Sup Forums, red pill me abortions
It can be justified if the fetus is sick or it poses a health risk to the mother. It shouldn't be used as a backup if the condom broke
Any other way is just going backwards
We abortion is great because it keeps unwanted populations from being born but it's bad as it kills the potential person so it's relative. You've been purple pilled.
> nexiumed
Left to private hospitals to do abortions on healthy fetuses. The State offers free abortions for defective ones.
>from Rape
Rape is a place now?
If it was my child, fuck no. Anyone else I can give two shits about honestly. Don't get me wrong, it's still murder, however most abortions come out of low income households where they more than likely wouldn't have the means to support the kid in the first place. That makes it more likely the kids will end up as criminals.
Like I said though, still murder. So I propose if a woman goes in to get an abortion, it should be allowed with one caveat: sterilization afterwards. I think that would be a good disincentive for people to be irresponsible in the first place.
There is no reason a woman ever has to carry a child from rape to term.
Hello, there's a morning after pill.
Really all you need to know
Most abortions are taken by niggers and subhumans
Abortion is good
only americans really think its some controversial topic.
of course abortions are fine.
Women are legit retarded. Most don't even report rape.
according to PP
"Of the 1.6 million abortions performed in the U.S. each year, 91 percent are performed during the first trimester (12 or fewer weeks' gestation); 9 percent are performed in the second trimester (24 or fewer weeks' gestation); and only about 100 are performed in the third trimester (more than 24 weeks' gestation), approximately .01 percent of all abortions performed. "
Sinful. A society that celebrates death and allows it to flourish is doomed to fall.
Well by that logic I have to support it, because it means killing blacks
>Not supporting nonwhite population control
What are you some kind of cuck
Abortions should be mandatory in many cases. There should be parental liscenses just like there are drivers liscenses. Allowed number of kids should be based on family income. Pregnancies past the limit should be terminated under federal law. Babies born outside of hospitals that aren't registered would be culled by not recieving social security numbers and therefore won't be able to attend school or anything beyond that, so when they're found they're taken from the parents and put into foster care of registered qualifying families willing to adopt.
They are too expensive. I've had to pay for 3, and each time they've increased in price. Last time was $350
Forgot to say, if anyone can provide a reason why this isnt a good idea besides "muh morality" I'm willing to discuss it
it's murder
why prevent something that God intended?
It's an irresponsible way of dealing with a problem that only you and your partner caused. In any case, I'd rather be aborted than to be raised by parents that don't love me. I believe in reincarnation, so I'd be given another chance with loving parents. That's my redpill.
life isn't a disney movie
God intended that unfit parents get abortions. Prove me wrong.
They come in vaginas, something you never will
Keeps the black population under control. What's not to love?
I found the jew.
should be mandatory for atleast 3/4 of pregnancies and heavily encouraged in unstable or not 100% ideal households
Abortions are the red pill and the diet of the global elite.
Nice and tender.
because rape pretty much never happens outside of islamist countries like saudi arabia and germany
in a perfect world it would be absolutely intolerable under any circumstance but we dont live in a perfect world do we?
going after the root causes why people feel they need to do this is difficult and expensive, so its way easier and cheaper to just stigmatize it since, based on our deep understanding of human behavior, it always works with no unintended consequences amirite?
now run off to prep your bull svend, i have more pressing matters like the ball game and imo my lawn is looking a little less tidy than my neighbors so i better get on that shit appearance is everything
Stop dating sluts
Basically this
Cumming inside a man's ass is sort of like abortion right?
Yeah, it's otherwise known as Rotherham.
Too many people. We need to legalize after birth abortions.
they use them to eliminate black people, not even kidding go read about Margaret Sanger
Abortions are great. It's the best way to control shitskins population, since they use it more than any whites.
>Most abortions are taken by niggers and subhumans
only when they are legal, when they are not legal the majority are performed on white women
I had the biggest talk about this the other night and the only thing we couldn't decide was what to do with the babies born outside of the allowed parameters
But no social security numbers, foster them out
It's perfect, you cracked it, you're a genius
It is not surprising. Black people tend to earn less and usually have a higher sexual drive. This is just the natural consequence.
Abortions cure niggers.
Though, wouldn't it be better if we could decide on a case by case basis which babies to keep and which to cull?
Regardless of whether life is valuable or not, how the fuck is it the woman's choice?
The State is gonna raise that kid more than the woman does. Fuck, the State is probably gonna pay for it too.
Let the State decide. "Welp, your kid has: downs and arab. Out the window it goes. Get a new kid if you want"
>but muh right to
No fuck that. Women have the rights to produce children but NO responsibility to ensure their children make a positive contribution to society? Get the fuck outta here.
