>The EU will ban hate speech on social media sites.
Jesus Christ europe get your shit together!
Are you guys really going to take this shit sitting down?
First it was your guns, then the immigrants, then this? Whats next, mandatory sterilization for all white males?
The EU will ban hate speech on social media sites
That's not how EU law works, burger
Euro will soon cease to exist, no need to fight it. First Brexit, then Polxit and you have chain reaction ready to go.
Social media sites are private companies though. They can do whatever they want. Just use something else.
>Euro will soon cease to exist
That must really suck for you polacks. Whose toilets will you clean?
We don't give a shit about social media, only fags use social media. We also don't give a shit about the EU it's just one those things that normies don't don't think about but is actually pretty unpopular among the majority. Us meta people are just chilling, most around here don't accept EU authority like they think we do, you'll see burger they don't own shit..
Just MEGA.
The massive EU gun ban start in exactly 25 days from now today.
Yep, living in the new USSR sure sounds like fun.
>We don't give a shit about social media, only fags use social media.
m8 it starts with social media. And then "enter your government ID to log into Internet Explorer" and then "enter your government ID to purchase this double sided dragon dildo". You'll be lucky to use a GPS or cell phone without government surveillance.
Quiet Mexico, there is always room to fight.
>then Polxit
There are but many toiltets that need polish plumber's friends, so no need to worry, Sweden, Poland does not need You to worry about polish plumber industry. Poland needs You to protect your integrity and Swedish women.
>You'll be lucky to use a GPS or cell phone without government surveillance.
Oh, you mean like how it is in the states?
NSA, has already been keeping tabs of you and us across the ocean, I don't see what has changed, no one voiced their ture opinion on kikebook anyways, literally nothing has changed except som pieces of shit in brussels said something and now everybody is acting like their word is law.
Fuck the EU, fuck the NSA and the Federeal Reserve, fuck all these corrupt oligarchs, I don't give a fuck, come at me.
Gas the Kikes
Race war now
>Poland needs You to protect your integrity and Swedish women.
Careful what you wish for.
That's some fine looking wursts, Amar.
The vaccines/treated water will keep them under control. They'll never develop the will to fight back, it's biologically impossible.
We ain't allowed to have guns.. And most of the population is cucked beyond saving and probably supports this decision.. So fighting is not really an option. Ineed to get the fuck out of here
>Uncle Sam sees me calling people faggots and niggers on comment sections
>doesnt care because theyre looking for Mohammed
>EU pushing for equality
>will arrest you for calling some black person a monkey on twitter
>meanwhile Mohammed just blew up another airport
totally the same thing
No they lost, no guns will be baned.
>First it was your guns
Not yet actually but they are working hard on it. Will be interesting in here.
>muslims teaching each other to blow shit up on social media
>be tolerant, that's just their way of life
>white man complains about immigrants that destroy british culture and shit on quality of life
>life imprisonment
america pls save us
Hopefully they will kill of social media. It is cancer anyway.
We can't fight the EU if Brexit fails. It's as simple as that.
u have gay army already?
>We ain't allowed to have guns..
Netherlands or Europe? The latter is a lie.
> So fighting is not really an option
Also top kek for thinking you need firearms to overthrow a government. The jews managed without, why can't you?
>europe has no balls
Go away, fucking sandnigger.
How come Russia has never attacked Sweden? Finnish war doesn't count because you attacked us when we were fighting Napoleon, Germany, Norway, Denmark and Poland.
You're such pussies. Pussy Russia afraid of the lion from the north. Prep Katushka for the master race, we'll be coming over there soon to annex your entire country.
Also this. We have already won, the EU is facing a shitton of problems that could end it, but they weren't even capable of fixing them when it was just a few. It is already dead, the only thing we can do is speed the process up a bit.
>Calling anyone a sand-nigger.
show me an example of this and I'll be inclined to agree with you, until then nothing has changed.
>will arrest you for calling some black person a monkey on twitter
this, until this happens then nothing has changed
lol u forgot great northern war? last time u lost u empire, stay calm sven
You guys are so meta. Teach us.
Remember who founded your nation. I like Russia more than the USA, but talk shit and you'll get annexed.
"hate speech" is telling the truth about the holohoax, globalwarming, and race.
>Calling out someone for being a cuck
Wew lad.
Russians are triumphant after this news() is broadcasted
It seems like increasing by the number of flag of Russia somewhat
was that a veiled request?
Can't see Spain on this list. Could you help me out?
Who cares, fuck em.
Aye, but mis-"""gender""" someone and Uncle-Sam goes ape shit fines you $60k-250k.
>implying these aren't frustrated nog searches, after their first ecnounter with the internet
I've been around these people. I've used computers after they have, they are tech illiterate and they search some weird shit.. even on school computers.
