I there anything hotter than seeing an old bitch plowed by a hot nigger?

I there anything hotter than seeing an old bitch plowed by a hot nigger?






I kind of don't like to think about this since my mom pretty much only dates black guys now and she's 51. Got 3 siblings , 2 sisters and a brother , all with 3 different black men. My dad died in a car accident when I was 3 and I guess my mom never recovered. She started drinking heavily , eventually got into hardcore drugs. She been through rehab 5 times. Both sisters got pregnant before they were 18 and the fathers are absent for the most part. My half brother is flunking high school. Mom is just living off the government drinking her life away and doing gods knows what while she fucks whatever black guy will be with her.

And I'm 28 and been doing accounting/fiance at a law firm for 3 years , graduated college at 24.

My entire immediate family is fucked beyond belief but somehow I"m not. I pretty much tell myself I lost both of my parents the day my dad died.. Sometimes I just find myself hoping I get a call my mom has past away so the pain and agony of it all can just end.



sucking in gut is obvious






It is funny the perspective of these people, why this kind of porn turn then on so much?

well firstly because they see women not as women but as saints to be pleased and praised upon, not seeing women as who they are, people, with flaws and capable of the same bad shit as you

And they see black men as thugs, violent, tricksters, the complete opposite of the women

You want to get rid of this kind of porn or at least see in a different light?

Well first thing realize, women are not saints, they posses good qualities and bad, as any other human, and they will take advantage of weakness, as you, an any other human

You can be as violent as a black man if the conditions are right, and a black man can be as good as you are in the best thing you are

Most of people who see this in a different light then porn are probably immature as fuck




dead and dying/suffering niggers in general

jesus that photoshop is awful


Are you from Alabama?

And did your sisters get knocked up by niggers?

And did they all vote trump?




Literally anything

Sup Forums. heard of it?


look at the op filename faggot

Mfw no woman will rub my cock on her face while dick drunk
