tell me now before mematics comes and ruins the fun
Is she the new meme?
Other urls found in this thread:
Pls link sengoy
Also what's up with Sup Forums atm
those crazy eyes
Jesus fuck I may be a leaf but even I don't want to go to the US anymore
I see potential, yes.
What's up with those lines on her neck?
america PLEASE
what the hell is this ..fervor?
Is it the indoctrination? the joy of being a part of something?
This is just unnatural
Haha, this one is pretty good desu.
I dunno, dude. These people either believe in their narrative so much that they are starting to come off as some kind of demented group of cultists, or maybe this is just the direction that the world is heading, and we're too messed up to follow along with this shit anymore.
That drawing is too generous to her.
>This is just unnatural
There are no gods in this world, only the invisible atmosphere
this black man rubbing his hands in the beginning - disgusting
Carla the Cuck?
Kek already destined it to be so
why do these retards always have completely soulless eyes?
Sup Forums memes are the worst
it really makes you think
Clearly mad she's the 2/3 not getting any.
failed suicide attempts
You fags are trying too hard now.
Besides, shes cute. I like chicks w pixie cuts
>yeah yeah im a faggot shes a sjw dyke blah blah blah fuck you my dick wants what he wants
Your dick wants to be a 1 in 3 statistic
1 in 3 Americans are obese.
There's got to be a connection here.
This black guy claims he is white.
your dick is retarded
Bitch could chew cobs of corn through a chicken wire fence .
No, not retarded. My dick likes the crazy, not gonna lie
Heh. She could rape my dick if she wanted, and i might not even report it
have you ever fucked a tranny?
Isn't she a Trump supporter?
She was quietly standing with the supporters until someone mentioned rape and she lit up like Christmas.
1 in 3 women get raped? Holy fuck America!
Thank you for the early morning keks
Your dick might be a faggot. She looks like a guy.
>I'm white!
>My mom's white!
And like C L O C K W O R K there is the coalburner who sucks up to him
this video is so different with a Sup Forums lens
That hate in her face... That's sad.
it's just a snapshot
she doesn't seem all that emotional at all, just wanted to join the conversation
not meme material
>Video is kind of stupid
>Tyrone keeps saying the same old BernBot bullshit
>5:00 in
>Bros start chanting 'Build that wall!'
Ficki Fiona pls go
Pick One
This election is nuts
what about 3?
thx a lot guys
Source of the video?
then it must be 2!
>1/3 American women are raped
Stupid cunt
>1 in every 3 women in America gets raped
That however is relative to how rape is defined.
In Sweden we had a rise in reported rapes a some years ago as a result of changing the legislation of what defines as rape, and thus certain things that previously would define as sexual assault instead were defined as rape.
If she's using her own definition she get get that number to half of all American women. That's what very hard about spouting numbers in a heated argument. There is no room for definition, validation, or fact checking. Just "ONE IN EVERY TH-REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"
>waaah i cant have an argument so i will a passive aggressively say "i love you all!!" to stop the conversation
am i the only one triggered by this? i feel like punching a god damn wall
Someone needs to make this into a webm of him just screaming IM WHITE
She looks like a psychotic.
Whos this cunt?
What's this guy's name?
If 1 in 3 people are raped, then 1 in 3 people are doing the raping.
Thus 2 out of 3 people either have been raped or raped someone
That 1 in 3 number she throws out there isn't correct...
>According to United States Department of Justice document Criminal Victimization in the United States, there were overall 173,610 victims of rape or sexual assault, or 0.1% of the US population 12 or older in 2013.[5] While the Department of Justice does not publish a report on the breakout of rape vs. other kinds of sexual assault across the total US population, it does provide that level of detail in a related study of college aged women. The DOJ's Bureau of Justice Statistics indicated that among college women (aged 18–24) women who reported any kind of sexual assault, completed rape represented 33% of incidents between 1995 and 2013.[6]
So 1 in 3 has to do with college females that reported any kind of sexual assault. The actual number is much lower for the entire population.
kinda hot
So she's manipulating the fuck out of those numbers.
>0.1% of entire US population (12+ years)
>Out of this group, a certain age span (18-24)
>Out of this limited group, one in three reports is rape
Underrated post.
Yeah. She's looking at that 33% number and equating it to all rapes, not what they actually represent. Either that or her liberal college professor fed her misinformation.
honestly tho famalam.
I'd fall into getting raped and doing the raping.
>banged a drunk chick once (considered rape by feminists)
>Got banged by a fat girl that I didn't want to bang.
My tears never stop
Religious fanaticism
She is not enough for a meme but am gonna save this for my reactino folder tho
This. Her unfortunate look is quite something to look at, isn't it? but the real meme here is the tall black guy.
>I'm white
>I'm half white
pick one you stupid nigger
Wow what a bunch of fucking retards.
I understand this ...
I still can't wrap my head around changing a definition of what is counted as rape. If you could say that sexual harassment is rape then sexual harassment as a term wouldn't even exist. How can you present that notion and get any traction is beyond me...
Sounds to me like a case of "every square is a rectangle, but not every rectangle is a square". But then again, I'm trying to apply logic to feminism/liberalism which is already a lost cause.
In the US there is stare rape and regret is considered rape.
Whether or not she is true meme material, we should still treat her like she is. There needs to be a very real risk these fags run when they go out and behave like this on camera. If they start to understand that they could be publicly ridiculed (Carl the Cuck/Aids Skrillex), I'd imagine it might shake their spec.
Well, rape can be defined as sex without consent, but does it have to include violence? Is it only insertion of the penis that counts, what if he just starts fisting her instead? Maybe uses a wooden stick? Does she explicitly have to say no, or can someone avoid a rape charge by drugging the woman so she can't say anything? Do the victim and the perpetrator have a previous romantic relationship? Is it relevant to the case?
There are a lot of factors that go in.
>Carl advocates cuckoldry
>Skrillex has Aids
>Fiona is a Ficki enabler
The holy trinity
a stupid expression is a good first step but this shit got old weeks ago.
attention whores posting pics of themselves being asses in public to try to get some nick name as a badge of honor so their ghey little jewbook friends think their cool...
yea we moved on to swedes talking about their own moms pussies and if its shaved or not how debating how degenerate that is
I liek this new meem
I don't see any confusions there.
First of all, violence and rape are two different concepts and therefore should be treated as such. Obviously rape includes force, cuz you need to overpower the victim but that isn't violence in my opinion. Violence is beating someone up not just holding them down.
As for shoving things up them (ie. any penetration) is rape in my book. Having sex with someone who clearly doesn't consent is rape. Fucking someone while they're drugged up is rape. But we can't extend rape to touching someone's boob for example. Because that is just sexual harassment.
>But we can't extend rape to touching someone's boob for example. Because that is just sexual harassment.
True, and that is why the legislation is the way it is.
Thing is our legislation previously didn't classify drugging someone and raping them as rape, rather sexual assault. Why? Because "the woman explicitly has to say no several times with enough convincing tone" for it to be rape. Rape cases here have been dismissed because even though the woman said she didn't want to have sex, it was argued that "well the perpetrator wasn't convinced".
As well as shoving stuff into women is also something that now classifies as rape and made the statistics different, because believe it or not, tons of fucking cases are closed because "well he didn't use his penis".
I believe both you and I agree with each other. The problem is that there are a lot of legislative bullshit that has helped rapists shorten their sentence, and this happens in all countries. Not just Sweden.
So you openly advocate shaming ppl whose opinions you disagree with, just like a million tumblrina SJWs?
Pol is now officially reddit lite