LoL or Dota 2?

LoL or Dota 2?

I've played over 1000 games of LoL and about 6 hours of Dota 2. I fucking hate the people I play League with and have been thinking about jumping ship. Also sick of hardstuck Gold so trying to decided if I either grind out of Gold or say fuck it and switch to Dota.

That’s a cute cat.

Also it’s literally your preference.

Both are awful. Quit LoL/Dota about 2-3 years ago. Best decision I ever made. Get out while you can.

What games do you prefer now? I tried R6 and PUBG and liked them both but they just don't have that competition.

Was also thinking to get balls deep into Starcraft or SFV/Tekken.

bumping for curiousity

Been playing pubg, Rpg's, and the Sea of Theives alpha/beta as of recently.

If you want a moba that's fun with minimum bullshit look into heroes of the storm. I know it's a meme to hate on it but it has a lot of fun heroes and you won't spend 20 minutes last hitting every game and people don't take it super seriously

I've tried it in the past and it was a lot of fun. How is the ranked play?

Path of Exile or Warframe

Wouldn't know, I've never touched the ranked mode

Meh lot of weenies tbh, but im mean theres fags on lol and dota too
Still fun as fuck tho

What do you hate about people in LOL? If it's the toxicity maybe you shouldn't go to DOTA2.

Mobas are cancer. I played dota at a very high level and you have to carry retards in every single game. I switched to osu! which is a pure skillgame to see who far I can push my limits.

No I mean the people I play with specifically lmao

I wish I could play that game but that music just eats my ears away

spent 3k ish hours on dota both are trash

Paragon and HotS are the only good MOBAs. One of those is shutting down, so it's HOTS or bust.

I tried jumping ship to dota before ended back with lol the community on dota is pretty much the same I think the issuse you are having with lol is that there is a hard skill celling once you have learn the mechanics of the game and the champ mechanics you aren't going to get much better you reaction time are the issuse and will require a lot of time and train to improve and as you get old they get slower too. Another issuse with lower tier lol is that people have decide that any criticism is toxic and quickly over react to it combine with the fact no one ever thinks maybe the other players are better they think someone on my team is shit and then going on about how people need to be reported even thou the report system is basically just so people think their complains are being heard. Unless you have 5 friends that on what they are doing you'll have a someone being toxic or claming someonbe else is toxic every game you lose

Is heroes of the storm hard to get into or is it just like any other moba?

hots is for braindead casuals

Dota is a dead game while league has millions kek

That’s all I needed to know. Excellent.

quit both. play pubg for fun. if it's competition u want, play CSGO......duh dude

No last hitting, shared team experience. It's definitely streamlined and I didn't think I would ever like it, seeing as how I played Dota 2 for years, but it's actually quite fun once you get into it. Farming is boring as shit, even if it does take skill and practice.