Hey guys, Kurt cobain is my hero, and as funny as you guys might think the way he died is, how did he die...

Hey guys, Kurt cobain is my hero, and as funny as you guys might think the way he died is, how did he die? Lately I've been doing extensive research on Courtney love's actions prior and following the mur.. I mean death. Kurt's action before and after his passing show that he had no intention of killing himself. What happened? I don't think I can belive Kurt killed himself. I just can't anymore. There is something about Courtney love that just makes me sick.

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>Kurt cobain is my hero
Literally stopped reading there. Please emulate your hero, and blow your fucking brains out.

>ollowing the mur.. I mean death.

How does this work during typing again? Once you type something halfway out you can't delete it?

You're an idiot.


teen titans??

>shotgun shell casing was found on the wrong side of the shotgun

>i was browsing yiutube comments circa 2012, courtney was going mental on trent reznors video.

yeah, shes a nutter

Yes, who drew that particular picture and does it end in r34?

To answer your question, he was alone in his room with a shotgun, of which he decided to suck on the business end of.
The rest was just writing on the wall.

i think kurt realized that he made a mistake getting tied down to a wife and role of fatherhood. it wasn't him, he was blinded by love chemicals. i think he was waking up out of the dream and wanted a divorce. in his last days he was wearing his hunting cap and shooting shotguns in the woods; return to his aberdeen hick roots? rejection of the courtney love inspired designer-gay outfits glam cobain phase? return to flannels and guns?

he killed himself man


Seriously this shit happened the year I was born and people have stopped whining about celebrities that killed themselves last year. Why all the attention for this pre-goth junkie

>Kurt's action before and after his passing

I have to know, OP, what were his action after his passing?

You have to be 18 to post here

Oh fuck off. Kurt Cobain fucking sucks.

It's 2018 buddy. That means people who were born in 2000 are turning 18 now.

I know, it's some crazy shit.

If he were still alive you and i both know he would have driven his other bandmates apart and he would've joined avenged sevenfold or some gay shit

Kurt cobain killed himself in 1993 not 2000 dumbfuck that would mean hes not 18

i fucking hate you

You're right. He is an hero.

Maybe do some research and check into if Kurt wrote that hole album. Dave Grohl had the demos. Kurt wasn't going to give any more music to courtney and she had him killed

From what I know, Kurt had chronic back pain due to a spinal injury/abnormality, and the heroin was keeping that pain at bay. So it was either suffer pain for the rest of his life, or keep poisoning himself to death. Not to mention enduring the constant attention of the god-forsaken slime in the media. With all of the above in mind, I don't find his decision to end it hard to understand.

You can’t comprehend how a man with bi-polar, a drug addiction and courtney love for a wife would want to an hero?

I also love Kurt cobain

It was actually 94
Most people think her first album was all of his leftover unproduced shit that she found lying around. Lyrics of alot of the songs sound like something he'd write

He waant 94 when he killed himself idiot

The media panned him and Nirvana. Not until about 4 - 6 months before he painted the wall red did they start seeing what he was all about.

at least try, you faggot

This was just disappointing user.

He killed himself. If you only look into proving he was murdered, you'll find that to be true.

If you look at everything, it is obvious he took his own life.
Courtney is responsible for the emotional abuse she inflicted on him, but she didn't murder him or have him murdered.

nice try, courtney.

Kurt had too much of a love of life and the ability to thrive even with his chronic STOMACH (not back) pain to die.

He loved heroin and overdosed numerous times, including getting revived by Courtney. He loved Courtney, too, even though she was shit.

But she couldn't stand really being loved and couldn't stand Kurt's wimpy attitude toward being in pain and unhappy all the time because of it.

So she convinced herself she would "pull the band-aid off" for him and got a roadie to kill him.

Because a man who writes sad and disturbed songs with a well known heroin addiction and depression, who’s married to a drug addicted alchoholic who enables him, all the while he faces the pressures of fame and success, is totally not going to kill himself.

wtf are you 17 and first conspicary?
>no I dont have a gun

p.s. Dave Grohl really sucks - underachieving and no creativity. Should have stayed a drummer in the background. every song is wall of sound/chords = bass root note = vocal note.

Kurt was truly creative and put every ounce of his heart into his music. and his lyrics are clever and insightful, too.

Krist Novoselic has a good attitude, but without Kurt, none of the rest of Nirvana really has the full energy.

Everlong is great, go fuck yourself.

I've pondered this myself. I've always thought It would be cool/insane if the way it happened is NOTHING like it did. Imagine an intruder goes to rob his house, he finds Cobain passed out with a baby playing with a syringe or something, maybe it hits a personal nerve and he forces Cobain to shoot up the rest of his dope at gun point. With him begging for his life and all that jazz. He then stages the rest and leaves.

