well star trek says we gotta have a horrific WW3 that wipes out the musklims in order to into space
let it be
Britain needs to forget about its former status as a major global power and embrace its destiny inside a greater Europe, according to an ally of German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
“The old dreams of the empire and the Commonwealth is not a dream for the future, it is a dream of the past,” Elmar Brok, chairman of the European Parliament’s foreign affairs committee told Bloomberg in a TV interview.
“They can stay in the internal market, without any say on the rules of the internal market,” he said. “That is the only point how Britain can stay in the internal market.” But in a surprisingly revealing admission, Brok said the EU had “no contingency plan” in the event of Brexit.
Despite a flurry of intervention from world leaders including President Barack Obama as well as a host financial institutions warning Britain about the dire consequences of Brexit, the polls have shifted toward the Leave side.
Well it was fun ride see you in the wrong think camps.
What's wrong, Heinrich? Afraid the government will see what you're saying about Sholom Rosenbaum and Adnan Ahmadi on your Facebook?
Just stop using these services. You are a real fool if you still use Facebook or Microsoft.
I refuse to believe this shit, they won't be able to pull that off.
I don't use kikebook and can replace jewtube anyway
ALL internet activity will be behind a login screen.
This was their plan all along. We've known for over a decade.
They roll it out small to begin with.
I hate this digusting whore. She is such a fat, ugly old piece of shit.
shut the fuck up faggot
get educated on what the u.s actually is instead of being indoctrinated by memes constantly perpetuated by the americans.
Get the fuck out of the EU!!!
>the european commission wants the EU to collapse before the year ends
thats how i read it
Start using TOR
Trump said he supports censoring the internet though
when do we take over this island and establish a Sup Forums colony?
This meme influence is only made successful on the shallow minded by the fact that the american is the majority poster, hence majority influence.
Now as we can see- and already knew- the american is the majority poster and hence holds majority influence. This influence unchecked personally will let the individual be influenced by this majority without realizing it but he must.
He must question that perhaps a lot of his formed stances here are too american influenced, and that america itself is a very questionable if not enemy source of influence.
One can argue even half of americans posting here are not white. Remember that.
And not a moment too soon.
Although what they want is a totalitarian regime like the USSR.
i mean, its still a reason for concern of course, but still
>using kikebook
Trump could turn this all around
The fuck em i supposed to use if not MS? Apple?
That's a misleading title. They want to roll out somthing that links shit like online purchases back to you.
Which isn't much BETTER, but different enough that the title is fase enough to be - rightfully - dismissed by anyone who doesn't already read Breitbard.
>t. fucking leaf
Soon brother, I just need more time, more money, soon.
Jesus fucking Christ.
You're on your fucking own.
What are some good books I can read that are fitting to the current situation in europe? 1984 is on my list.
Say that again with your real name using your mandatory gubment issued uniqe ID card, and see what happens, fucker.
This is looking like it might be one of the comfiest happening in some time.
God speed, Yuros.
The EU is only for free trade. You are against free trade?
>They fell for the EU meme
Get real, christ.
Maybe some shallowed minded youngsters here can be overwhelmed by the most perpetuated memes and hence have their perspectives be almost entirely american derived.
But there are those of us that...well actually you don't even have to be smart in the slightest to realize u.s.a is the enemy, the eternal jew it's in every statistic we can look at. Actually the fact anyone considers a nation that is 30% less white than them somehow a * savior * is absolutely fucking cucked in the head.
Hopefully I awaken some.
C'mon Brits your ancestors told Hitler to fuck off, don't embarass them by surrendering to an old German hag.
Mother England already abandoned her Commonwealth sons long ago.
After we died like dogs for you bastards to secure you from German dominance.
Then you tossed us aside to make way for more Third World diversity and to willingly give yourself to Germany.
I don't like you anymore.
I'd rather stick with the Americans, especially if Trump wins.
People would switch to vimeo or whatever, not really because MUH 1984, but just because of the hassle.
U.S.A is the red beast, the uncivilized horde that grows less civilized by the day.
Reaffirm yourselves countrymen- they are not better they are not even equals to us anymore.
>Be Eurocuck
>Get cucked
Brave New World, Fahrenheit 451
The only thing i'm awakening to are those trips senpai
>Be Eurocuck
>Wear state-mandated this
Yeah there are a ton of other platform for video streaming but youtube is so fucking big no platform can support all the users
Merkel ist ne dumme, alte, verschrumpelte Hure.
>Be oldfag
>Remember when family first got an internet capable computer in the mid-late 90's
>The fucking official Microsoft packaged internet guide expressly tells you, as loud and clear as possible, to never, ever, ever use your real identity online or post private or personal info on the internet.
I miss the old days.
