What is your opinion on Indian immigrants?
What is your opinion on Indian immigrants?
Honestly here in America, they have integrated and assimilated pretty well. They get educated, start businesses, don't commit crime largely, (recent UCLA shooting aside).
This doesn't mean I want mass immigration from India, because whenever you get mass immigration from any one particular culture it damages and weakens the existing culture in your nation.
But as a whole Indians do very well. Never have a problem with streets becoming designated shitting streets either.
Most Indians who emigrate (at least to the UK and US) are high-class Brahmins who can assimilate into other cultures pretty well and lead very productive lives - helping their new country. The real shit is left behind in India.
Naturally, I fucking hate them. They're not bad people and when it comes to immigrants in general, they're probably the best non-white immigrants.
However, I live in Leicester and they are pretty much taking over my city. In 2011 the Indian population was at 20% whilst the white British population was at 50%.
You can't turn non Europeans into Europeans.
They can fuck off.
They stink
They are like a virus. One become 1000000 in one year. Fucking dirty smelly and ugly. And the accent is tge worst.
I don't give a shit as long as they're legal and potty trained
Yeah that probably affects the outcome too. However, I suspect that part of it is the fact that India was a British colony for so long that it is easier for Indians to adapt to life in America which is essentially an outgrowth of British culture.
Also, the Indians tend to be some type of Hindu, which I think think tends to promote a much more "Don't rock the boat" "fit in to society" mindset rather than say, Islam.
After all, how could the caste system persist for so long if there wasn't some cultural reinforcement of that idea.
Indian immigrants are akin to Cuban immigrants: we are getting the best of their country coming over, mostly.
Just make sure the jews don't bluepill them, and we're square.
Migrants only ever pretend to assimilate. Secretly they hate your country and destroy it subtlety from the inside.
I actually live near an Indian immigrant family and the parents and grandparents are constantly complaining that their kids know nothing about India and are too American.
>What is your opinion on Indian immigrants?
Terrible accents, smell bad, and they're not good at most tech jobs which they gravitate towards.
Not prone to crime and they generally behave themselves, so not a big deal as far as immigrants go though. Also not prone to being welfare leeches, with most having actual jobs.
Still nonwhite and should preferably keep to their own country. Sorry Pajeet, it's not personal, and I would be more willing to accept you if your people were more hostile to mudshits and didn't vote for fucking democrats.
Out all all the countries in Asia I dislike them the least
I hate the muslims ones though
and yet they will never go back. really makes you think
Why do Indians only respect you if you talk down to them like they are small kids who have gotten into trouble?
they're high class, but most are generally not brahmins. from my experience they tend to be ksatriyas
Very bad, they a have shit colour of skin and a shit accent. I cant stand them when I listen those retards on BBC Radio, or when they appear in BBC TV series.
May be some of them are good software developers, but I can't bear them. Their look disgust me.
There are worse immigrant groups. In my experience, they are very superficial and rude, similar to the Chinese (whom they hate).
Portuguese natives have to obey hundreds of regulations and pay fees and taxes to keep their stores open. Immigrants get special treatment.
Our new economy is based on indian 7/11, chinese stores and turkish kebab.
Just visit Lisbon and you will see there are no more traditional portuguese family owned "mercearias".
Doesn't help to have a poo-in-loo prime minister.
But it's OK I guess... according to some people, we are the lazy fuckers and foreigner provide superior service at lower price. Protectionism is evil guys amirite?
I don't know we don't have poo in loo here
>Protectionism is evil guys amirite?
Yes considering the idea of you people being layabouts is largely correct, although protectionism =/= immigration dumbass.
I hate all foreigners Equally, but indians even more so now that I think about it.
curry's so 2015
it's poo now
You remove based on the primary choice of food of the victim
I have quite a few that live around me. They tend to be pretty family oriented and they all appear to be gainfully employed. They are alright I guess, but they are not the friendliest people to non-indians. I will walk by them and say hi and maybe 1 in 100 will acknowledge. They also seem to fear my dog maybe this is a cultural thing though.
uh africans have no food, I would never consider such a find delicacy as chicken to be associated with africans.
>implying your culture is better than the 1000 years ones.
but your culture is already weak. just look at the type of people who wait in line at mcdonalds during the hours.
>I will walk by them and say hi and maybe 1 in 100 will acknowledge
that's not because they aren't friendly, its because indians are very awkward-ish in general
even here, while walking by literally no one will say hi to you, simply because it'd be too awkard desu
But if you're acquainted with them or are friends with them, they'll greet you pretty nicely
>They also seem to fear my dog maybe this is a cultural thing though.
That might be because we have a lot of stray dogs here and sometimes the dogs are aggressive, so a lot of Indians are simply hardwired to be afraid of dogs, but there are a lot of Indians who love dogs as well (me included)
I think he meant to imply the niggers that live in usa
besides, zulu food is pretty tasty, have you ever tried some?
whites = italian foods
polite and educated , just from my presonal experience , they are behaved better than the middle east guys .
The second gen kids are pretty good here. There are a fair few lightskinned qts in my community
kill yourself, honestly.
We really don't need them. Although they seem to be industrious, people who already live here can do the jobs they do. They do seem to be very civilized, rarely committing property or violent crimes.
However, they often bring over their decrepit parents, who immediately leech Social Security and Medicare, even though they never put in an hour of labor in the US.
