Europeans, please don't leave. Sup Forums and this board in particular is the last bastion of free speech.
We can thank Hiroyuki for that. He won't sell us out unlike Moot.
Europeans, please don't leave. Sup Forums and this board in particular is the last bastion of free speech.
We can thank Hiroyuki for that. He won't sell us out unlike Moot.
i'll stay to the very end.
free speech man wooololllwolwriririirirawrwrararwraraww aw whwemwhemwhwemwhemwehwmewehwemw
"free speech" there is no such thing.
Cut dicks are satanic
The majority of the muslim population are borderline retarded
Being trans is a mental illness and shouldn't be treated lightly
School didn't teach us anything useful
History is written by the winners
CCTV is 1984-tier bullshit and yet, Le land of Le anarchy and Punk, got controlled and fucked within 1 decade
Brexit wont happen, the votes are rigged, people dont have power anymore, lattest example being austrian elections.
Internet providers in germany sell our daily browsing history, uploaded data, downloaded data to companies in order for them to check if we downloaded movies, songs, racist stuff etc. This is confirmed by my lawyer. Not that it's a secret or anything
The vast majority of western women aren't worth saving to begin with
Not a single race is equal to another. Niggers are genetically stronger on average and quite a bit dumber than whites etc.
The peak of human civilization were the ancient greeks and they had means of entertainemnt like theatre. One particular play was about women and politics, it was of course, a comedy, a dystopian comedy. We literally live in a dystopian comedy right now.
Feelings do not have a place in politics, meaning women shouldn't have a right to vote or be part of politics in any shape or form.
Literally every single conspiracy theory could be proven right, every single one of them (except flat earth of course) an i wouldn't be surprised.
If it werent for putin keeping turkey in tact, we were all be doomed by now
Anime/manga/VN/anything asian is the last non-sjw form of media we have, at least in the west.
why would I leave?Sup Forums is not google or kikebook
Why would we leave?
Sorry to ask but what's going on ?
Leaf actually thinks a gov will keep us out of Sup Forums
Wtf did i miss
All praise the Chinaman!!!
Free speech in Germany!!!
Pic related. Mr Yoram Dinstein think free speech laws are not made for this kind of things.
We don't give a shit about social media, only fags use social media. We also don't give a shit about the EU it's just one those things that normies don't don't think about but is actually pretty unpopular among the majority. Us meta people are just chilling, most around here don't accept EU authority like they think we do, you'll see leaf they don't own shit..
Just MEGA MAGA leaf.
>He won't sell us out
You dont seem to know Hiroshimoots history.
i'd actually never get tired of laughing my ass off if the uk got banned from Sup Forums. would be well worth the loss of their positive contributions, which is simply that we get to bully them all day...
Since medias forgot to tell you, I have to: The EU is implementing the largest censorship measure since WWII. "Hate" speech will be banned every fucking where. All major social medias opened their asses in one day. Maybe 4 chan will stay as it is, maybe not but the EU will try to break it.
>Cut dicks are satanic
>The majority of the muslim population are borderline retarded
>Being trans is a mental illness and shouldn't be treated lightly
>School didn't teach us anything useful
>History is written by the winners
>CCTV is 1984-tier bullshit and yet, Le land of Le anarchy and Punk, got controlled and fucked within 1 decade
>Brexit wont happen, the votes are rigged, people dont have power anymore, lattest example being austrian elections.
>Internet providers in germany sell our daily browsing history, uploaded data, downloaded data to companies in order for them to check if we downloaded movies, songs, racist stuff etc. This is confirmed by my lawyer. Not that it's a secret or anything
>The vast majority of western women aren't worth saving to begin with
>Not a single race is equal to another. Niggers are genetically stronger on average and quite a bit dumber than whites etc.
>The peak of human civilization were the ancient greeks and they had means of entertainemnt like theatre. One particular play was about women and politics, it was of course, a comedy, a dystopian comedy. We literally live in a dystopian comedy right now.
>Feelings do not have a place in politics, meaning women shouldn't have a right to vote or be part of politics in any shape or form.
>Literally every single conspiracy theory could be proven right, every single one of them (except flat earth of course) an i wouldn't be surprised.
>If it werent for putin keeping turkey in tact, we were all be doomed by now
>Anime/manga/VN/anything asian is the last non-sjw form of media we have, at least in the west.
Cut dicks are satanic
The majority of the muslim population are borderline retarded
I deleted my kikebook account around 3 years ago when I realized I'm nothing but human cattle- a literal goy- for Zuckerberg and companies advertising on there. I don't have a twitter account or a reddit account, I only shitpost on Sup Forums.
What exactly am I supposed to be afraid of? The finnish swat kicking my door in for making fun of poo-in-loos?
That kind of tits are the best ones. I had a gf with tits like that and Im still dream with that rack.
>tfw not in EU
>tfw this (probably) doesn't affect me
>tfw probably won't enter EU for at least another 5 years
Things like this make me feel glad i live in this shithole
Havent heard anything about this
Do you have a link?
Why would we leave?
