Dalai Lama Warns Against Taking Too Many Migrants


>Dalai Lama Warns Against Taking Too Many Migrants, Arab Domination: ‘Migrants Should Return’

>The Dalai Lama has said there are too many migrants pouring into Europe, warning against the continent becoming Arabised, and claiming the solution is the eventual repatriation of migrants.

>Agence France-Presse has reported that the leader of Tibetan Buddhism said: “When we look at the face of each refugee, but especially those of the children and women, we feel their suffering, and a human being who has a better situation in life has the responsibility to help them.

>“But on the other hand, there are too many at the moment… Europe, Germany in particular, cannot become an Arab country, Germany is Germany”.

>“There are so many that in practice it becomes difficult.”

>The Dalai Lama added that “from a moral point of view too, I think that the refugees should only be admitted temporarily”.

>“The goal should be that they return and help rebuild their countries.”

Other urls found in this thread:


Meanwhile, Cathcucks are defending this (and worshiping refugee boats like idols).

Note the smirk.

>And he has also previously applauded the intake of smaller numbers of migrants by European nations, implying that he believes that asylum policies can be a good thing if done in manageable numbers to preserve European culture, as his comments imply.

>“You have to consider many factors, whether you can take care of these people,” he said during a visit to the U.K. in September. “You have to be practical… It’s impossible for everyone to come to Europe,” he added.

>“‘Taking in a few thousand refugees is wonderful but in the meantime you have to think about a long term solution too – through development and education in these Muslim countries.”

He's based.




Buddhists know first-hand what happens when you have muslims as your neighbors.

To be honest: I don't think it's possible to negotiate a peace with islamic terrorists. They would have to either be forced into an unconditional surrender followed by many long years on labor camps where they will either be re-educated or worked to death.

Either that or simply don't take any prisoners...ever.

So what do you do when they're making trouble, Serbia?


Sadly, we got bombed for the last two attempts of removal.

Doesn't really have much to do with Muslims or religion per so so much as Tibet was replaced with Han Chinese using ethnic migration and displacement.

Or just don't mess with success of people like Assad. I agree at this point it is a little messed up, but the strong man solution is possible for the future.


Check'd and saved.

When's he gonna be assassinated for saying that?

> Immortal, reincarnating wise man from the east.

He's been around long enough to know how this kind of shit goes down, m9.

>that tattoo

Reminder that Tibetans are aryans that are enslaved by the eternal chink


Listen to these monks, they understand.
Why Europe has to blindfold itself, I have no clue.


Would shove my dick so far up that qts ass that she'd see my little Allah coming out her mouth.

Christ, I didn't even know Myanmar was having a Muslim issue.

If only our people could be as brazen.

As soon as Mudslimes settle in your country, you have a problem.

Islam in Europe has given us NOTHING but trouble.

Has anyone witnessed any reactions to this statement from Liberals, or have they gone into Ostrich-Mode?

If the goal is actual democracy (like we care..) in those countries, then the strong man option + time is the only viable option. It's scary to think the people in power have possibly not been able to see this blatantly obvious fact from the get go. Almost as if some conspiracy and ulterior motive would be more assuring compared to the plain idiocy it has been presented as.

And checked.

They are still busy scratching off their 'free Tibet' bumper stickers before they complain on twatter about getting triggered by the asian skinhead.

Even the most peaceful man in the world thinks Muslims must be removed, he knows they'll only invite violence.

Kindness has to be tempered by reason. Altruism done pathologically is dangerous. Yes, you can be too kind. It's called irresponsibility.

This idea is now heresy in the West.

>having a muslim issue

The entire fucking WORLD has a muslim issue. You know that rhetoric the leftists spew?

>There are like billion muslims in the world if they were violent we'd see a lot more violence in the world than we do.

>What is the entire middle east at all times
>what is South East asia
>What is the Russian Chechens
>what is AFRICA

Thailand for example has been dealing with an islamic insurgency.


They're memory-holing it in the media

I remember a thread on Sup Forums years ago where someone asked to be redpilled about the dalai lama and apparently he is a cunt who keeps slaves or something.


This old canard.

Look up his interviews where he discusses this aspect of Tibetan history.

The CCP loves to play this up and shills it to hell and back online, despite HHDL having pretty much said "Yes, there were slaves for a period of Tibetan history - but this doesn't mean we needed a Red Chinese invasion to 'fix' us"

Fucking rare

I see the old commie rhetoric is alive and well in asia too.


This. They're everywhere. What's suspicious is that even with help from other more advanced countries (like with USA aiding Philippines - they have armies here to help fight off the mudslimes), there is still no end to them even after several decades of war plus they're still recruiting right under our noses. To make things worse, many of those scums hide in our neighbor SEAs as well. Its like what an user once said, the SEA is like a beehive. There's so many ways for them to increase in number and numerous places to take shelter. Whatever we're doing, it feels like we're just nipping at the outside layers rather than chopping off at the core.

