>And Steven.....
>we love you.
Why do people pretend this is anything but kino. Is Sup Forums just wrong again?
>And Steven.....
>we love you.
Why do people pretend this is anything but kino. Is Sup Forums just wrong again?
>literally Tumblr: the show
>even the fucking image is from Tumblr
Do your family a favor and blow your brains out tonight.
This post is literally tumblr
It's just a trace of an actual screenshot, autismo
because its a kid's cartoon you manchild. take it to Sup Forums
>Only being able to enjoy things targeted toward your demographic
Why does he turn to girl when he fusions
I don't get why people think it's "literally Tumblr". Sure it might show elements of diversity and feminism, but at least t doesn't push them down your throat. In fact, it's starting to question blindly following sjw morals and show that any two sides of a conflict can have two-faced ulterior motives. I can see Rose Quartz being presented as an antagonist after Hillary gets elected.
A Chad friend recommended it and I was surprised by how good it is. I'm halfway through season 1 and every episode has been good and consistent.
All gems except Steven are based on females. So when Steven fuses, and he technically becomes a different gem, he's is presented as female
>Halfway through season 1
Oh Jesus you haven't seen anything yet. Have you watched mirror gem yet?
yep. Netflix fucked the episode order tho.
I wish there weren't so many fat people
Isn't Stevonnie supposed to be androgynous?
MAYBE in her first episode, but she's pretty clearly supposed to be female
I mean, purely gem fusions come from a non-gender based species. I guess you can make the argument about Steven and Connie both being feminine, but since Stevonnie is literally one of a kind and created from a species that is gender based, I feel like the androgyny is still there. They may or may not confirm that via joke or off-hand remark though.
>the creator literally made it to indoctrinate kids
This video is great because anybody who has actually seen the show knows how hilariously easy it is to debunk, and it always invalidates anything else the poster is saying.
Because it feels like the writer consciously did it as a "being fat is normal, get over it" shtick and it's obnoxious because of how transparent it is
>knows how hilariously easy it is to debunk
And yet no one has.
This is so far from the truth. Stevens concept is supposed to be a big joke. The show is about a group of magical girls, but one of them is a young chubby boy.
How about this. One of the first posts the video makes is how bad the music in the show is, yet instead of showing some of the shows bad music (which, as a fan, there is admitably a bit of), he plays a millisecond of one of the songs (one of the better ones too), and immediately cuts to someone laughing as if that is an indicator the music is bad
My favorite one is:
>These characters are dancing too provocatively for me, that means its trying to brainwash your children
It's threads like these that really make you appreciate /sug/.
A place where fans of the show can discuss the show with other fans.
This guy's videos are fucking garbage.
>I haven't seen mad max but I'm still going to give my opinon on stuff like "ruining an icon"
I've never watched this show, I've suffered from gender confusion ever since my cousin showed me ranma. I Do not approve of this at all, it's currupting the minds of our youth!
He is just a Sup Forums echochamber. It's really evident if you watch any of his videos back to back or watch his force awakens review
How is Steben not /our guy/
How many episodes are you away from The Return?
So how far are you ladies into your trans-formation. Just started hormones myself two weeks ago.
Ranma just made me straighter. All I could think of was how alpha he was and how cute the girls obsessed with that Chad/Stacy were
like 18
Doesn't tumblr hate it as well since they interpreted their episode about the dangers of radicalization as "anti black lives matter"?
Bait: The Post
Episode 225: Another Steven Universe post from my tumblr
no, fuck off tumblr
Probably my favorite moment
Why is Pearl so much better developed than the other two? Amethyst is just decent comic relief with bitchy and inexcusable qualities and Garnet lost her charm after her components proved to be much way more uninteresting apart than together. Pearl on the other hand is this morally ambiguous character that shows very relatable feelings and goes through shit like a real person. I don't think I've ever seen a character ina. children's show harbor emotions as profound as her bittersweet love and resentment towards Steven. It's like you can see that she wants to, but because she was made to be a servant implies that she can ever get over Rose Quartz because it's in her nature to worship her master forever. And the fact that Rose herself seemed to exploit her for it makes it all the more fucked up.
This is the show that managed to be even more pozzzed than Adventure Time right
>there are people in this thread actually defending Steven Universe
Sup Forums is such shit now it's fucking nothing but tumbler.
RWBY should not even be allowed on that board but they have a mod that's a fan who defends it.
Please kill yourself
Never seen Adventure Time but I never felt that sjwshit was being pushed down my throat when watching SU.
Why do so many of these characters got big nigger lips? Are they trans-niggers
I feel like if you put them on a window they would stick to it
Serious question: How does Stevonnie know not only how to drive, but to drive well enough to almost beat that Chad dude on the downhill?
