When did you realize traps are the ultimate redpill? It is the only way to free thyself from the the female trickery and guilt-tripping that has decimated our societies.
traps are the culmination of today's degeneracy
One of the guys doesn't seem to have a face.
sauce pls
Sauce and/or moar of the same pls
We truly are the ultimate redpill
there is poo in butts
im a trap for many reason, and most of my male friends think traps are great as we are genereally more fun to talk to, and dont have this roastie attitude.
A man is better at anything than a women, including being a woman.Sure there are ugly unpassing traps but so are some women who look like dudes aswell.
Nonsense, traps are caricatures of women and end up becoming even more insufferable.
What's even worse is that traps are still male, so it's just a gay relationship, but both men are just pretending otherwise. Traps are the ultimate bluepill.
Look, I like fapping to trap pics on the net. But in reality, what do you think a trap is going to look like past their mid 20's?
traps are a meme and those who take it seriously truly are the most fucked of cunts.
>im a trap for many reason
but the #1 reason is because you´re German
It's from a gallery by P Herb called "Mesu Ochi Kishi".
>What's even worse is that traps are still male, so it's just a gay relationship, but both men are just pretending otherwise.
The reason traps are great is precisely because they are male. Yeah it's gay, but who fucking cares?
I'm not gay but little boygirls are pretty hot
actually im 0% german,colgate.
Don't lump me together with these cucks cause of the flag i only have it a few monthes.
Where are you from?
ur not gay ur a pedo
>Pure and virginal, waiting to meet the right guy before taking things all the way.
Fucking top kek
Transfucks are some of, if not the, most sexually active people on the planet.
>implying anyone in today's germany is german
its not redpill.
its just gay.
70% he's greek.
Ela re malaka.
his mouth and little butt
most of my family is hungarian,some others polish,ashkneazi and tatar.
idk if im even white but i do look pretty light skinned through.
Are you a qt with a feminine penis?
Not sure if I want a trap or be the trap
A ton of germans have a slavic background.
Fuck off
yes i was born to trap, im pretty petite for a guy and only 5'2
He knows what he's doing
they're even more airheaded, vain an attention-seeking than normal women
Why are there so many of you here?
And WHY do you always make us ask you to show your boipussy instead of just showing it to us?
post feet.
it know it must hurt if people with different roots dont want to be associated with germany or germans cause your hella cucked ,but thats for you to fix,not me.
>wanting a trap
traps are for faggots in denial. There is a big difference between trap and transgirl or shemale/ladyboy
Shemale/ladyboy's are the best, they are hot as fuck, loyal as fuck, actually have tits and a dick and a fat ass to fuck. Why would you want a boy body in a dress instead?
"so many"
Are you talking about the 2 spanish twinks? They once made me cum on my chest, i am trying to avoid them ever since.
have you ever noticed how these 'passable traps' are always somewhere around 17 to 21? Because after that they only get worse. Within a span of a few years after that they are completely hideous and any trace of potential fuckability is gone and that is the reason they always end up killing themselves in their early 20s
idk i only mention im trap if its relevant to the subject,many traps just attention whore and like guys to tell them to show their boipuss before they do, its a sibmissive thing.
here you go.
Ayy lmao, I had a trap fetish for a while, then I saw two "special woman" in real life, one was a man in his 50 wearing dress, ugly as fuck and another one was a 30ish years old something, I couldn't even tell if it was a man and or woman or what... Those two fixed my trap fetish, now every time I think about "traps" and "hot trans" I can't get a boner because I think of those mentally ill deranged ugly fucks I saw irl.
The "hot" traps you see online are unicorns, you won't encounter them in real life, but you do encounter feminine real women.
If you have a trap/trans fetish, just go see some of them in real life and it will cure your fetish hahaha.
>Boyfriend likes to trap
>Only does it for sex
It's a submissive thing.
I fucking hate shemales, and I prefer traps.
If you're a shemale, you're a dude trying to hard to be a woman.
Traps are the best. They generally don't pretend to be anything they're not, and the only people who do are complete fags who try to be anything but.