Yeah you're doing a real service to society, Mr. Autistic Keyboard Crusader
I tried that a couple times and i fucking hated every second of it. Nothing worked properly and everything required me to visit the cmd or whatever the fuck it is called in order to make it work in anyway
Nation states were a mistake
Would rather go to the Gulag
They said the same about Myspace and Napster. It would just be like Snapchat or Instagram again.
>t. City-state
Except your posts have nothing to do with the subject at hand.
How about you post an argument instead and donate one dollar to the Stefan Molyneux radio show.
>you will never get AOL discs in the mail to use as frisbees ever again
When Trump says he wants to stop muslim immigration people say * its unconstitutional, you cant do that! *
That is a situation of utter cuckdom.
Here if someone says the same thing about banning a type of immigrant, they will be called * un-canadian * but do you know whats better about that is at least we can always redefine what being canadian means and it isnt just jew written words written into stone that forever dictates us and sends us into a global racial melting pot.
I mean my god the constitution is worse than an actual human dictator because at least dictators die.
Their culture is controlled by a New Bible-New Jewry, the constitution.
>“In 2013, the European Parliament spent almost £2 million on press monitoring and trawling Eurosceptic debates on the internet for “trolls” during euro-elections amid fears that hostility to the EU was growing.”
>They claim that “institutional communicators must have the ability to monitor public conversation and sentiment on the ground and in real time, to understand ‘trending topics’ and have the capacity to react quickly, in a targeted and relevant manner, to join in and influence the conversation, for example, by providing facts and figures to deconstructing myths.”
Most worrysome and revealing bit.
Shows the real motive behind these moves.
Nice try.
I love Mutti between.
There are plenty of other options too, I just think true Finnish patriot should use Linux. Everyone does at my university.
Yeah maybe, we'll see
Those are only for the nationals. Refugees get dick pumps and aphrodisiacs.
Time for all brits to spread this around
What if your government redefines Canadian to mean executing autist goys like you? By your own admission there's nothing wrong with that. But then again you're just a baiting canuck shitposter so who cares anyway.
Dude your leader brings them in on the taxpayers dime and houses and feeds them on your money without a peep from your public. Do you really want to get into who is the biggest cuck fight?
Because you already lost.
How do you say "This is the end for you, Jew!" in German?
That girl in the picture looks good for being 57 years old.
Try the more compatible distros, there are some that are almost plug and play. Dual boot, Linux for web browsing and privacy, windows for games
white don't blight
Venice has declared war on (You)
Only proving my earlier points
80% of american posters are one of the following
:not white
:under aged
"Das ist dein Ende, Jude!"
I don't really care, we'd all be happier if we weren't on the Internet apart from business or scholarly settings desu.
Like with everything the EU commission tries to do, this will backfire epicly.
Really, they are the most disconnected people from the real world. They are just some non-elected bureaucrat crypto-kikes, and they think they can mandate like an oligarchy whatever they want. The backlash for this is going to be delicious.
Europe is afraid of me. I have seen its true face. The streets are extended gutters and the gutters are full of blood and when the drains finally scab over, all the vermin will drown. The accumulated filth of all their sex and murder will foam up about their waists and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout "Save us!"... and I'll whisper "no."
It's always weird how delusional Americans are. They are the ones giving Jews all that power, the ones with the highest Ashekanzi demography, the ones that are 40% white.
>playing games with linux
Bravo Europeans.
As opposed to 100% of Canadian posters who
>belong in the trash
>playing games
Also you can still use other system for games if you must
Pretty sure Linux can run Dwarf Fortress.
>"Das ist dein Ende, Jude!"
This is why I love german, even without knowing a single word most english-speakers could understand what you meant if you were to say it.
Wow lad thats some European freedom right there.
>Trump said he supports censoring the internet though
Sauce on that, fampai?
Riots when?
Is it 40% now? Every time a Euro posts I swear they shave another 10 points. That's almost as absurd as saying Germany is going to take in a million refugees
at least my money isn't toilet paper
Well they're both Germanic languages, so
Toilet paper is probably worth more than Canadian currency tbqh
>at least my money isn't toilet paper
I've some bad news for you lad
Your shit's going to have rainbows and sandniggers all over it if you aren't careful.
>dwarf fortress
Well ok then, linux masterrace I guess
are they really gonna put on such an ugly coon on the dollar
Yet you with a higher white population and lower Jewish population folded faster then you can say "B-but Europe is not a slave to America".
"meine fleischpeitsche ist klein und verschrumpelt, jude!"
Ignore this shill, he's using devide and conquer tactics and subversive language to try and derail discussion. This is about mass censorship and monitoring if peoples activities.
We need to fight back as one, not be devided by petty shit.
How many anti-depressants do you shove down your throat when you happen to be holding your 20$ in your hand, and on some t.v in the store Obama is on there reaffirming the reality he is President- and then you slowly look back down at your 20$ and whisper under your breath
"He is president. "
You're all over reacting the shit will never pass
kike fear mongering
it's a good sign
it's a sign they are in panic mode.