Serious discussion time bros

Serious discussion time bros.

What do we do about niggers? Anyone have any real solutions?

We know they commit most of the crime, we know their culture is violent and borderline chimp-tier. We know there is a large disparity in general I.Q.

We also know there are some good nigs, like based black Trump supporter in a video that was going around here a little while ago, I'm sure many of us have met some based nigs who were responsible and had jobs, but, by in large, they don't want jobs, live off of welfare, and blame whitey for their problems.

Trump solution, if you guys don't know, he gave it in a hidden audio recording a while back, is to create Special Economic Zones and incentivize companies to move into nigger neighborhood to provide jobs.

I'm skeptical about this, because niggers are gonna nig.

We all know the stats, so the question is, what do we do about this problem? You can't be serious with
>muhhh race war when?

So what do we do? Is Trump right? Do we just try to provide jobs and opportunities and hope for the best? Is there a real solution without
>muhh race war when?

Wat do?

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The only people who can save niggers are themselves. They need to get over slavery and old racism and move on with their lives. That's the only solution. Every successful black person I have ever met has done this.

Slowly cut off government aid and assistance so that being a leech in no longer an option

Discourage divorce by reforming the ridiculous court bias towards women

Allow charter schools in poor neighborhoods by getting teacher's unions to back off

Bring back industrial jobs that don't require a college degree or above average intelligence

The only option is to be a white nationalist and secure a country for white people like the jews have done for themselves.

Niggers won't work. They barely worked in the 50s when we used to hose them down and let the police dogs loose on them. They barely worked during slavery days. You literally had to whip them to get them to do anything.

It's better to just wash our hands of the whole situation and wish them luck in their own countries.

That's kind of what I was thinking, but I don't know if we'd ever be redpilled enough to start a mass deportation of niggers, seems about as likely as a race war.

I'm afraid even that won't stop niggers from nigging.

Well they've has quite some time to do that, doesn't look likely.

Free Bobby baka

It's going to take some time. But we should do things in the real world to reach our goals of white nationalism. Not talk about some hypothetical cutting of welfare that zog is never going to do in the first place.

There's still states to move to that are white enough it would hardly even be a deportation. Just shooing some niggers away.

>We also know there are some good nigs, like based black Trump supporter in a video that was going around here a little while ago,
>a nigger is automatically good if he agrees with me politically

>I'm sure many of us have met some based nigs who were responsible and had jobs

Are you this selective with everything else you read, you ignorant bag of shit?

This, but especially the education one is the most important. But they need a conservative education (as do all children). Pledge of Allegiance before school in the morning. Positive male role models in school, whom the nigglets can respect. Destruction of ghetto and gangsta culture. If that can be managed, then you'll see a big turnaround in the nigger population - in 2 to 3 generations.

>I'm afraid even that won't stop niggers from nigging.
It would take about 50 years

But yes they would still be Black

I believe that the black community will eventually slowly improve as generations pass. I've noticed a small rise in young red pilled blacks speaking out against all the bullshit. I don't believe any external force can actually save them considering the social climate of our society (whites don't want to be seen as racists and red pilled blacks don't want to be seen as uncle toms). And as years go by black people are experiencing less racism so they wont easily fall for liberal bullshit. Unfortunately, all the heavy lifting will be done by the young red pilled blacks. I can't think of another way.

Positive, available male black role models, as well as destruction of ghetto and gang culture.

Not bad, anons, not bad. That would take one hell of a machine, but it could feasibly work.

Sterilization. Without costant replacement, they will kill themselves down to about 5% of their former population in about 20 years. As it is, they can barely sustain their population with having 12-20 offspring per breeding male.


Stop making them feel inferior like the Democrats / Obama tend to do. Trump wants to give them job and the opportunity to work their way out of their problems. While dems keep calling that the evil white man is at fault for their situation.


Jobs jobs jobs

That would be a good start. Also give them better role models too look up to like some black republicans (Carson and that guy on the Rubin show). If they keep looking up to stupid niggers like lil Wayne or Beyonce they will never change.

Give them jobs.
Make their own cities clean.
None of that ego gangster bullshit and drug trafficking.

Spoken like a true Swede.

if nigger goes to prison he gets sterilized

boom blacks instantly become normal within 1 generation

You low IQ faggots want a real solution to the nigger problem?

I'll give you one: we encourage "WE WUZ KANGZ". I'm serious.

