorilla for comfort.
AND she has autism. Women are so jealous men have an entire sickness to themselves they have to create fictional ones to take even THAT away...
>not playing D.Va
he seems promising, except he's swede cuck
Play the dwarf you goober
>giving money to blizzard
blizzard is an anti-white company
The only engineer in Overwatch is Torbj, tech support isn't a engineer.
Indeed The real engineer in overwatch is white male omnic-racist midget Torbjörn.
He's the last uncucked swede in the future.
ok then, I'll give it a go then.
>tech support
He's a crotchedy old dwarf guy that hates the adversarial minority of the setting, sentient robots called "Omnics."
They are saying whatever makes them more profit. Stop taking it too literally.
Almost every evil character is gonna have some sort of shitty redemption arc. Sylvanas dindu nuffin.
On top of the shitty washed out stories that they sell. They are trying to appeal to as broad of an audience as possible.
Gas the omnics, race war now
You guys are really, really dumb.
She's OCD, autistic and works for a powerful, evil megacorp.
On top of that, she's actually one of the most destructive supports in the game
>can give teammates shields which don't dissapate
>has a weapon which ramps up damage to facemelting levels, or can fire an orb which ignores damage mitigation like barriers and shields
>her turrets also have a similar ramping effect, and actively slow targets in addition to being able to be placed on ANY surface she can reach, allowing for aggressive uses of turret placement or traps on defense
>Her teleporter can shore up a team's defense or put pressure on defenders provided it stays up long enough
Yeah, nah, you guys suck and are probably shitposting Sup Forumsbabby newfriends.
It's a fucking videogame. Does having to play as someone who isn't white if that would benefit your team comp really trigger you that much?
That's pathetic, man. Like, actually pathetic. It's a videogame. Playing as her won't actually turn you into a towelhead in real life, you'll just place some turrets on the wall, get a free double kill, and then die to McCree.
Is there a way to play her that makes her more useful than dwarflord?
Git gud faggot
>not dropping 3 turrets and using altfire
It's like you can't actually handle a non beginner class
>boo-hoo they made a poo-loo character I can't handle it
Jesus OP, you're more wimpy-limpy than the average indian telemarketer
Is Reinhardt the most redpilled character?
Saving players the long walk back can be golden on certain maps and segments
degenerate detected.
Soldier 76 is way more redpilled
>Be a full grown man
>Playing video games made for 12 year olds
Waste of sperm/Manchild.
>not playing D.Va
Buff her guns then get back to me
>Who is soldier 76
He literally killed mexicans for being mexicans in that overwatch movie
i'd like to tongue Tracer's anus
>that pic
no stop it user
Soldier 76 is a pretty cool guy
Go back to Sup Forums faggots
git gud
Go fight carp.
You are everything you hate. Why cry about charters in a game?
Especially on a Guam image board for Pokemon cards?
You have become the SJW. Think about a lobotomy.
>he's a grown man who plays video games
At least you still have dwarf.
If you think you have it bad, try being brazilian: we got a wall climbing monkey who knocks people off shit.
and the last blonde one too
but he looks more a WoW dwarf than a human
>this whole thread
Isn't the killer robot with the Team Fortress turrets the real engineer in the game?
From the overwatch wiki
Though Overwatch was eventually disbanded, Reinhardt was not content to sit idly by while the world fell to disorder. Once again donning his Crusader armor, he has vowed to fight for justice across Europe like a knight of old, defending the innocent and winning hearts and minds with the promise of better days to come.
Does that thing have a dick too?
Nice try kike.
Bwahaha kek check out this buttblasted poo
Well let's break it down guy is pretty good.
Not Mercy tier healer but better than the robot
SJW shit doesn't make them more profit.
Would you prefer Native American Indians?
>$40 usd, $70 ausbucks
>$40 usd converts to $55 ausbucks
Fucking kikes.
Right he should be working non stop 24/7 and be a good provider because that's what an adult male is supposed to be doing amirite?
Lucio is honestly a much more flattering depiction than you people deserve.
Correction, they are saying whatever they think will make them more profit
In the pursiot of that they might have hired some actual SJW retards.
>That picture
This triggers me. In aboriginal culture, women have no place as warriors.
Why are they so intent on misrepresenting cultures?
Is Soldier 76 red-pilled?
>blatant rip-off of TF2
>TF2 is free
Overshit confirmed for dead in 6 months.
No he should be putting benis in bagina like his wife's son does everynight
You wanna throw a buzzword at me, or you wanna argue about it like a big boy, cocksucker?
How the fuck can you people even play this shit?
>mfw people actual BOUGHT reskined tf2 from an even more money grubbing company than valve
Look man I like playing her too, but if you're going to seriously suggest playing her on offense and avoid that her effectiveness will wane in a match harder than most other heroes then you're being intellectually dishonest or main her with the same autistic fervor of her in-game character.
>why is the world so hostile to white males now days?
Lol, how?
Affirmative action hires bring SJW bullshit with them. The affirmative action hires are there because they protect the company from lawsuits, not because they make more profit.
Are you poor or do you just hate fun?
I don't think you can gas a robot
Also they are much better at killing
its pronouns are zer zem and zerm
Wow, i can imagine how much Poo comes from that ass!
Also, only good character is ....
>grown ass men still playing video games and wasting their time/money on jewish propaganda
>money grubbing
>gives away free games and makes purchasable products have no impact on gameplay
I don't like tf2
>why is the world so hostile to white males now days?
White men actually believe this.
I guess when you are retarded enough to believe in the concept of "white people", it's only logical that you feel oppressed.
Have fun growing old and bitter, retards.
When every category is a preferred hire except white males, it's effectively just prejudice against white males.
>failed peoples' shitware
>can't see anything but a floating weapon and disembodied hands
>burning money on a shitty SJW reskin of TF2, that's fedora approved and shilled on reddit.
Yeah you're poor if you don't buy it :^)
Who gives a fuck
By holding the objective until 100 or escorting the cart or stopping it.
How is Overwatch SJW?
>make the russian character look like a SJW
>all her lines are about how she hates robots and is completely 'racist' towards them
She's a good hero.
>15 minutes into Overwatch and chill and xe gives you this look.
That's just awful.
>Brazil is a giant favela meme
I have literally never been in a slum or had contact to those hip favelado boys in my life.
Also, have in mind they depicted India as a clean paradise with no crime, pollution or designated shitting streets. Anything is possible, m8.
I got the skin that covers her ugly tumblr hair with a ushanka. She's actually pretty fun if you can clutch your shields.
In Russia? That would be a bad idea.
There is only one variant of 'it' in Russian Language which works for both living creatures and objects. But this 'it' has really unpleasant connotations.
It's like calling someone 'The Thing' from Carpenter's movie. Basically not a human being but something other. Alien and inhuman.
Yeah, don't these shitlords know race is a social construct??? Come on, friend. Let's go back to /r/videogames
She definitely squats a lot
You do know where you are, right?
Feminists wear yoga pants too. That' doesn't make them not SJW.
Besides her look she isn't sjw though, also majority of the female characters are sexy.
Mercy has to be my favorite female character.
This guy gets it :)
She's the one hero in the game with enough balls to tell robots to fuck off.
You don't HAVE to purchase this csgo skin, but it does look cool, right? Look at all these cases too! Look, free skins! That's not a good skin though, you could do better, look at that case ad, buy a case today! Buy a key to open it, it's ONLY $2!
>oh boy I sure love niggers
Fuck off degenerate
Nigger lover