This bothered me too. The whole episode bothered me
Because he's nu-male who knows how to do domestic stuff like scrub a shower and shave his asshole
Because that episode was absolute garbage
The fuck are you even trying to say.
Definitely one of the weakest of the last batch, yeah.
Only kids show I'm into at the moment tbqh
Honestly, I chumped it up to all be from Connie's knowledge of reading about it. I can totally see her reading about books then secretly trying to simulate what actual driving would be like in real life. I can also see that being a primary reason for her going along with Steven to race the guy.
That's the thing about this show. There's so much hidden subtext that people don't catch it and just throw it away as a plot hole.
Also this is the shit.
>reading about books
What did I mean by this?
The only word I can use to describe this show, and its protagonist, is faggot.
>Doesn't tumblr hate it as well since they interpreted their episode about the dangers of radicalization as "anti black lives matter"?
I hate everything about this post.
they are among us
i hope they find the noose theyre looking for
now THIS is kino
Why is the voice acting so bad? It's like they just pulled randos off the street
The big red nig is the worst
>dude everyday human interactions
IS this all it takes for simple mind autists to think something is kino?
>dude michael bay movie has family interactions it is now certified kino
Garnets VA has a feature in a Kanye song
cool, when are you killing yourself?
Throwback desu
In no way do any of these posts actually say anything of critical merit. To refer to the last two, why do you think the voice acting is bad (which it can be) and in what way did anyone say anything about the slice of life aspects of the show being it's main selling point? If you fuckers got out of your tin foil hats for once, and watched something before you critique it, you'd realize that the show leans towards some pretty anti-liberal themes at times and makes some fair arguments about a lot of social issues. Obviously it doesn't go all out with those moments, but if they did that they'd lose their audience.
Like said, it even got flack for it once because it went against it'a crazy fanbase's ideals.
holy fucking autism
whats the best way to get reblogs?
>If you fuckers got out of your tin foil hats for once
>Sup Forums is such shit now it's fucking nothing but tumbler.
Literally where?
I can never find what people like you are talking about outside falsefag SU threads like this one.
What's there to defend?
This show needs no validation.
>RWBY should not even be allowed on that board
How about you prove to me that I wasn't too stoned when watching it to make the interpretations that I did?
Believe me, son. I am being genuine as fuck right now.
I didn't say you specifically were falsefagging, I was talking about OP obviously knowing what he was doing by making this sort of thread and
anons like among several others.
Oh, I guess. But I don't think OP was falsefagging. Seemed more like he didn't know what he was getting into. I myself had no idea what Sup Forums thought of the show, so I figured I'd find out, but then I realized that Sup Forums is more of a parody of a board, and realized that I was an idiot for not getting that sooner.
never really got into this but i remember the music was good
If you browsed for longer than a week then you'd know he was baiting. Most off-topic threads get deluged with shitposting so don't expect any serious discourse next time.
Well yeah, it's clear that he was baiting, but that doesn't necessarily mean that he's a falsefag, considering he might've just wanted an argument. And honestly, these days, the people on this board sound like they would genuinely believe the shitty bait that they'd make into a thread. It's seriously getting harder to tell if they're dumbasses or trolls.
I'm OP and honest to god didn't make it to bait. I made it to try to convince some Sup Forums posters to watch the show. I have before
It's because these threads are perceived to be commonplace by new users. The bait gets taken more often which creates a comfy environment for shitposters/spammers and makes the board look shitty overall.
>I have before
You can stop.
Hah, I remember that.
>this episode portrayed the violent murderous member in the wrong! you should kill your oppressor and everyone who agrees with them! down with the patriarchy! #killwhitey!
The triggering that day was delicious.
Why? Just let this fucking thread die.
People will talk mad shit about the show, but I still think it's a great and has pretty amazing songs. Listening to this is pretty calming if I ever get stuck thinking about shit I want to forget. Fan base is cancerous as fuck though.
>Steven Universe
I'll show you some actual cartoon kino,bud
I had this song ruined for me in a drive-by Youtube link.
You were banished. Don't make me recite the incantation.
yeah dude SU is so woke xD its t-totally not a shitty tumblr show
I think the creator has said that she sees the most of herself in Pearl.
It actually is woke af though. The main character has been proven to be overly liberal to the point of unhealthiness and his idealistic mother is being implied to be a false idol in recent episodes, showing that liberal causes can lead to harmful results just as much as conservatives ones do.
I'm in love with this picture.
Not that you would know, since you've never watched it.
>I made it to try to convince some Sup Forums posters to watch the show
Not going to work. They have to try it for themselves, that's how it's always happened
>I have before
Fuck off with this tumblr shit you goddamn nigger faggots
what is this Sup Forums topic doing on my Sup Forums