It's in their nature.

That's because the Chinks have always been commies. Despite their success with foreign investment, they are at heart anti-individual commies.

Call your spanish heritage and ask matamoros to help

he's just buttmad that islam has become flavour of the month meme religion instead of buddhism. all the dreadlocks wearing pasty white people are now shouting *refugees welcome* and *religion of peace* instead of *free muh tibet*

and he knows that arabs are shifty and would give up his tibet in a heartbeat for a deal with chinks.

Oh no, hes so....uhhh, well if he were white!


tfw I made this thread hours ago and nobody noticed it

>tfw if I write this I'll be technically liable for hate speech and it's consequences within the EU... And I'm not even minor.

Now the Dalai Lama has spoken out against Muslim immigration

I bet hes the first refugee the Left will shout at to shut up and go back to his own country

Fuck this cuck pope, seriously. Now more than ever Europe needs reasons to unite against the destructive force of Islam and he literally kisses their feet before they take over.

...then war it will be!

Hory shit. Mongolia! They have Internet over there now?

Yes, Juan.

For some reason since ever I liked Mongolia. The more I learn about you guys, the more I like your nation.
I really like this (It says tuvan but is mongolian, right?)...

Can you tell me more music like this one?

That's Jamal Kai Hernandez to you, genghis

Here you go, the most popular rapper here:


Khujaa means "Chink"

Sorry Sr. Hernandez.

Quints speak the truth.

that can't be real.

Sup Forums is almost entirely mongolians with proxies.

DL to respawn in 3...

Red-pilled Dalai Lama
This is hilarious

he's been red pilled since forever


So being against disarming the people makes you a gun nut?


Well, guess I'm a gun nut now.

Damn this dude is amazing.


oh shit

Have you picked a model yet?
How about German reliability?

>single stack 8 round magazine

>implying the rest haven't run away when you've just managed to shoot 3 shitskins

This is why I like Buddhism.

Bullshit, but bullshit attained after years of stoic asceticism.

Tibet is not Buddhist they're they own unique brand of fucking crazy where everyone in Tibet is supposed to be a slave to the Dali Lama who is seen as a god.

I don't know even know how to get a gun.
The gun licensing here is a bureaucratic hell.

But I'll look into it, maybe I'll join a shooting range when I am a bit more financially stable.

How many yuan do CCP shit posters get for posting, again?


Seriously I like the throat singing.

If Chang's Mongolian grill and Age of Empires taught me anything its love for Mongolia

If you invade my country do you think you could make us build wall?


Have looked into it, and our laws are similar. You have to become a permanent member of a gun club and go training regularly for at least a year (Germany) or two years (Nederland). Then you have to pass an official test.

Problem 1: Gun clubs don't advertise, are not in the phone book, and only remote ones are on the internet.

Problem 2: Of course membership, renting a gun and ammo costs money. And you can't just go when you have money as the regulation states you have to train regularly before you can apply for a permit.

Myanmar doesnt really have a islam issue when they slice any muslims apart when they start acting like... well.. muslims

All of Southeast Asia needs drenched in napalm. Fuckers can't hide when all the trees and other plants are burnt.

No one watches voyager user.

>thinking it came from Voyager

M8 m8 we are part of the commonwealth u cant do that.

We're America we can do whatever we want faggot.

We have oil and have a high HDI!Pls colonize

God bless America

(plz no invade no oil here)

Oil, you say?

Our (former terrorists) current nigger government has pretty much banned him from coming to South Africa.


So he must be pretty based.
That and our black commie overlords wanting kiss Chinese some ass.

the goal is seldom democracy

if the wrong person gets elected they will still back freedom fighters

they will try to overthrow the governments over and over until the guy they want gets in

ahhhhhh, 'democracy'

really makes me wonder if who we vote for even matters? none of our politicians are being shot so they must be playing ball

Did someone say oil?

Yes.(With Chinese Interferrence)

sounds like Crusader Kings 2

The yanks and eternal anglos apparently don't approve of kebab removal... unless they are doing the removing.

So did you


The Buddhists of Myanmar know what he is saying Bro!

>With Chinese Interferrence
Looks like we'll have to bust out the napalm anyways. Hope you don't mind no longer having any jungles.

>Shlomo Cohen

You can't make this shit up.

In pugilistic anglophone countries, yes.

I assumed it didn't but that's sheer I heard it first and I don't care if a post a made looks stupid.

M-muh clean and green city.

China uses the same tactic in Tibet: Relocate a lot of people into Tibet to make it Chinese.

Mudslimes do the same. Every major German city already has "Little Arabia"-districts.

Now you know

Sure. These heathens will be the first to go, Inshalah.

>mfw I grew up in a pretty good country
>mfw there were no headscarf women in town
>mfw you only knew negroes from picture books, they weren't even on TV back then
>mfw it's all gone to shit now
>mfw I find myself believing in ethnical cleansing now
>mfw I don't want all those heathens in my town