Post your Trumpfu
Post your Trumpfu
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is that the taylor swift girl all these youngster are talking about?
new england?
Don't post my waifu. Ty.
10/10 would miscegenate with
source on pic?
its from a video right, im assuming
I'm a professional cowboy and I use catheters. Been cowboyin' for 25 years. I've had 14 broken bones, 2 concussions and a punctured lung. I know pain and I don't want any more of it. Especially when I cath.
i like OP's pic
10/10 would take the suburbs and impregnate
I'm in love
This is my new fetish-- chicks in Trump gear. Demonstrates a high level of intelligence or moral righteousness, plus many of these women lean on the side of physical superiority of appearance.
One of you fags should get a site going for this.
Does she do anal?
Thanks, I see its actually this girl:
Most people on here kept saying that was a trap.
Goes by the handle Kayla Kosplay.
She is actually very cute in person, her pictures are terrible though lol
Find em at Trump rallies.
Cruise the parking lots and shit.
>all that voice cracking
God dammnit i wish that manchild thing was just a meme
I want to liberate her from the swarm of smelly lefties verbally assaulting her.
Knew this was coming soon as I saw this video.
I win
>trap detected
The passion in her eyes gave me a boner
she looks god tier in person, but her twitter pictures man, wtf
she looks god tier in person
post twitter/instagram
>from spain
>most likely fake blonde hair
wow i literally just screencapped her and came here to post her in a Trump gen
Wow she is actually a massive qt.
10/10 would help make america great again.
>"white privelege is a racist concept"
>"it's racist to assume white people have privelege over everyone else"
i think its natural
That's the smuggest girl I've ever seen. I'm in love.
I bet you guys haven't seen this rare qt Trumpfu.
yea, nvm it looks natural now that i take a closer look
she is a 9/10 qt
>tfw i don't live in sacramento and can't go to trump rally with this qt
Waifu is Trumpfu
H-how a-about men. Cut- I mean attractive men. For science. N-no homo.
>American Men
She's a goddess
I gotta go with kinsey because she is also my foxfu
She is Randy and Mr.Lahey daughter.
CUTE. I mean, cool. He looks like a good person. Would fu- talk to.
rabbit teeth
do not want
There needs to be more women like this.
dog hair fat nose
won't get better with time
she'll be obese
i can't believe the jews actually talked him into doing that. Not one sense in my body feel that this man needed to be a tranny only did it for the fame and money.
gigantic nose butter face
will grow more and more
weeb shit
why are french such faggots
>fucking kayla is on infowars
lmao meme magic is out of control
hairy slut
proffessional sex worker
They have standards.
milo material
botox at young age
ugly slut
certainly dates niggers
looks older than she is
stains on the face bad skin
rabbit teeth
such nice boobs
>not loving your fellow man
shit skin shit hair
typical valley girl type of slut
daddy's girl
only chases old dudes
Omfg I've fallen for her.
>Milo Yianopoulos
no trump
same whore
He's not bad looking, but nah.
filthy rude sluts
will get married to a beta cuck and will suck him dry
not a woman
what trump young female supporters will look like when aging
That only makes it better, user.
would suck the entire football team for glory
dirty girl horsefaced
>try to find her twitter
>found it last time by looking up the students for trump at university of michigan facebook group
>look that up again
>page is banned
fucking zuckercuck at it again
she's kind cause she hides her face
nice boobs
it's @_dagnyy
Looks like my slavic ex. Fucking hate her. Great hat though as always.
SJW with confusing gender
still votes for trump
will become a mass murderer
thx :3
That autiste at the end