Work overnight as security at a hospital being built. I have my laptop but no Internet and barely a cell signal...

Work overnight as security at a hospital being built. I have my laptop but no Internet and barely a cell signal. Besides downloaded netflix and old games what would be a better use of my time. I literally have nothing to do job wise.

emulate some games, yeah?
learn to program?
get Unity and make a game about your job?

How are you writing if you do not have internet?

Take up model building, if it's possible there (pic related, I just finished my own recently).

If you can't do that, take up drawing or tracing. You can't claim a traced pic as your own but it can be more fun than just coloring.

He might be writing in notepad. You don't need internet to type stuff out, genius.

im home from work.

Wow, you are right

Or just using his phone where there's signal.

Write a story about yourself and a sex robot that accidentally gets experimental military programming and goes on covert missions to take out targets you choose.

It's totally an anime thing. Pic related: It's your sexbot.

Go for endurance: See how many times you can successfully fap to completion within a single shift.

That's what I did when I briefly worked overnight security for a hotel.

you should be doing your fucking job not playing on the internet. fuck you nigger lazy ass piece of shit fucker. I bet you one of these fags that want $15 an hour also. fuck you I wouldnt pay you 15 CENTS an hour you worthless laxy american fucktard

Take up a distance learning degree or something. Engineering maybe? Get paid to study and a few years down the line you will have a degree and can leave that POS job and get a decent one.

i get 15 dollars an hour.....standing in a cafeteria looking at my phone and taking out 1 bag of trash every 15 minutes.....also they give me free food

Obviously never worked night security in an already very secure place.

You just don't get it. You are literally being paid to stay awake in case you hear something funny, in which case you radio or call someone about it. But that funny noise never, ever occurs. So you never have anything to do except try your hardest not to go out of your mind with boredom.

You can suck a dick, user. You obviously have no idea what OP's job is.

OPs job is getting paid to be a lazy fucking nigger. OP needs a job doing real work not security in an empty building. if O Pdoesnt like his job the nigger needs to quit

I work nights fucking your mom up the ass then pimp her out on weekends. what do you think of that shit, nigger?

Is that the new Saint Anthony Hospital being built on 20?

Trips checked. They must be why you're so mad.

Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger, lazy nigger nigger nigger nigger fucking nigger nigger quit nigger nigger nigger!

im mad because your mom has ugly tits

I don't think you understand security, YOU ARE PAID JUST TO BE THERE, so he is doing his job, it's a meaningless job that few want to do, so yeah they get paid above min wage.

they dont deserve to get paid more than actual hard working people. if the job calls for you to be lazy you should get a lazy nigger pay.


fuckoff nigger

More photos next time? I love hospitals.

Not that it matters, but I'm white.


>what would be a better use of my time
Read books. Learn to code. Take advantage of your shitty job and learn what you need in order to get a better job.


You could spend your time walking around the area your stationed at. So you don't end up fat worthless and lazy