How do we deal with the Sup Forumsddit problem?

How do we deal with the Sup Forumsddit problem?

Unironically the SJW board of Sup Forums and leaking everywhere.

The newfag gateway.

"Guys we're old Sup Forums cause we say 'hitler did nothing wrong!' lmao such oldfags XD"

Why do these Sup Forumsddit newfags actually believe that they're in good company?

Praise kek! MAGA Shadilay!

Your average Sup Forumsdditor

>haha! pepe is funny maymay xD
>what? these people don't like it when we spam 12 year old maymays?
>must be triggered SJW snowflakes! EPIC TROLLED XD

This is the guy who calls you a "soyboy"

>muh Sup Forums boogeyman
>Sup Forums is the oldfag board
>why do you guys blame Sup Forums for being the problem?

This gives me pain

1488 maga praise kek!

Just remember that those are the people who call you a degenerate newfag CTR shill and don't allow you to discuss topics on your favorite blue boards without reminding you that the jews are controlling the world and Donald Trump is god emperor.



I miss having light hearted jokes with people without some faggot trying to be the edgychan guy, now I’m finding out it could be someone’s granddad and I want to die

Granddad or grandson. Lots of underage fags as well. Needless to say, they're all from plebbit.

The cancer seems to help eachother, we should do the same, we need more people posting these sorta threads, let the grandkids and granddads jerk off together in trap threads

I've been starting these threads more and more to raise awareness of the Sup Forumsddit menace. A lot of people have a tendency to ignore the problem which has only allowed it to worsen. I kinda pushed it off until it started to become a major issue on /ck/, a board that is supposed to be about food/cooking. These faggots have turned it into a circle-jerk about fast food and the jewish conspiracy to put soy in products to turn men into women.

>2 IPs
>18 posts

Whoa! Careful guys, this hyper-intelligent being may expose us.

Also, thank you for contributing to the thread by providing an example of the Sup Forums retardation I'm talking about.

Or they could jerk each other off and save a step.
Wait, that's discouraged, isn't it?

Sup Forums is and has been becoming main stream, look at YouTube there is a ton of "funny Sup Forums" or about how spooky this place is

It's really sad because so many people are crawling in to get "the Sup Forums experience" and driving out everything that made it funny and creepy.

I used to picture the average Sup Forums user as a fat reclusive male with long unwashed hair and glasses wearing a black t-shirt with wolves on it. Now I imagine the average user as an in-shape, well-kempt guy wearing a polo shirt and posting from his phone while hanging out with friends.

Sup Forums went from the place for people with nerdy hobbies to the place that bullies the people with nerdy hobbies.

Yeah because being meta nerdy is in right now, you see girls with nerd T-shirts and then claim video games are for kids, people want the good parts of everything even what the outcasts have

It's obvious to anyone engaging in political discourse on Sup Forums or Sup Forums these days that you're literally arguing with kids. Parroting Trump mannerisms like it's their entire identity. It takes the fun out of it.

Truly a shame. This is why Sup Forums hasn't had a decent meme for ages. These people want to experience the nerd culture that is Sup Forums but aren't devoted or knowledgeable enough to contribute to it's development. This is what gives you the Sup Forums retards who will only contribute something new if it's a frog edit of something.

Sup Forums does believe in the nwo, since they hate jews and love the kkk

Just hang in there, make OC post content from the good old days and the good shall follow

The one thing that bothers me most is that they feel the need to politicize everything, even when unwarranted. They are under this impression that old Sup Forums was always right-wing because of memes like "Hitler did nothing wrong" or the forming swastikas in Habbo Hotel. Sup Forums was never truly political, it was just contrarian to what was considered normal on the internet. These tards have interpreted that to mean "politically contrarian" and use it as an excuse to shit up everything here. The new faggots literally worship e-celebs and have turned boards into "prove how virtuous i am through trolling" circle-jerks

Old Sup Forums - culturally contrarian, politically neutral
New Sup Forums - culturally neutral, politically contrarian

