Why does western Internet age music (especially electronic) fetishize Japanese culture? Pic related

Why does western Internet age music (especially electronic) fetishize Japanese culture? Pic related

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because their own culture is in decline and all they can do to attempt to save it is appropriate other cultures.

because they fetishize us and we are just repaying the favor

what starts with "wee" and ends with "boo"

To be fair, the bust is pretty european

It's just a style right now, but even then, Japanese-inspired stuff doesn't get that popular over here in America (save for pic, and that's only because of the meme).

America has always had a weird fascination with other cultures. In the 80s it was africa, with songs like africa on the radio, and Paul Simons Graceland taking heavy african sound influence. Nowadays its asian shit with Gangnam style and, well i guess pretty much everywhere

The majority of their samples come from city pop, which is like 80s easy listening taken to the most ridiculous extreme possible

because cargo cult weebs

because in our new nuclear age we turn to the Japanese as the new leaders of our victim culture.

Vektroid is a fan of Blade Runner and Ghost in the Shell and shit.
>this is actually why
>this is why everyone from Grimes to The Weeknd to Kanye West to Rihanna has neon kanji signs in their shit

to be fair, Ridley Scott was just conveying pretty obvious themes of cross-cultural globalization

I don't know but I like it.

Because you're a faggot.

What's so Japanese about that image apart from the logo?

I guess it's in Japanese because that country is associated with technology

It looks like a chinese bootleg more than anything.

fuck off vektroid

It's literally made by a tranny and it's not like trannies' opinions have any cultural significance outside of Sup Forums's paranoid consciousness.

Does this count, OP?:
Domo arigato Mr.Roboto

Exactly, Japanese culture is symbolic of "the future" in 80's sci fi b/c of Japan's powerhouse economy in the 80's. Their productivity has since slowed down, but they've retained that image of power to a certain demographic of nerd that fixates on 80's sci-fi.


slavs when

Japan is so popular among many people because they do many things right. While so many western nations are falling apart, losing its culture and roots, etc. Japan still combines their old values and traditions with modern technologies/architecture/lifestyle and so on. It's safe, they have good aesthethics and people are respectful.

Because honorabru far east asian nippu obviously know better than us lowly westerners
japan isn't drowning in a workaholic hyper-consumerist environment at all right now, no sir

Sup Forums isn't welcome. Japan is "falling apart" far faster than western nations, by the way.

Japan is literally on a direct course to extinction from their next to nonexistent birth rates and overwhelming elderly population.

Don't be so stupid and believe in that birth rates meme. The current problems Japan has (work culture, ressources, ..) is because they are overpopulated. A low birth rate is going to fix all the problems in the end. Sure, some old people gonna be more poor than they are now, but after a few generations it's gonna be fine. Not to mention how much they invest into automation and AI.

See Kobe steel scandal for just the latest example of the impact of Japans economic decline. I will give you another in the form of TEPCO and the gigantic fuckup that was Fukushima. Their corporate culture is literally eating the country alive.

Thanks for two good examples of what overpopulation causes

Japanese culture is quite aesthetically pleasing. Their fashion, their cars, their technology, even kanji is.

wee bey smacked the shit out of his boo

Japanese culture is unique (in ways you won't normally hear, wait up).

Apart from their self-imposed exile, and island mentality idiosyncrasies, the post-war period really fucked them up in a very nice way.

Consider, after the war they received western culture and embraced it. The children of the second world war and an imperial (evil) empire essentially got into funk and rock and jazz without understanding how or why these genres came about. They took the style and ran with it, and produced magic, because they're actually not bad workers. Aside from that, the 1980s were a massive boom for them and the 80s were already nutty. Combine it all with exoticism and nostalgia in the west and you have the answer.

It's a recognition of the role Japan, and especially Tokyo, played as an image of futurity in the 80s, and a recognition of their own formation in/by subsequent Japanese pop cultural developments, as well as the way that Japanese pop culture seems to keep many periods and styles equally optional and accesible - which is the aspiration of present-day digital native artists. VHS/cassette technology once a modern degradation of older media, is now itself older and vulnerable in a way that seems to justify a curatorial or connoisseurial appreciation.

>essentially got into funk and rock and jazz without understanding how or why these genres came about.

Oh, you mean like all white people?

"Why" has, in any case, almost never been part of why people dance or listen to anything. It's about sound and feeling.

hahah, yeah i guess japanese people are just like 'white' people because they ended up enjoying 'black' music

fuck yanks

soon comrade.

president putin when

Post-Soviet Russia is even more interesting than purely Soviet Russia.


Because they got style.