Step 1:
We need to convince black people that they legitimately built Egypt and that it was stolen from them by the evil Jews.

Step 2: We need to create an Egyptian religion and a black-fascism that convinces blacks that they must cleanse the middle-east of semites so that their God "Jamal-Ra" will return and take them into outer space where they'll live forever with an endless supply of weed and white women.

Step 3: We help blacks get the military hardware and training for their Jihad.

Step 4: We send all one billion of them against Israel, Iran, Iraq, and all the rest of the middle east. Then we sit back and watch the animals destroy each other.

Step 5: PROFIT.

Excellent file, friend. Thank you.

EZs are a great idea, but be prepared for mountains of liberal butthurt. Even when the zones do help black communities and start lifting people out of poverty and raising their quality of life. Constantly you are going to hear comparisons to apartheid and slavery, cries of racism, even ableism. All the usual bullshit, just now highly focused, with the intent to sabotage. If it's not a free handout being given from their regime, Dems will be mad as fuck. The simple ideology of leftism will be the biggest obstacle to making EZs a reality, which is just pathetic. Let's hope this time people will have the stomach and the spine to stand up to leftist whining.

The only answer

Black conservative are based. They hate everything I hate about niggers. I would trade every single white liberal for black conservatives.

The Jew fills the black man's head with dumb ideas. Remove the Jew and we could erase all of the anti-white gibbs me dat sentiment from negroes and reprogram them to be more like white people, speak properly, etc

Sweden Yes!

We used to give them jobs they can do. Most of those are gone.

Eugenics based on intelligence rather than skin color, prevent anyone with a double digit IQ from reproducing. With this you would cut off 90% of the black population and less than half of white. But you can always just deport all blacks, and have them sort it out in a few ten thousand years. Africa if left alone by better races, would be in anarchy and everlasting tribal warfare, spiced with massive famine and plagues.

the problem with this is regression to the mean, even really smart niggers tend to have kids with IQs closer to the racial mean, as do dumb Whites

what do you mean "any real solutions?"
its fucking EASY
you either take the humane route and put them back in africa, or you kill them. one costs a lot more money than the other but less people will cry bloody murder.

you decide

Been tried doesn't work. Some jobs you want a retard to do. Unless you have some fetish about shoveling shit, still need someone to do it.

Might change once we have robots advanced enough but no where near that yet.

Also the problem that beauty > IQ in most selection. So ya the dumb bitches that are hot always get a free pass.

It's pretty fucking clear at this point that nignogs can't save themselves.

We can do it for them, if we put the effort in.

1. Enforce family values; force black men to look after their children - no more fatherless homes
2. Attack and destroy nigger culture and their glorification of violence and crime
3. Possibly genetic modification, but that might be too far

Sadly don't even need to go that far.

Simply having equal laws and rules is enough. in 1960's when laws where applied equally to both races crime was at an all time low.

Once it changed and niggers got free pass at everything, affirmative action, they started to slack and you get what we have today. Combined with white on black crime having greater punishments and allow nigs to use skin color as an excuse.

South Africa is another example. Under whites was a fine place to live. Under blacks its another African shit hole that even the blacks want to go back to the way it was.

Yeah, but then you can just prevent those from reproducing too
Also maybe put a flexible treshold on required IQ for permit: Like say, you want a stable 60 million people in the UK, than you allow for people above IQ 100 to have kids, if they fuck too much, then raise it to 101, if they not fucking enough then lower it to 99, so on.
Automatization, or raising wages, I bet you could get anyone to shovel shit if you pay them enough, let the market demand dictate, society don't need a breed of designated shit shovelers.
And you could still fucks beautiful bitches, but with birth control they still could not reproduce, and the high IQ men would have enough logic to pick a high IQ mate for breeding. The two are not exclusive, some sex for fun, some for making offsprings.

It's simple. These male hood rats generally
>like money
>don't want kids, but like to fuck

Offer them $500 to get sterilized. Drive around mobile sterilization vans and have them pick up their money in the city. The dumbest of the dumb will get sterilized willingly for short term gains. $500 is earned back in two months of not having to pay for retarded children.

I'm a professional cowboy and I use catheters. Been cowboyin' for 25 years. I've had 14 broken bones, 2 concussions and a punctured lung. I know pain and I don't want any more of it. Especially when I cath.

We just have to love'em I guess

Didn't all this black community stuff the reason leading to this situation ?
Maybe the situation for black would have been different if the aim to be american like everyone instead to emphazise the skin color.