Yup. I remember the times when you were actually ridiculed for taking politics too seriously and not getting it was all for laughs. But as the newfaggotry grew larger and eventually took majority, they could spout their retarded shit and only get reaffirmed. I would do anything to find a place like that again.

this is the difference. those people are alright supporters, not real trump supporters. and they (almost) always follow the same formula.
>always millennial soyboys
>always live in urban areas or big cities
>uses memes as a way of argumentation
>they're basically the left inverted

Yep. We acted like morons and were loud about it, honestly can't say I'm surprised that actual morons heard us and wanted to jump on board. Fortunately now that a lot of the hype has dwindled I think more and more people are becoming vocal about these retards. I've seen more resistance to the Sup Forums-tier shitposting on blue boards and they're actually getting called out for their bullshit more frequently.

>muh millennials
>muh soyboys
>muh memes
>muh lefties

You're part of the problem. Stop trying to make Sup Forums your right-wing hugbox. Sup Forums is nobodies hugbox. Better yet, just leave, insufferable newfag.


i'm not right-wing, i'm a minarchist

Yeah.. the racists come from redd it..
Are you retarded?

Feck off, brotsky

That's good to hear. Personally, I've all but abandoned this site, apart from occasionally lurking on a few obscure boards and Sup Forums for music recommendations. It's better for sure, but not close to the real experience. Sup Forums is absolutely irredeemable I'm afraid.

Wow, so redpilled...I've never seen any Sup Forums infographs before, god I'm so enlightened now.

Don't care. If you care enough about politics to shit up Sup Forums then you don't belong here.

They come from reddit and stormfront, are you retarded?




>If you care enough about politics to shit up Sup Forums then you don't belong here.
like you are doing?

Also, Sup Forums has always been at least slightly racist. It's part of being culturally contrarian. Newfag plebbitors and swarmfronters try to rationalize their racism with politics where old Sup Forums didn't. For some reason the newfag plebbitors and swarmfronters interpret our variation of racism as "political correctness" and a threat to their "free speech". They can't comprehend that Sup Forums has always been a cesspool of sexism, racism and any other ism that offends people and think that these things didn't exist on Sup Forums until they arrived between 2014 and 2017.

fucking faggot

And you have always been a fucking faggot

Take a look at this faggot


You fucking misbegotten bitch's bastard of a faggot. Your father must have pissed in your mother.


You sir are a faggot.


Dude, I used to frequent Sup Forums after the fappening ruined Sup Forums. You're not posting any shit I (or likely 95% of the people here) haven't seen before. It's this obnoxious "I need to redpill people everywhere" that makes people hate you. Faggots like you drove me away from Sup Forums and by doing shit like this I only want to get you faggots to fuck off more.

Hey, you're a faggot.

fucking fag

Jesus fucking christ.

nice try shlomo



Sup Forums is at least 75% paid russian shills

probably more

you spelled israeli wrong

We should all just stop acting like faggots.

>They can't comprehend that Sup Forums has always been a cesspool of sexism, racism and any other ism that offends people and think that these things didn't exist on Sup Forums until they arrived between 2014 and 2017.
>between 2014 and 2017
Being this faggot

Thank god for morons like you exposing how retarded Sup Forums can actually be. Have you even read anything I've said or are you just hellbent on posting infographs because you truly believe I'm a paid shill?

>If you disagree with me your a jew here's my infographics

This is why nobody takes Sup Forums or any of us seriously

t. An active white-nationalist

i see right through you faggot

fucking kek

Too redpilled for me! Oy vey!



HAHA Sup Forums is a joke,more so than it ever was.

fake as fuck, your own reddit buddies have played you for a fool

Funny how these centrist faggots and lefties allways try to push these "memes" based only on ad hominem attacks on certain morbidly obese individuals wearing any alt-right insignia, or straight up projections about male virginity. Makes one think, right?

We speak the unpleasant truth that no one wants to hear. But now Sup Forums is bogged down with shitposting that adds fuel to the fire against us. Not all of us are complete assholes

>74 replies 28 posters
lol get rekt

serious question: do you really expect anyone at all to read your gigantic wall of text "info"graphics

you know its real kella shlomo


Interesting comparison actually