That made me kek, thanks for disturbing the peace 10/10.
'Straya isn't taking prisoners today people.
Been a great deterrent on crime here in the US.
>The Impact of Legal Abortion on Crime
>Welp, your kid has: downs and arab.
Not much worse than having a kid with arab.
>Last time was $350
Still infinitely cheaper than paying for 18 years of child support/welfare
>It can be justified...
It's not your decision to make.
>Rape is a place now?
It comes in handy 40lb boxes, too.
>it's still murder,
It's not murder or it would be illegal. If all you have are these childish emotional pleas, then go back to the kiddie table and let the adult discuss in peace.
theres no reason not to allow abortions; what makes human life precious is its hopes, dreams, experiences and potential experiences; fetuses dont have any of those
Killing of an innocent human is murder. Abortion is murder, but people will justify it by saying the humans are not human or alive. Just like any person committing murder the first they you do is dehumanize the person to be murdered.
>Sinful. A society that celebrates death and allows it to flourish is doomed to fall.
The argument for theocratic tyranny,
look up breath and breathe in the bible. God equate life with breath. That makes sense, because a fetus that cant breathe isn't alive.
Most abortions are wrong, sums it up nicely but shouldn't rape victims be able to abort within the first month or something? Seems unfair that a woman would have to raise a kid that was created against her own will. Especially if it's a white rape victim and the aggressor was a nigger, we can't afford to have more mulattoes in this world.
It's a mixed bag for me Sup Forums. I'm generally against abortion but I don't have a problem if it's niggers getting them done.
At one point exactly does the child become human, making it murder?
>it's murder
>why prevent something that God intended?
Miscarriages are God's abortions. According to you, he must be the biggest mass murderer in history. Thanks for clearing that up.
Seems unfair to murder the son for the father's crimes.
and again black dick is what white women want.
>Killing of an innocent human is murder.
It's not a killing because the fetus can't live on its own.
It's not innocent or guilty, those are just irrational personifications for something that is not alive yet.
It's not murder because it's not illegal.
7 words, 3 huge logical fallacies. That must be some kind of record
>At one point exactly does the child become human, making it murder?
The fetus is already human, but it is not a child until is born
In fact, the universally accepted point is birth. That's been in our law, culture, language, science and humanity for at least ten thousand years.
Being "alive" has nothing to do with pure independence of an organism.
>"the condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death."
A human being in the point of life of being a fetus is alive and is a human life. So killing of that human is murder. If not, then how come if I murder a pregnant woman I get charged with two murder no matter the stage the human fetus is at?
>Being "alive" has nothing to do with pure independence of an organism.
It does for eukaryotes. Your arm is human tissue. If you cut it off, it is still human tissue. but it is not a human being. The 'being' bit is what implies organism independence.
>A human being in the point of life of being a fetus is alive and is a human life.
A fetus is human tissue. If you cut it out, it is still human tissue. but it is not a human being. The 'being' bit is what implies organism independence.
>So killing of that human is murder.
Flawed composition fallacy. Killing of a human BEING is murder. Killing a human arm is only mayhem.
>if not, then how come if I murder a pregnant woman I get charged with two murder ...
That is (1) only very recently, (2) laws passed by right-wing conservative legislatures that have (3) not yet been challenged for their constitutionality.
>no matter the stage the human fetus is at?
The stage matters. None of these laws precede 26 weeks of development. As soon as a fetus can breathe on its own it's considered viable and ready to born.
But what about all the blacks. What we need to do is change some of the gibs into solidly dependable birth control. Something that doesnt need to be taken every day.
I've floated the idea of paying niggresses to get their tubes tied, and vasectomy for the males.
>The more you know...
dying is better than being a rape product of a nog
Oh look, a photoshop that repeats an emotional appeal! Surely that must be more convincing than any rational argument! /sarc
More blacks are being aborted than born in America. Planned Parenthood is an unfortunate economic necessity.
It kept the nigger population from doubling
You cant determine whenever the fetus is or not a human bean, so when you abort you have like 50% chance of actually killing someone, like if you shoot in a dark room with people inside, should be always a crime.
>You cant determine whenever the fetus is or not a human bean,
Sure you can. The moment it is born, it is a human being. That's when we give it slap on the ass and a birthday. That's when it is officially alive on it's own.
>so when you abort you have like 50% chance of actually killing someone
Early term abortions have zero percent chance of killing anyone, unless you are so cruel and depraved you send desperate women into back alleys for coat hanger abortions.