Traps and fags are fine. The rock-hard tits of a shemale will never be appealing.
Post butt
>striped kneesocks
So C, or C++ ?
have fun trying to procreate degenerate faggot
im 23 soon 24 and i look like very youthfull like a 16 year old, if you do hrt and have naturally a more feminine body it works out,especially if you do surgeries later.
here is my butt
Start a thread in another board.
I feel a storm coming on that's going to kill this thread.
Get the fuck out of my country you fucking degenerate
God dammit now I have an erection
Kill yourselves, famalams.
cute desu
i know they are stereotypical, thats why i got them.
When i started traping i wanted some striped kneesocks on purpouse, i cant code at all
Kill yourself.
You're going to have to post more you know.
>not posting the real one
You do indeed look petite and small AF.
Can you post your belly? either that or a pic on all 4's from above. Last request.
Nothing says traditional values like a gay marriage where one of them is dressed up in drag to make it look straight, am I right?
>you're gonna have to post more
No, fucking leave. All of you degenerates, leave this fucking earth.
Get out of my country you fucking faggot.
jealous much
im on it
>traditional values
Tradition sucks shit. One shouldn't be asking "is this traditional?" but rather, "does this work?"
Crucify everyone with AIDS, let the gay urges come and flow as necessary, end feminism forever, and bring back the Roman Empire.
Dudes getting with other dudes might be the catalyst to recreate white society.
>not being a trap
Step it up.
>mfw men are better than women in everything, including in being women
Females on suicide watcg
>jealous much?
Of not being fucked up in the head? Boy, you got me there!
Post 10x10 cock.
This kike gets it.
That's why one should stay away.
Wouldn't want to walk around paranoid of being stabbed because his trap time is up. It's all fun and games until a certain point.
This does it. I hope you feel good about yourself that some random guy on Sup Forums is masturbating to pics of you.
nah, true men are the ultimate redpill
God damn degenerates
What the fuck Sup Forums
Traps are only acceptable in 2D. 3D traps are bigger attention whores than women and even more promiscuous.
I'm sorry. I cant help myself. I like traps.
Some of you faggots on Sup Forums get up in my grill because I play 3 hours of video games daily, yet men dressing up in excess amounts of drag to look feminine is OK? I swear, the same people I usually see must be asleep or something because this thread would probably be dead if posted in the afternoon.
It's too late, Schlomo
that isnt the first time this happens...
i post some of my pics here kinda often, i might should become a trip fag already
Why Hans, papa Adolf would be ashamed of you.
God damn faggots
I blame you
>blaming me because you are a bunch of degenerates
You've posted these pic's before.
Traps are degenerate.
The actual ones that see themselves as girls want to cut their cock off as well.
if you put on a pair of tits, some make up put keep your cock - you're just a boy that likes dressing up as a girl and you know it.
You're fucking someone that KNOWS they're male.
Heh, I wish /pol could chill out a little bit. Not all gays/transwhatever are "degenerates". It's not degenerate by itself. The SJWs attempting to confuse children about their genders and trying to make everyone nonbinary is pure evil though. But there's bound to be a few special cases there and there.
Or you can just do the world a favor and kill yourself.
some of them yes,some are new
Post pantybulge
OMG I just want to settle with a trap to fill my rectum with his man juices :) I'm so redpilled women are for faggots lol only fags can relate to women, anybody who's married to a woman with a vagina is a fucking cuck you're probably being brainwashed by the Jews to make the wrong choice real women can't even play games
That's normal.
nah im good, but if you want people to kill themself, why not lead by example?
mods are asleep post butthole trapbro
I bet you walk by the refugee camps all the time, eh fraulein? Spreading that jungemuschi as a welcome mat.
>men dressing as women and cutting their dicks off
>acting like faggots online
>not degenerate
Is this supposed to be the white men's bastion against degeneracy? Doesn't look like it f a m
>Yessss... good goyim. Keep pandering to the feminist agenda. Clearly this homosexual degeneracy is harming everyone, which is why we Jews worked so hard to keep it down throughout the centuries.
the hell, no i hate these subhumans.Im a trap not a woman