Did he have a stroke?
Did he have a stroke?
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strokey doke
>Did he have a stroke?
Almost, his teleprompter went down.
Can't wait to see trump stump stuttering obama in the face.
Total Trump induced seizures. Couldn't handle the truths
>mixblood rich people talking about how race is not important and how homeland should be flooded with migrants
It sure is fine when you can escape from bad neighbourhood and move to own island, deposit money away from problems and talk like a saint.
i want to see what the reporter said after lol
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH That blithering fucking idiot. I never understood why libcucks say he is such a great speaker. Those long pauses where his nigger brain tries to sound out the words on his TelePrompTer drive my insane.
I learned this shit is fucking high school speech classes
>If you don't know what your going to say, don't say anything
>A well placed pause can actually help your speech, stammering can only hurt you
Basic fucking speech delivery.
Why did whites vote for this guy?
Almost 600K views in one day...
And I haven't heard about this till now?
Censorship is stronk
Check this out for the lulz
Babbling Barry can't even string a sentence together, let alone a coherent policy speech. What a mess!
>Babbling Barry
while i laughed, this post smells fishy
I-i-i-i-i-if-if-i-i-i-if-i-i-if t-thank y-you
> lets destroy the country with cultural marxism, that embodies materialism, and then flee
> talk like a saint
Your definition of saint is wrong.
What did he mean by this?
is-is-is-is-is-is-is-is that you-you mr. trump ?
retweet this please so we know
This happens every time his teleprompter goes down.
Remember the time he was talking about children healthcare?
Has the mighty Donald already reacted to that?
If not send it to him please, i will see how he react!
>Americanons your poltical system is pure entertainment thank you for that shit here is really depressing!
He had an invasive fantasy of Mooshelle's BBC being shoved up his ass later. I wish the Trumpster would mock his stammering like he did that retarded, crippled libshit reporter.
this man is a joke.
always take him forever to say fuck all