Why the fuck are American schools using common core to teach our kids.. I went to highschool 5 years ago and some of the common core problems ive seen i cant even figure out. Is this some sort of act by the government to "dumb people" down..
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Yes it actually is.
Just look around and ask why. Once you wake up you cant go back to sleep though. The rabbit hole is not as deep as some think, they just miss the last stop and stay in their cabin.
I can't see your flag.
ayy lmao
Is this the final stage of death?
You're still a planet in my book, Pluto
>2 Unknown's without ID's
All you need to know about common core:
Why is every country getting cucked so badly nowadays?
Just who are you mystery man?!
What is the flag at the very bottom?
Unknown flags are when a moderator moves a thread from another board (probably /k/) to Sup Forums.
There was a thread discussing communism full of noflags
oh god
the EU censorship has begun
it means the thread was moved from a board that doesnt use flags, newfags
Nah, it's government officials and/or extra-dimensional shitposting beings.
Yes. Exactly. They want a low immigrant mudblood class of idiots who will do exactly what the govt says. The people who succumb to common core are the same people who get govt alerts on voting through their obamaphone. It's actually pretty scary. These people vote for a living, literally. 96 million people on the govt tit in one form or another. You have to make really shit money to be on govt tit. Last i heard it was like $18,000 a year or less. This country is fucked from within, just like lincoln said.
Mother Base.
You could at least try not to samefag
tfw ayyliums cant solve common core