This 'India smells and is dirty' meme based on some cherrpicked images of streets that are selected by the community to be the recycling area of the towns needs to stop. India is the nicest smelling country on earth. If you think curry smells then you are an idiot. Curry has a delicious smell. India smells of curry then it smells delicious. White countries all smell of Air Freshener Female Perfume Street Sweepers Air conditioner Chewing Gum It is disgusting and unnatural. India has a good natural smell. It smells like a country of people should smell. I enjoy my curry smell not fucking lavender and banana anti rape SJW perfume conditioner with sweat prevention qualities, even though it is sexy when women sweat. You western fucks have destroyed your noses. Also there is no shit on the average Indian street. The only shit is in designated shitting streets. And if there is a smell in the river it is because of fish shit, not human shit, Indians don't shit in rivers. Don't believe the memes. Australians are the smelly ones. Abos never invented a toilet and they let abos run wild. Most Australians have abo shit on their shoes.
This 'India smells and is dirty' meme based on some cherrpicked images of streets that are selected by the community to...
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poo in loo
Stop shitposting, Mahendra.
Your pasta smelleth over.
Nice pasta, also:
[shitting intensifies]
God damn Suresh, at least give him a little more credit
Gave me a chuckle/10
How can white men even compete?
Australians are top-tier bantz shitposters.
Poo in loos are literal shit posters.
Post the non shopped version you poofter
>streets that are selected by the community to be the recycling area of the towns
Still thinking that Designated Shitting Streets are a-ok?
It's like truffles, both by looks and taste
Come on mang I ain't reading all dat shit
ITT: Australia finally revealing its degeneracy
ay bb wan fug?
india smells like digested curry
want a handy j m8?
I fucking hate you.
peace and love brother, gibs kiss?
fucking peanut butter always gets me
It looks like his dick has a mini fucking brain.
Have you ever been ouside pooinloolandia? By outside I mean Europe or North America
i'm watching a series about a hitchhiker making amateur vids of his travel.
He passed by india recently, doing about 2-3 20 minutes episodes.
He mentions disguisting smell every 5 minutes.
he's a dumb as fuck but honest like a kid type of guy. he even calls himself as mudslim because frankly speaking he doesn't look like typical slav, often criticises his own stupidity etc. Simply calling things as they are.
I trust him more than i trust you.
Why would any same person hitchhike around India,?
he's hitchhiking to Asia from Poland.
This is season two, he already did that from Poland to South America to drink vodka with pinguins.
Drinking vodka with penguins
Dream high they say.
>he actually did it the absolute madman
So such a based man that doesn't give a fuck in overall, and doesn't even have time to browse Sup Forums wouldn't lie about the smell of India.
HAHAHAHA we litterally saw a video in my university about india and how they sat in rings and shat on the streets. Like 13% had toilets
I have a really related video.
It's a guy who travels from Malaysia all the way to the UK on an old honda bike..and this is this his India video. Amazing stuff, really..
this is gold...that ending perfectly sums up India
Why do they all shit at the same time? At least do it in shifts
so that gives 2:0.
Good job Гpoздaн.
No, it's not cherrypicked meme. There's even a video of a guy travelling through india, and it literally confirms all of this shit. in fact you fuckheads drive like you're drunk and on cocaine at the same time and wreck all the fucking time on roads with only yourselves on it.
How the fuck does anyone dare go on an MC ride in India?
It's like russian roulette.
>constant diarreah
>cars have vomit tracks along their sides from the passengers regularly puking
>rude salespeople
Westerners go here on a vacation why?
True, here's a top Indian athlete
Nah mate been there
>still wander lost through the poo streets in my nightmares.
Might have some cool shit, but it is jaw dropping how strong that bouquet is on an Indian street.
Protip, stop bathing in the same river that has half scorched corpses floating by.
Shit's nasty.