ITT: pleb stories

>chilling with friends
>put morton feldman's second string quartet
>confront myself and my self (as an ontological historical entity) with the mirror of atonality (as a mirror is not an empathic but a reflexive entity, alien to the space and time it reflects and only existing by itself in relation to the other) and realize the boundaries of human thought, comprehension and consciousness
>reach rational ecstasy
>pleb friend gets up and says "what is this silence shit, lmao, put some nirvana"
>get angry at their rockist subaltern consumption conditioned by the structures of power of the imperialist white economies, but contain it
>calm myself down by remembering quotes from finnegans wake, my favorite book since i was a teenager
>mfw can't express myself because i'm a spectator in the society of spectacle

"It is not the slumber of reason which engenders monsters, but vigilant and insomniac rationality. - Gilles Deleuze"

>morton feldman
>finnegans wake

I know this is sarcastic but jesus this is horribly pleb in itself.

I love you never stop being you :D

those are great artists/pieces of art though?

rothko is rubbish funded by the us government so the us could look more erudite than the ussr


still dope paintings though?
fuck u faggot

Show us a painting from the 50's that in your opinion is better than any rothko

>there are people browsing this basket weaving mongolian forum RIGHT NOW that UNIRONICALLY believe this

>he missed the Deleuze and DeBord
Whomst've is the pleb?

yur face looks like shit fag

>french philosopher
absolute garbage. not a single good french philosopher, ever. especially those after ww2.

>Another faggot frenchie

please stop embarrassing yourself.

who embarrasses themselves on an anonymous page? wat are you talking about weirdo

im #beta

>pick a song
>"wow this is weird"

>I like Jordan Peterson

im #OceanGang look it up

my favorite pasta

wtf do you mean by embarrass LLLLOOOOOOLLLLLLLLL

I've put on Feldman for (normie) friends and they've liked it.

For some reason the only stuff my friends don't like when I put on is anything overtly sad, but they're probably right and it's pretty autistic to put on slowcore when hanging out.

My point though: Morton Feldman is chill. Also mellow philosophizing with your friends is chill.

>literally outing yourself as a retard that doesnt know how to spell in trying to point out correct spelling of a word

>has friends
>has normalfag friends
>uses the term normie

You NEED to go back, normalfag.

only a degenerate weirdo would even bring up embarrassment in a shit like this. watafack

wat? why would you feel embarased on an anonymous page? Why do you think anyone would feel like that loll sorry im beta

I only use the term "normie" for pragmatic reasons because I know where I am and the sort of words Sup Forumstants understand, which is an attitude that also kind of explains why I have friends in the first place.

tfw you are a spectator in the society of spectacle

Guston > Rothko

this and the "IM CULTURED THO" copypasta are my favorite

whats the im cultured tho one

yes, but Rothko > the rest of the neo-expressionists

me > you

yes, but me > the rest of the neo-expressionists


>I only listen to REAL music. Kanye West, FKA Twigs, Kendrick Lamar, Beyonce, Earl Sweatshirt, Flying Lotus, The Weeknd, DOOM, Drake, Beyonce, Deangelo, the list goes on

I follow pop culture.

Drake, Beyonce, I LOVE THAT SHIT.

I watch the grammys
I listen to both mainstream music AND indie! I'm a new breed of cultured

I love tweeting about the NBA
I love live tweeting about the VMAs and Grammys
Did you all see the NBA All Star game?
Yeezy season approaching
Check out this meme I made, it references Drake and a new movie that just came out
Beyonce be like
Jay-Z be like
Nicki Minaj be like
Bae. Keep calm and smoke a blunt. Emojis. I embrace memes and trends. But post-ironically.
WOW. I want my girlfriend to hear Deangelos voice while we have sex., stereogum, consequence of sound,, grantland, I'm in the know


yeah I hate when that happens

>show friend cocteau twins
>"user, i don't like false atonal singing"
>"is she the musical equivalent of chrischan?"

>girlfriend says she wants to date other people

im listening to benji drinking beers :,)

Good thread.
I had A Love Supreme on in my car, and my mate told me turn to "this bad jazz off"

classic pasta

I was listening to Harry Partch's Delusion of the Fury and a colleague of mine told me that it sounded like a bunch of retarded kids playing christmas songs

ITT: Bloody post-modern marxists

This, and people say jews haven't infiltrated Sup Forums......

post contemporary compositions, art and literature that you appreciate

Jordan Peterson, Ready Player One, and the Cuphead Soundtrack

a fellow intellectual I see

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Cuphead. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Cuphead’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Cuphead truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Cuphead’s existential catchphrase “------------” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Jared Moldenhauer’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Cuphead tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid.

>Reading and annotating Plato's republic in the coffee shop by my university
>In my field journal I'm penning rebuttals which I ultimately hope to turn into a full-fledge essay (grad student here)
>Playing Debussy from my phone
>A girl approaches me and asks what I'm listening to
>"Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun"
>She doesn't know what that is (clearly) but still asks me if it's good
>"Yes" I say
>She asks why
>"Because good things are good," I respond
>She seems satisfied with the answer and leaves me alone
>Deep down I realize that I am an unexamined fraud, a hopeless coward with need only for aesthetics and emotions, not something more powerful or concrete
>I go home and drop out of my promising grad program, burn my manuscript and kill every ant in my ant farm one-by-one with a pair of tweezers


>not calling it by its french name
you set yourself up for plebbery, friend

>not posting the picture of raf


You sounds like a chompskyhonk

Good bait, but the Deleuze quotation doesn't really fit in with the story.

>dope paintings

dude what


>sixty grand a month

So accurate

who are you quoting?

>fundamentally misunderstanding how CIA infiltration worked
the CIA responded to critical praise of abstract expressionism and decided to push it further with covert jacking up of art market prices so people making stuff that was avant garde would move to new york. the actual genre of abstract expressionism is still an important aesthetic movement you dunce