If men could get pregnant, this wouldn't even be a controversy.
the point is to convince you to like abortion because it makes america less black
>That's when we give it slap on the ass and a birthday. That's when it is officially alive on it's own.
The fetus express moviments, heart beat and even consciousness long before the birth.
>Early term abortions have zero percent chance of killing anyone
according to who? the jews who want more profit from people killing their own babies? The most reasonable attitude is to forbid and criminalize the abortions.
It has to do with property. You have the right to do to your property what you will. If a woman wants to cut her arm off, she may because the arm's DNA matches the rest of her completely, verifying that it is her property.
In contrast, a fetus does not share 100% of the mother's DNA and therefore cannot be considered the mother's property. This is why it may not be killed.
Labor mixing also doesn't apply to humans. Just because the mother carries the fetus and is involuntarily feeding it and giving it shelter, does not make termination of the fetus her choice.
There is no magical moment where the fetus transforms into a human BEING as you so emphasized. The only difference is whether the human is inside or outside the womb. Even outside, no magical human being characteristic is gained so your argument there has failed. The child will be dependent on family for years, so abortion based on dependence is a failed argument as well. If it were, we could kill babies and toddlers.
it's both immoral and the key to saving the white race
There's no shortage on people, though.
I can't condemn abortion, I once killed a man too.
fucking eagles are almost extinct while people are literally everywhere
not an argument
Also most women that does abortion know inside that it's wrong and become depressed after, unlike those who refuse abortion, they usually say that their unwanted son became a bless to their lives.
>The fetus express moviments, heart beat....
Personification again. When you remove the fetus prematurely, you always find what you thought was a fully developed heart was not up to the task.
The fetal heart muscle is a lump that has to go from a single stem cell into a lifetime beating machine in just 9 months so of course it develops. But that doesn't mean a fetus has feelings and can suffer from heartache, or any of the other thousands of false projections you make on it.
>and even consciousness long before the birth.
Nope, no consciousness either until the CNS cerebral systems develop. All that "regressive memory therapy" was a pseudo science hoax.
>In contrast, a fetus does not share 100% of the mother's DNA and therefore cannot be considered the mother's property.
False argument. There are people with Chimera that have two sets of DNA in their bodies.
Abortions are better than infanticides.
That's what we had in the good ol' days.
Read Farewell to Alms, or listen to based Prof Gregory Clark on youtube to hear more.
A necessary evil.
Holy shit, that is terrible, how can people support this?
How do people decide they want to make this into their career?
watch after the 11:16
>Sees flag
OP, whatever you are thinking please ABORT!
>Abortions are better than infanticides.
Infant murder is better than toddler murder and toddler murder is better than adult murder.
Is that right?
If they put that trash up in my neighborhood I'd start shooting at it
Deterring crime seems pretty rational to me. Abortion is a great crime stopper when it comes to the types of """people""" it kills.
It should be illegal for white women though.
They're a decent means of population control assuming the borders are secured.
Basically: Tight borders + Abortion = Good
Closed borders + No abortions = Acceptable
Open borders + Abortions = Bad
White kids are not everywhere.
they actually scream and try to avoid being killed, not my projection, just see the video
>It's not a killing because the fetus can't live on its own.
A baby can't live on its own either.
>It's not innocent or guilty, those are just irrational personifications for something that is not alive yet.
Those cells are very much alive, otherwise they wouldn't grow and duplicate. Or are you going to use your own definition of what "life" is here?
>It's not murder because it's not illegal
If abortion were illegal it would fall under murder, as you're killing human life with intent.
medfag here. as it stands, the only way to save baby in OB emergencies is usually to save mom. and in an OB ermgencies that require AB it's either fetus goes or they both go
>A baby can't live on its own either.
Sure it can. It breathes on its own, heart beats on it's own, brain thinks on it's own. It is its own little human being.
>Those cells are very much alive, otherwise they wouldn't grow and duplicate. Or are you going to use your own definition of what "life" is here?
I get it. You're only hope to not sound like a total emo is to somehow blur the lines between living tissue and a living being. That's not going to work on anyone who passed 8th grade biology.
It's tough trying to teach anti-science imbeciles the simplest concepts - the stupider they are, the tougher it is.
>If abortion were illegal
Bu bu bu but it's not, is it? Next!
abortion should be legal because of hollywood culture. If we lived in a good culture that didn't encourage people to be irresponsible then people wouldn't need abortions in the first place.
Women don't need even more incentives to falsely claim rape every time they regret having sex afterwards.
Or we could expect women to control themselves and give them a sufficient punishment so they stop getting away with murder, but I guess that would be too much to ask for.