That's my shitty version but something like that! A left turn we never knew happened

Well look at Mr. machine-learning here, who deduces the most probable outcome given the inputs to the system.

Try learning actual facts of the situation that don't support your overly-simplistic statistical model.

How do i get a twink.bf

lol inb4 200 reply thread

hey if you like pop emo, there are a million other bands doing it from that era to listen to.

but if you impossibly brilliant grunge, creative, deep shit with lots of transitions but isn't fucking prog rock you need old Nirvana:

I also looked into this this and one man(before mysteriously being murdered days later) says Courtney wanted him to kill him. He wouldn't do it and after he told some interviewers he got killed. And the suicide note was not in his handwriting and was also in multiple handwritings, and he was also trying to get clean. He was feeling better. He's my fucking hero and I would love to see the truth behind what really happened.

go back to tumblr

Yawn old story

I like this post. I believe the autopsy showed that he had way to much heroin in his blood to have pulled the trigger of anything, let alone a shotgun.

Only flaw to your story is pretty sure Courtney had something to do with it.

i think the tall bassist did it

Look I get it people have been saying this shit for years but doesn't some of it jump out at all? Hell if people care enough about Jack the fucking Ripper to identify him with DNA they should find out what really happened instead of shitting on him

Nah, it would be better if she didn't and is just the perfect scapegoat.

No it doesn't. Not that story anyway

unfortunately it happened in a dumbfuck little town full of dumbshit fat cops. they all think "indulgent rock stars" deserve what's coming anyway.

Think Hawkings, Indiana but without a cool sheriff, more like a power-tripping slob from "Making of a Murderer."

They were all too happy to put a stamp on the case and never drag it out of the file cabinet again. This was also before the internet was public and outrage porn didn't exist. No way to drum up much attention years after the fact.

Great teachers inspire: youtube.com/watch?v=eB3KHEQDsTY

Man multiple handwritings too much heroine the dude saying he was gonna be paid to kill him but said no like all this is pretty alarming to me
This user is on to something

no, he's a slacker music nerd and idealist like Kurt. He would have been happy to get a single #1 hit and never be heard from again and was happy to ride through the fame.

He even cared a lot about Kurt but didn't know how to help him.

The man who said that he was paid to kill him was an alcoholic junkie. He said it to British film makers... Who were paying him. You do the math.


Courtney love isn't some murder mastermind pulling off something like that. You guys are giving her too much credit. It would've bitten her in the ass by now. She was a junkie her self.

mfw social cues go undetected

Even if you take that out of the equation there's still a lot that isn't right and unfortunately user was right it happened in a dumbfuck town
I hate the dumb bitch but its fairly easy to get away with murder when you're rich user

I heard he decided to do it after he dropped his baby while high

she wasn't rich at the time, Hole wasn't very popular.

But, she was a manipulative psycho bitch who used her sexuality to get whatever she wanted.

Whatever u say man. Lol rich people go to jail all the time dude and even then, she wasn't anyone particularly special. But sure, she pulled it off

She was rich but yeah, hole wasn't that popular. I just don't see her doing it out of greed. But What do I know. I don't know her,do you?

They met at a show where they were both performing if im not mistaken so she must have something and even if he wasn't loaded he wasn't broke. And I will give you that she did use her power of sluttiness

where did you get greed from? where did she get these supposed riches from - stripping in Alaska? nope.

she's a psycho - emotional disorder from a tumultuous family life, autism, juvy. Her "system" just couldn't handle around being around Kurt's combination of success, total cockiness and confidence, but being in crippling pain a lot of the time.

She was a narcissist and couldn't see Kurt behaving any differently than she imagined herself acting in his shoes. So she convinced herself it would be better if she put him out of his misery.

she wasn't playing the night they met. Hole hadn't even been together for a year. she was there with a friend who was dating a guy in one of the other bands.

It's like you know her, and you're so sure too

This is honestly believable because Kurt usually donated his money and from what I see Courtney spends her money on herself.

try watching some footage of her:

I'm into his music to but why is it so hard to believe he killed himself? He attempted suicide by laying down in front of a train (before it switched tracks last second) in his youth, attempted suicide by overdosing on pills in Rome, and struggled with lifelong depression. Watch montage of heck

At the time everyone involved, including Kurt Cobain, Courtney Love, and the doctors, claimed it was an accident. According to Dr. Osvaldo Galletta, it was an accidental overdose.

****Note: After Kurt's death Courtney Love would claim that the Rome Incident was actually a failed suicide attempt.

He was obviously murdered. A shit ton of heroin was found in his system, how the fuck could he have pulled a shotgun trigger let alone hold it. The cartridge landed on the wrong side of the barrel, meaning the gun was facing a different direction when it was fired.

If anything he begged Dave, or most likely Krist, to pull the trigger because his tummy hurt too much