Is hypnosis fake or true? degeneracy or not?

is hypnosis fake or true? degeneracy or not?

well Sup Forums?

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didnt work on me

Absolute degeneracy

Hypnosis can be an effective tool in therapeutic settings provided the participant is willing.

All of the hocus pocus surrounding it, though, is complete garbage and has been overblown by television and films.

When it's practiced by a trained professional, it can be marginally useful.

I went to a hypnosis once. He put me into a trance and fucked me in the ass. Never again.

mummy not approves :(


Nice ID mate I'm sure you liked it


I'm sure you had a great view.

It works for sure. But not as seen on tv.

I wanna hypnotize mummy and keep her home with me all the time

she's turning into a babushka.

She has some nice armpits.

The greatest form of control is when you think you're free when youre being fundamentally manipulated and dictated to.
One form of dictatorship is being in a prison cell and you can see the bars and touch it.
The other one is sitting in a prison cell but you cant see the bars but you think youre free.

What the human race is suffering from is mass hypnosis.
We are being hypnotized by people like this: newsreaders, politicians, teachers, lecturers.
We are in a country and in a world that is being run by unbelievably sick people.
The chasm between what were told is going on and what is really going on is absolutely enormous.
pretty real desu senpay baka nigger just not he pendulum watch ore black white spinning shit

its real
it involves you being in a state of trans and the hypnotist giving you suggestions
when you're in this state, any sound comes from the inside of your head, their words become your thoughts
all you need to do is completely relax and i mean lose the sense of your own body and surrounding. There's only your consciousness submerged into a dark, comfortable abyss
you can induce trance by yourself
lay back and relax
focus on your breathing
make sure it's deep and slow
some quiet and un-sudden ambient sounds should prevent the distracting thoughts

Fake garbage. But considering this board is full of sky dad believers, I'm sure they believe in this retarded shit too.

*Tips Fedora*

*swings pocket watch*

Well you won't get hypnotized if you don't want to. And this pendulum shit doesn't work. It's not some sort of mind control either. It's basically turning down your body and mind while still being conscious.

>being in a state of trans



*unsheathes katana

Slide thread.

Sage your posts.