Not an arguement.
No it was a warning. Not wise to make Sweden your enemy.
We can't fight the EU democratically, because the EU is not a democratic institution. It is as simple as that. If we want to stop this, we literally have to physically force them to do so.
I know, I might get blowjobs from men, right? That'd suck.
It's irrelevant either way. Watching cuck porn does not make you a cuck. The same way watching a murder doesn't make you a murderer. The americans are the biggest cucks in the west, as can be seen here
but u already accept nato forces in u territory
>Graph showing Sweden using USA VPN to watch Cuck Porn.
You're probably correct with that assumption.
They will ban the sites that don't comply.
What's your point?
Is america supposed to be the dog?
>not in the EU
>Get random dudes from a country to represent country, best of some worst of others
>Swede still looks like a homosexual hungry for cock
Your point? You know if we got in a fight it'd end with your lips on my dick you queer. It's Swedish honor. Bork bork bork!
Saving this it's that gud.
I know they are the biggest cucks, I just don't like to repeat it because it is not helping anyone at this point. Also no matter how many jingoistic Americans you tell, they never never learn.
WHOA, that man is short and black! And there is an american flag on his coat! America BTFO!! we are all short niggers now! lol enjoy your muslim invasion faggot
which one?
Mountain jew
>implying sweden has an army
>implying norway has any overweight people
>implying sweden has any white people left
American woman getting impregnated by Jamal because american semen isn't good enough.
after this all talk about muh might sweden is piece of shit
>your lips on my dick
It is known
It happens on Spain.
Sure, why not. Either way you're inferior.
They might restrict future sales but confiscation will never happen again in Belgium
It's a well-known fact that americans are the most homosexual people on the planet. Pic-related is proof.
>Anyone being inferior to sweden
Even mongols are superior to you.
LOL, you serious, man? I know one of your fellows, who came to Saint-Petersburg to teach us «svenska».
And you know what? He's a fucking communist. He had a notebook covered with stickers with Lenin, gay flags and all this other commie shit.
Recently, when I reposted some news about Sweden being fucked in the ass by negroes in social media, he came there and started crying «IT'S ALL CAPITALIST LIES».
If you are going to annex us with faggots, we actually can lose some of our soldiers. They will be killed by laughter.
our combat MOS troops look more like this
It's pretty sad when it happens, aye. Luckily we can absorb that loss better than others.
Hey Sven, real talk here, do you honestly believe that you cherry picking a few cucks out of a nation of 300 million is going to prove that we are more cucked then your country, a place where the media literally covers up muslims raping your women then gives them welfare for it? lol
>we are all short niggers now!
Yeah, and the minority which isn't will soon be. Gic-related. Jamal and his white american bitches.
Enough Sup Forums for today I think.
>mexico of europe
Lmao, Norway. We have a higher germanic population than you, meaning we're whiter. Also, we've always beat you norwegians in warfare. You've always lived in Sweden's shadow. Pathetic excuse for a country. You should just let us take over.
i guess all that stonning and gang rape has to take a toll on people...
Amerilards can't even think without memes, and rhymes.
Just look at your politicians throwing "phrases" at each other. It's like a fucking comedy show. Who ridiculizes who?
What a joke heh
That would be rather undemocratic and people wouldn't comply.
This isn't cherry-picking, it's a statistical fact that you're more cucked than us :)
Looks pretty good
There's literally nothing we can do. The EU isn't a democratic organisation. The only hope it to leave.
Even if the bullshit you're spewing is true, you'll be next because Swedes love our "culture". Your countrymen can't get enough, they even speak English like us
Here are some more american girls for you.
>spain talking shit about anyone
What a fucking bitch >>>/tumblr/
We don't need guns you fucking pansy.
Mass riots and destruction is enough.
Storm den Haag, burn rapefugee shelters, destroy sharia zones.
Murder them if need be.
They have forced us.
Poor Spain. I too would be jealous if I was from a mongrelized third-world shithole =/
Thats a fake account ran by some cuck named sven
>source : my ass
LIBE rejected most of the law's proposal, but since their role is only consultative, the law is still going as planned. We'll see what JURI has to say about it, but most likely the law will be adopted as is. In any case France is going to get it, there is no way in hell Cazeneuve would go back on what he started. And banning semi-auto rifles that look like automatic weapons of war was only one proposal amonst many others that are just as problematic, such as having gun owners go through stringent medical exams or pay a special tax on guns and ammo.
No shit, since you're the jewish stronghold in the west. Not only did you liberate the jews during WW2, you also gave them a safe haven (Israel) and continue to finance their spread of degeneracy. Americans are disgusting desu.