I'm bored Sup Forums.tell me a joke (that isn't myself)

i'm bored Sup Forums.tell me a joke (that isn't myself)


this fucking website

What do BMW and African hunger have in common?

Princess Diana couldn't stop either.


>ur moma has the big gay


Whats the difference between a BMW and a porcupine?

On porcupines the pricks are on the outside

(works for Mercedes and Audi too)

How do you stop a nigger from drowning?

Take your foot off his head

Whats the difference between a nigger and a park bench?

A part bench can support a family

Whats the difference between a nigger and a battery?

Batteries have a positive side

Very true, i like it.

What do you call a barn full of niggers?

Antique farm equipment

enough racist jokes,tell me sexist ones instead

Where do you hide a niggers welfare check?

In his work boots

Why is Mexico's olympic team so bad?

Because every mexican that can run, jump, or swim are in the US

i guess i'll tell you the dumbest one i know. there were once 3 farmers,the first one said"i have a dog that says woof",the second one said"i have a cat that says meow",and the last one said"i have a bucket that says beans"

post more,i don't want this thread to die

what do you have to post on Sup Forums to get attention?

help me

A skeleton walks in a bar

The bartender says what'll it be

The skeleton says a beer and a mop

i'm dying over here

Maybe saying something controversial will help.
I actually liked the last jedi

i also think twilight princess is miles better than ocarina of time

How do cows eat grass but produce milk? with their 5 stomachs. Fuck outta here.

any more?

Have you heard the rumor about butter?

Never mind I shouldn't be spreading it.

i'm so autistic i can't even have a normal conversation with fellow anons

What's the difference between a man in a tuxedo on a unicycle and an man wearing shorts on a bicycle?


Get it a attire meaning their clothes but it also sounds like a tire.

Women's rights

good one user,that actually made me laugh

i'm still bored so....what do you guys think about the whole "white males being privileged"stuff that feminists say?


i give up,just delete this thread,i'll post an uncensored loli thread later and see if that thread is gonna be more active