The Muslims arrived in Germany through the Balkan route from Turkey in 2015, and entered under Merkel's open borders policy.
The Muslims arrived in Germany through the Balkan route from Turkey in 2015, and entered under Merkel's open borders policy.
It's a shame they were halted. This is exactly what Germany needs right now.
These mental illness praising,homosexuality loving,immorality worshipping shitheads are only delaying what is inevitable
Sadly that's what it takes to wake people up.
>Historic city
because it worked so well in other countries?
shit would just get worse for everyone
You do remember the last time terrorists were "caught" they ended up countering with attacks in a few days, right? Belgium ring any bells?
the policeman will be fired by merkel herself, the terro.. refugees will be freed and given moneyz and blue eyed blonde underage girls for raping
wtf is this? 1940 gestapo?
>Right wing propaganda going on full speed this year
>A group of friendly Muslim German citizens were misunderstood while trying to help the local admnistration taking down outdated nationalist buildings
>As expected from the racists they quickly defined this noble act as TERRORISM and started spreading false informations
Sup Forums is so blinded by racism and nazism you can't notice the obvious.
The true terrorists have already taken over the government.
More attacks should happen. We need to divide society to the point where we can strike at the left. Leftism must be eradicated completely.
>this could have been the red pill for so many germans
>it was prevented
Why do a bunch of goat-fuckers in Syria even know my city exists? I thought we're irrelevant
Why not go for Berlin or some shit? Fuck I hate leftists so goddamn much for letting these psychos into our country
#noallmuslims #religionofpeace #migrationisabliss
why is the BND so good at this
Because the
>surely 130 will be enough to wake up France
>surely 40 will be enough to wake up Belgium
>surely 250 will be enough to wake up Germany
Lefties are not susceptible to reason and facts. If 200,000 died in a nuke bomb then you'd still have lefties saying religion of peace.
So it is a GOOD thing that these things are prevented.
No. Those who have not already been red pilled willl never wake up. It just would have been the same "not all muslims" and "religion of peace" shit all over again. German media and normies are way too cucked.
>muslims bomb an EU summit
who does Merkel blame?
Guns kill more in America during a week than terrorist attacks in Europe. Let's face facts and admit banning guns will save more people than rejecting poor refugees.
Black people kill more than guns in america.
Lets ban black people
Thats how dumb you sound. Because its just fact.
>red pill people that made excuses for rapists
Don't think so Hans.
Bantz aside it's just as bad over here, I've been doing my best to distribute red pills and I've lost many a friend for it. Unfortunately the left and the media have done an extremely good job of brainwashing these people, the only thing you can do is prepare for the inevitable, they'll soon change their tune when their lives are at risk and I'm not even sure if that will be enough.
They are not. Theonly reason this attack could be stopped is that one of the four mudslimes who planned it informed the authorities
$0.10 has been deposited to your account by order of George Soros
>Guns kill more in America during a week than terrorist attacks in Europe. Let's face facts and admit banning guns will save more people than rejecting poor refugees.
Low-quality b8, m8.
thats like 10 mins away from me, thanks merkel
>Black people kill more than guns in america.
>Lets ban black people
>Thats how dumb you sound.
sounds reasonable imo
The blacks are always involved with crime because they have very few opportunities. You don't get it. If we gave them opportunities and help the country would grow as a whole. Instead we label them as criminals and prevent them from going anywhere in life. Imagine a world where there's no guns (no violence) and blacks were given the chances white people have.
if you're living in Düsseldorf you're already used to the enrichment anyway. When was the last time you've seen only white people in a street?
what were they going for? drunk dutch people celebrating bachelor parties?
Yeah, rounding up all the niggers and sending them back to Africa is a pretty solid plan, too bad it can never be implemented in today's political climate, we were so close to doing so after the Civil War.
>there is more theft than rape
>so there will be absolutely no crime, when we only ban theft
That's a nice bait
Here's a (you)
>blue eyed blonde underage girls for raping
> "ISIS plot"
Bullshit. They were refugees that belong to a death cult.
>Exposure to true information does not matter anymore. A person who was demoralized is unable to assess true information. The facts tell nothing to him. Even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents, with pictures. Even if I take him by force to Soviet Union and show him concentration camp he will refuse to believe it untill he is going to receive a kick in his fat bottom. When the military boot crashes his balls then he will understand, but not before. That is the tragic of the situation.
Go fuck a meatball you stupid wop
shouldn't sing about the longest bar in the world.
alcohol is haram, brother.
It wouldn't change anything. white guilt-ridden liberals see non-whites as noble beings.
Thank you Mama Merkel!
You truly are the saviour of Europe aren't you?
Fucking bowlcut bitch.
Bernie, how did you find out about Sup Forums?
Kurd here, how easy is it for me to get a gf in Germany right now?
Once again first reading it here, probably no non redpilled german will ever hear of this because of the Lügenpresse.
Combined with : What a fucking day.
Dead or alive?
>One of the cell is arrested
>Fear the cell is compromised
>Initiate planned attacks ahead of schedule
i'm kinda surprised how capable our anti terror task force is
God damnit... Germany needs a proper 9/11, maybe... Just MAYBE that will wake up some of your faggot country"men" Sorry Germanbros, but this should have happened... For your nations own good.
fuck i study and work in düsseldorf
hope something will happen here so my political correct gf will learn
one of the four terrorists them turned himself in
>Not being able to appreciate fine satire
>Making fun of a true Aryan Liga Nord or Casa Pound supporter
based yuri
when was the last time something happened here?
you should read more - the Düsseldorf Anti Terror Unit knew about the group and the planned attack, they were observing them since the beginning
30 women sexually assaulted
and that's comparable to blowing up a bus, kill over a hundred people in france or bomb a club?
1. february 2016 was when he turned himself in.
they knew about it since then, because he fucking told the french police that he was planning a terror act with 3 other guys. of course german police was contacted. before 1. february german police had no clue of these 4 guys, except for being normal refugees
I can't tell if you're saying this because you think "Germany will wake up and stop being bluepilled" or "Germany needs to be punished for not being bluepilled enough"
yeah, in ancient times tribes would raid eachother and rape women to demoralize their enemies, it is a declaration/act of war
They should've targetted your DESIGNATED BOMBING CITY, Dresden.
never said that its comparable. but its madness to believe that there needs to be a hundred dead people to start acting on refugee crime.
Instead of banning the niggers, let's domesticate the niggers.
It worked before.
We can domesticate all the single mother biocunt feminist #notallwomen suffragettes too
>1 300 000 of refugees in Germany
>number of terrorist attack: 0
Proof that they're peaceful people
why haven't the german people taken this bitch out? how cucked are you guys?
ficki ficki
why you cuck elected nigger president twice Obongo?
>if you're not a terrorist, you're a nice person
Even if they were the nicest people on earth and wouldn't commit crimes all the time, they still wouldn't be useful because they can't spell their fucking names properly
>can't spell their fucking names properly
>say the german with their shitty name
nice try scherwresteinger
Yeah it's a shame
I wish Germany was as sloppy as France and Belgium
That coming from a frog is rich.
>implying this is easier to spell than Hans
Amazing how the french can take something and make it sound gay as fuck.
Sadly all the 'smart' terrorists who could avoid getting caught will know that this would end the rapefugee gravy train
Well "Blaise" for example came from "Blasius".
I'd say that is equally gay
Totally agree, need the big red pill to hit everyone