They're pretty cool, usually nice and respectful as well as hard-working, but they tend to stick to their community a lot (but not in an agressive "us against them" way like many muslims, more like "live and let live"). They also make the best cheap food...
At least that's my anecdotal experience on the matter.
Kill YOURself, weed cuck.
I look forward to your woefully uninformed, furious reply, which I will not be reading.
At least most of them work and actually fucking integrate/live their culture for themselves instead of trying to turn everything islamic like arabs. Extra points if they use the loo.
Live in Boston, LOTS of Indians here
my opinion
>suck at driving
>suck at walking
>can not handle their liquor
>if you work any customer facing job and have to deal with an Indian for anything you are in for a long fucking day.
Indians born here tend to be ok though. They still can't hold their liquor but that's a genetic thing I think.
you have no idea how degenerate you sound, and that's what makes it even worse.
>Not white
Stay where you are.
First they call you lazy and that others do everything better so they can force you to buy from outside and let your industry die. Then they will move to your country. I didn't say it was the same thing.
I agree, for some reason, indians cant take any alcohol. In my Verbindung (frat), we have to carry our indian guy to bed, after just a few beer.
how the hell is that a bad thing, in fact stop drinking alcohol stop being degenerate.
the fact you kids actually have this mind set towards others that * not being able to handle their liquor * is a bad thing is entirely wrong.
Alcohol needs to be eliminated and the only reason Hitler didn't do it is because the beer halls were too helpful during the rise of the nat soc party as a gathering spot.
Fuck off, beeing able to handle a couple of beer is something rather important. Just because your out after a few litres, it isnt degenerate,
Probably as good as not european immigrants can be.
>Integrate well after first generation.
>Don't try to stay in indian ghetto.
>Get educated.
> Still stink
If i could turn away every non european i could I'd be happy but You can't win 'em all. They are still better than niggers and arabs
I don't drink, why would anyone.
" handle a couple of beer is rather important "
It's another lack of discipline in which man gives in to a form of easy, potentially addictive, and extremely damaging substance which is a leech and parasite on the community and nation.
The eradication of which can only make us stronger.
Their men come here, act so sleazy to our women because they've watched too much TV and think it's easy to get laid here, end up getting glassed by someone's boyfriend and then bawww all the way home until the Indian government issues a travel warning. Otherwise, they think we're too stupid to know they're cheating in tests and exams, too stupid to know they're subletting the fuck out of rental homes and honestly have no conception that at least 20% of the hate is directly from their poor hygiene coupled with eating more than half a teaspoon of cumin per serving. Them stink.
Their women are SJW defined, what do you do when no one gives you attention like in India (fucking gynocentric pussy pedestal central) and the guys here are utterly disinterested? Oh, you become SJW, hog up the HR positions and exact your revenge by being the leading force behind affirmative action. Keep recommending those Indian hires, no one is suspecting you of in group preferences, oh not at all. Aussie culture like hand shakes? What are you racist! On the plus side, at least they know white people are disinterested, good work Prijeeta!
Honestly, I want them to stop thinking Australia is Indian clay and stop trying to enforce their caste shit here with whites below Brahmin. It's only upper classes coming here so they're elitist as fuck. Who else can afford Australia?
I guess youre a vegan and detoxify your body every month? after all, red meat and carbs are bad for you.
It provides a common ground to grow camaraderie among even the most unlikely fellows, and common drinking grounds are a source of great loyalty among fellows. Only the weakest turn to alcohol as an escape, it only serves to weed them out. Not to mention the ease of manufacturing will ensure that alcohol will never be eliminated, barring the complete extinction of all forms of yeast. It's eradication was already attempted and it proved to cause far more harm than good.
>Who else can afford Australia?
Actually, there are a lot of low classes coming there as well
In India, low castes get a lot of gibsmedat as reparations
That includes, easy entry into universities (for example a low caste getting 60% will be preferred over a high caste getting say, 70-80%), free college (for engineering degrees, low castes have to pay no fees and to compensate for that general castes i.e mid castes and high castes have to pay 140% higher)
Its pretty bad m8
And Indians hate expats too
They're all whiny and entitled faggots
You are not aware of the cost of living here, are you? Even with gibs me dats they can't afford to live here, besides Dalits seem really humble, completely against the elitist, holier than thou cunts we have here.
Lots of Pandeys, Prasads, Parsleys, Pradems and so on. They definitely are Brahmin.
I'm vegetarian yes, so was Hitler
They're okay with me. They interbreed and assimilate well enough.
>Even with gibs me dats they can't afford to live here
In India once you're done getting a degree in medicine or whatever, you're basically set
You get a well paying job and in a short time you can emigrate to wherever you want
>Lots of Pandeys, Prasads, Parsleys, Pradems and so on. They definitely are Brahmin.
I'm not defending Brahmins, a lot of em are definitely cunts, especially the ones I know
I'm just saying, if you'd be living in India as a student, you'd see how it is
While general castes (low-mid, mid, mid-high and high) are always worried about getting into something and studying all the time to try and get at least a chance to enter into a university, SC (scheduled castes and dalits) and ST (scheduled tribes) students spend their time lazing around because they know that they'd be getting into the university either way
Its reached a point where as a student you're considered "lucky" if you're SC or ST
They actually aren't too bad
>Taking over the city
Make up 1/5th of the population
Aren't European