I never thought the right would stoop so low. This is so cringe that it is ridiculous.
I never thought the right would stoop so low. This is so cringe that it is ridiculous
No, this is how kings were made since the dawn of time.
>a fucking leaf
its humor you cunt
eternal leaf
>parade an annoying degenerate faggot around whose only claim to fame is going around doing paid speeches talking about how feminism sucks
And we wonder how the west got so bad.
Brad Pitt is a fucking boss. I swear.
t. a leaf
This level of cuck style worship is definitely funny you damn Amerifat.
>Milo starts making absolute fools of SJWs across the US
>a million butthurt retards make threads bitching about it on Sup Forums BUT THEY'RE TOTALLY NOT SJWS GUYS
What a time to be alive.
I agree. And having finally listened to one of his uninterrupted "lectures" I now know that's he's really fucking bad. And every joke he cracks gets the same mix of embarrassment and cringe to which he replies "I'm kidding I'm kidding I'm kidding I'm kidding!"
I don't give two shits about his Jewish ancestry, homosexuality, or coalburning, but this guy is as cancerous as the CultMarxists.
LOL I KNOWWWW it's cringe af senpai just ugh problematic truuuuu makes ya think you gotta show mad love to this
>this guy is as cancerous as the CultMarxists.
How in the fuck can you say that? How is making a few poor jokes and exploiting some desperate people for money analogous to trying to wipe out free expression in the western world forever? Or trying to get rid of the idea of innocent until proven guilty. You're talking absolute shit and you're not fooling anybody.
I'm edging towards an agreement here. When he was in English University debates, i.e. with a (supposed) intellectual audience he was much more eloquent and stuck to facts and arguments. Now he's just playing up to the crown and embracing the "celebrity" culture and it's shameful
It's 'Fun'. That's why the left will lose.
>I don't give two shits about his Jewish ancestry, homosexuality, or coalburning
God damn neo-Sup Forums terrible.
As opposed to ugly, sexless, banshees plaguing the news and hollywood on how they have it so bad; that the patriarchy is out to get them; that they are held back from having a voice; etc.
Don't blame Milo for being Milo, blame the progressives who turned up the craziness to 11, so much so that the voice of Milo is now the music people are listening to.
yeah man loosen up a bit.
>you are supposed to think local students are "carrying" him.
>actually they are paid homosexual porn actors.
Always in America.
Here's the thing - The right is having fun. They're loving it. They're attracting people, while the left screams and cries and wails and drives people away.
It's a good thing...In it's own way.
Plus it seems like this is how American behave in general.
Summed up in one word:
Because, given the chance, Milo would shut down feminists the same way SJWs do. He showed it that day w Trigglypuff
Milo isnt much more than Ann Coulter w a vagina. If he can make coin being an asshole, good for him. But pls dont try and convince me he has anything deeper to say than, "Feminism is cancer."
It's just a bit of fun m8
>Milo isnt much more than Ann Coulter
coulter could get through law school. It's a good scam though.
Try it, even in FB comments. Get into a flame war with some little shitbag and then when he calls you a fag, tell him he's homophobic bc you are gay. Watch the reaction.
someone should have thought of scam sooner. took a jew to see potential. you can have non-pc views as a gay jew.
>I never thought the right would stoop so low.
Yep, when a literal faggot has bigger balls than most of the right it's pretty disgusting.
And "deutsch tolerant" video is satire
>I never thought the right would stoop so low. This is so cringe that it is ridiculous.
It's for a laugh. He triggers feminists, so it's funny to lionize him because it will trigger feminists more.
How does it feel to post thoughtful comments only to receive "Rare" in response?
Literally worshipping a jew
Milo isn't even a race realist. Utter trash.
>"muh faggots are degenerated"
>"lol that gay right there who fucks black dudes is fuggin based xDDDD"
Sup Forumstards everyone
Imagine if you had a field of crop that get eaten by shitty rats every year, but there was one rat that fought and killed all the other rats and never touched your crops. That's Milo.
Just makes you look stupid because it's hypocrit as fuck
>Sup Forums is one person
fuck off summer.
No, the creator being arrested for being a "racist" german is the real satire.
Are you stupid?
>your enemies make armor
>your enemies make weapons that can penetrate the best armor they know they can make
>use their own weapons against them
Milo is a white, gay, jewish male who exclusively dates black men. There's literally nothing they can say that they can use as an """argument""" against normal people
>you're a fucking cis white male and a white supremacist nazi bigot!
He forces them to actually ADDRESS THE ISSUES because they can't use identity politics on him. The left fucking sucks at actually dealing with issues.
Perfect pic OP.
The jew ruling the retards who fall to the lies of the controlled alt-right.
Are you serious?
Yea making the left look stupid and letting everyone see that labels like racist/sexist don't matter anymore is a bad thing. Let's stay the course. Only talk about Reagan and God.
Calling it now: Milo is going to appear in the new season of South Park.
He called erdogan, prime minister of Turkey, a goatfucker. He's jailed for it now. I thought it was fucking hilarious.
Go away, leaf!
The calendar has the current year circled.
Nice touch
>Milo isnt much more than Ann Coulter
Speaking of which...
i thought ann hated fags
Using that Trigglypuff mental case as the bulwark of your argument.
Fuck off Asshole.
No need to ask him Friendo, he is.
Salty cuck detected.
Bigger fish to fry.
Extreme left is a pretty big boogy man atm and milo is able to exploit the progressive stack to damage opposition.
Based milo