For the past two weeks I’ve put myself through a little experiment just to see how it would actually affect my health...

For the past two weeks I’ve put myself through a little experiment just to see how it would actually affect my health, and weight

I’ve been self inducing vomiting after almost every meal for the past two weeks, with very intense exercising every day. Only drinking water the whole time. so ask me anything

Pic unrelated

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How much weight have you lost since you started?

Its been 10 minutes and OP hasn't responded to anything.

I’ve lost 15 pounds so far

Sorry dawg was busy

How does vomit taste like?

I sincerely hope you die a slow miserable death, retarded fuck.


Damn, dude. Be careful doing this, could turn into an eating disorder. Unfortunately my gf does this and is not healthy despite working out constantly.

How are your knuckles? Already with calluses?

Me too thanks

It’s not that bad, usually Unless you’re eating some spicy shit it’s not too bad

>could turn into
Already is.

Not that I can really tell no, but you can definitely see my veins are more prominent

This was more so an experiment, I had no real urge to lose weight, I’m not self conscious about my body

Nice double dubs

Russell's sign is one of the first things people notice. I'm studying nursing and i can tell you already suffer an eating disorder. There is something that bothers you about how things are going?

Well, yeah I read up on all of this before I started, I’ve not noticed calluses on my knuckles, but I’ve definitely noticed fatigue, and dizziness.

What are your conclusions?

Still seeing how it’s going, gonna give it another few days and call it a wrap. Will update if kill

Why are you doing this?
Why were you curious about this?

I was bored man, wanted to see how my body would react to physically pushing myself while self inducing vomiting after eating

Do you like how your voice sounds? And can you sing?

I can sing pretty decently, my voice does sound a little more coarse but not to the point of noticeability

That's how your body reacts to the lack of nutrients. Let's take a lesson of all of this and go back to normal ok? If you got trouble with leting this go and become feeling dizzy, you can always get help. Remember that.

Careful if planning to do this longer, could lead to a esophageal rupture or esophagitis

Would you recommend any to throw up after every meal?

I’m not sure how long it takes for it to become a serious issue, like I plan on stopping. But I’m not sure how long people do this before it severely damages them

Nah man, there’s definitely better ways for weight loss.

Good guy user

Have you tried flying yet?

It will be noticeable soon, and you will never recover. Years of cigarette smoking can't harm your larynx as badly as constant stomach acid will. That "little coarseness" is going to turn into sounding like a frog if you do not seek help.

So what did you learn?

Flying as in on an airplane, or as in literal taking flight. Because I’m sure both would be fun

Not much, wasn’t a very fun test. I really just ended up being pissed off and tired a lot, so. Yeah don’t do that

Like testing to see if people have been lying to you your whole life, telling you that you never will have the ability of flight.
What has stopped you from jumping off a building and flapping your arms to test this theory. You should do this next since you seem to be quite the scientist.

So nothing of merit was gained from this experiment?

Sounds fun

I lost 15 pounds I mean, so yeah I figured out how much weight you can lose by doing it

Eh that's ok I guess then

Yeah, I mean I fully understood the risk beforehand. So did those idiots that did ate tide pods I’m sure

Question is, now that you've seen the fast method, how are you going to cope once you eat? When your body sees food again and freaks the fuck out and packs on fat, how is that gonna make you feel?
How are you going to be able to get into that healthy routine that you didn't do this time? How much are you going to limit your calorie intake after this?
I'm willing to bet you're thinking about these things. I'm also willing to bet you're gonna have a lot of anxiety about these things.

You can call this a harmless "experiment" if you want to. But how are you sure you're going to be able to just "stop?"
Maybe it's easy at first, maybe you miss eating and you'll feel really good at first starting to eat and function right again. So much so that you look back and feel disgusted you did something like that.
But then that scale reading goes up just a little. Then again. Then again. Then you look in the mirror and you can see it. You feel it. You hate it even.
Are you really sure you're going to be able to not throw up after eating? What if you start getting sick after you eat? Anxiety, stomach problems, whatever causes it, you're sick.
Suddenly you're always sick after eating. Food is now a whole lot harder to keep down.
How long do you go before you admit you have a problem?
Are you going to let yourself die if it gets to that point?
How do you know when you have control anymore?

>When your body sees food again and freaks the fuck out and packs on fat

As long as he takes it easy (soups, broths, vegetables and fruit) and still eats at a slight caloric deficit for a couple days, he won't just gain it all back

youre a fucking retard you know? you cant just magically stop what your doing

I’m perfectly capable of controlling what I eat and getting back into normal eating habits.

actually, yeah, that's kinda what happens. OP and all other eating disorder sufferers need to commit to stopping
just like cigarettes and heroine
but dont you see?
that control is what you're obsessed over

Yeah dumbass, you can stop. If you have self control it’s not that hard. Just like the guy above me said it’s just like smoking

Wow. You turned yourself into an anorexic girl. Post pics of your stretch marked pussy.

>Real geniuses know how to turn themselves into a pickle
>Because they can

I consider myself a very strong willed person, especially when it comes to dieting and nutrition, I lost 40 pounds throughout 2017 through regular meal control and exercise.
Pic related

Bwah! That's nothing! In 1998 I lost 140 some off pounds!

>I got a divorce


It takes a strong will to off yourself too dude, I'd recommend giving less of a fuck about how you look

I didn’t do it to make myself more physically fit though I did it because i just wanted to see how it’d feel

if its any consolation I would fuck all three of those pics

Sorry physically fit isn’t the right term, I mean appearing more lean

I don’t even really see any difference in the third pic with this pic I just took

Fuck these people telling you to stop. You look great, I bet you if you keep this up for at least a year you will be slaying bitches. No pain, no gain!

Lmfao right, as much as death sounds fun I don’t think that bulimia is the right way to do it

Well what was your hypothesis going in? I just know I've done some things just to "see how it'd feel" / what effects it would have only to realize later there was more to it

Well I didn’t anticipate the dizziness, nor did I actually think I’d lose any more than like 5 pounds

Not sure if asked but how's your tone of voice? Not so deep now huh faggot

I do this without vomiting (don't be a fucking woman OP) and I've lost 60 lbs in 4 months. Thats in the 200s weight we're talking not 500lbs or 400lbs which are easy as fuck to loose by not being a disgusting hambeast.

What were you anticipating?

My voice is actually a little deeper, so. Yeah, deeper

Do what without vomiting, normal dieting?

What's the deal with airline food?

I know! Could this stuff taste any worse? It's, like, "Thanks, but no thanks. I'm still stuffed from that huge bag of smoked almonds!”