Speaking of which, what are anons' alternatives to 4chinz? We cannot afford a single point of failure if mootwo gives up on this place
Sup Forums IS PEACE
>Yuros get booted out of 4chums
>Leafs and burgers get locked in here with Ausbongs
Is this Opposite Day?
Wat? We are nao regit chinese rittle girr caricature warl.
Why you wan go, gweilo?
>Havent heard anything about this
Isn't this on television, radios, and newspapers?
Ho, wait, it is not.
>Tolerance (as defined in Section 1(d)) shall be guaranteed towards any group (as defined in Section 1(a)), especially in the enjoyment of the following human rights:
>(c) Freedom of association with other members of the group, with a view to promoting its special culture
So, if someone in the EU made a white pride association/group/event, they would be protected on social media by this code of conduct?
As far as i know the only thing they did was enforce large social media to enforce their ToS harder for hate speech on europeans, while that is literally the EU doing 1984 shit, it won't affect us.
>text prepared by Yoran Dinstein
i guess so
it will probably be branded kkk 2.0 tho
Like we have a choice.
Don't worry we're not leaving.
OP is addressing Europeans, not Asian kebab, good try tho
First good roachpost of 2016
>it will probably be branded kkk 2.0 tho
But not on social media if they want to respect the CoC :^)
I'm not even mad.
I thought shit like this was only allowed in Fiction.
I am not sure whether you know, but you are official classified as east asian and not european.
>as if you were not a propaganda shill of Erdogay
>as is there were somethink like free speech in turgay
> as if you were not just here to post anti us propaganda you fucking shill
I will keep posting "nigger" on this website until the NWO police kick my door in
Get you, fighting the good fight. America has a while to go yet.
Think Atlas Shrugged, when it was the last capitalist country.
America has a lot to be plundered and raped before it gets that bad.
>This text was prepared–under the aegis of the European Council on Tolerance and Reconciliation – by a Group of Experts composed of Yoram Dinstein (Chair), Ugo Genesio, Rein Mȕllerson, Daniel Thȕrer and Rȕdiger Wolfrum.
Fuck off, Ahmed.
Obama tried to outlaw the words nigger and oriental
>no gook
racist bitch
fuck niggers fuck kikes fuck muslims le holocaust never happened but i wish it did
Based Jap
I'll never leave you family ;_;
they might ban Sup Forums in Europe next
that only concerns major sites
Sup Forums is a discrete shithole and a containment site for political deviants
better not close that shit or retards will escape and spread everywhere
fucking gook, this is why i hate him... 'free speech'
>Praise him
Fucking Anglo
They have to make me leave. Good luck finding me with my proxy up.
So until 12: 00 am by your time?
Pictures for Senpai
In less than 30 sec, Hiroshimamoot kōhai will be summoned here.
>Sup Forums
>free speech
Yeah, Sup Forums has right to free speech just like freedom of expression in the West.
Do you realize how many other (insert here)Chan websites with Sup Forums there are? Newfag
If you hate Hiroyuki, you should move to Facebook and Twitter that MUH WHITE internet
society, megook.
Bitch please, your porn censors the fucking genitals.
>except flat earth of course
this is an elaborate shill post
ignore this jew and his lies
Like how they ban torrent sites and a simple opendns configuration circumvents it?
Yeah I'll be back
>Anime/manga/VN/anything asian is the last non-sjw form of media we have, at least in the west.
>in charge of cultural understanding
Where did you steal the PC you're on now from? From some foreigner at a café on his laptop?
Go back to your fucking dirt shacks.
>this board in particular is the last bastion of free speech.
fucking delusional
mods ban threads in here all the time
Mchan is the only bastion of free speech on the internet
Fuck off gaychhanm
>>Cut dicks are satanic
>>The majority of the muslim population are borderline retarded
>>Being trans is a mental illness and shouldn't be treated lightly
>>School didn't teach us anything useful
>>History is written by the winners
>>CCTV is 1984-tier bullshit and yet, Le land of Le anarchy and Punk, got controlled and fucked within 1 decade
>>Brexit wont happen, the votes are rigged, people dont have power anymore, lattest example being austrian elections.
>>Internet providers in germany sell our daily browsing history, uploaded data, downloaded data to companies in order for them to check if we downloaded movies, songs, racist stuff etc. This is confirmed by my lawyer. Not that it's a secret or anything
>>The vast majority of western women aren't worth saving to begin with
>>Not a single race is equal to another. Niggers are genetically stronger on average and quite a bit dumber than whites etc.
>>The peak of human civilization were the ancient greeks and they had means of entertainemnt like theatre. One particular play was about women and politics, it was of course, a comedy, a dystopian comedy. We literally live in a dystopian comedy right now.
>>Feelings do not have a place in politics, meaning women shouldn't have a right to vote or be part of politics in any shape or form.
>>Literally every single conspiracy theory could be proven right, every single one of them (except flat earth of course) an i wouldn't be surprised.
>>If it werent for putin keeping turkey in tact, we were all be doomed by now
>>Anime/manga/VN/anything asian is the last non-sjw form of media we have, at least in the west.
>Cut dicks are satanic
>The majority of the muslim population are borderline retarded
Cut dicks are satanic
The majority of the muslim population are borderline retarded