Which country is currently the whitest in Europe?
Which country is currently the whitest in Europe?
Baltics in general
Estonia is almost entirely white, but they have a ryssä problem. I'd imagine Latvia, Lithuania, Poland etc. are very white as well, but they're shit for other reasons.
If you want a good white European country move to Estonia.
Nigeria and US of course.
pure coincidence :^)
Hats off to you, our greatest ally.
A lot of shitskin foreigners study there.
like this guy: youtube.com
Slavs are not white
wtf is that
>South estonian
Poland, Eesti, Latvia and Lithuania
Australia, yes, fuck off we are full cunts.
Biela Rus
These guys
ayy lmao
not a lot
Hey, we did a pretty good job of cleaning up all those non-English languages in the British Isles.
Just a few more spots to go now.
Isn't Iceland pretty white?
top kek
>divided Spain.
Why you faggots are always supporting the destruction of Spain? Do you even know any bit of spanish history to support such thing? All the independentist movements are based on the marxism-leninism, supported by the jewish massmedia in America and Europe (they always treated ETA as freedom fighters, LOL), there is no historical basis for such thing, and they had to manipulate history to excuse their bullshit. If you read spanish history you will sew how the Basques in the reconquista always fought in the front lines, they had great conquistadores and explorers, like Andalucia. The same with galicians and catalonians, Franco was galizian and almost all his goverment was catalonian ffs.
Is it s coincidence that all these white countries are poor as fuck?
stop these memes
>Paki mayor
>nigger president
Are you just one shit-poster or is it a few people people shitposting under the same name?
Can anyone beat 0.002%?
No, it's just because they were all controlled by the Soviets after WW2 so they're behing rest of Europe with development. They know that cultural marxism and leftism is bullshit and they're resisting it quite well.
>Middle eastern countries learn german
>Sweden learns swedish
>america learns spanish
Why aren't Slavs white?
Is it just a meme or is it true?
Yesterday I watched your football team. Haven't seen so many niigers at one time on polish soil. You should feel ashamed.
do you realize this is about languages?
It was also the first time any white people were on your soil
>middle east
dumb maroccan
Iceland. No question about it. I don't understand how anyone can claim anything else.
they're as non-white as the irish
Turkey or Italy probably
Extremely small country that speaks an odd mix of german and french, very white and very catholic
They are white...
It's just one of the few retarded memes that Finnish, Slavic, Romanian, Irish, Hungarian people are not whites
It's a dialect of German that's always included in these kinds of map because muh wir wolle bleibe was wir sind. The dialect doesn't even exist as it is spoken abroad the border too.
Russians are generally short and swarthy due to central Asian influences though, and a higher percentage of your gene pool than you're willing to admit is Russian.
I am pretty sure we are lower than that. Just read through our 2011 National census and couldn't find anything regarding race.
So I checked people by nationality and only found 15 Nigerians living here.
Have not seen a single nigger in my city since birth. Feels good man.
below 99% not white desu
Latvia has more ryssä than Estonia if I remember correctly.
>Greeks are whiter than Germany and all of Scandinavia
Germany of course, because it has the most inhabitants
by square kilometers the Netherlands of course, because it has the highest population density
you might think some eastern European country is the whitest, but really on the black to white scale from 1-10 people they range from 6-8. Western multicultural countries have the full scale from 1-10. Yes more on the lower scale, but also the necessary cultural liberty for the 10/10 white person to evolve.
What's the deal with the German in Russia over by Kazakhstan?
Are all those Balkan languages real or just meme languages?
Montenegrin sounds like bs
This is from 2014
Greece today has hundreds of thousands of shitskin refugees
albania is the whitest
Estonia is not doing bad for its size, not as much as Italy that is...
>Russia most non-white country in Europe.
Putinbots BTFO with no recovery in sight.
We are in top 3-4. Good enough.
It's all just different dialects of Bulgarian. They'll tell you it's not though, because they all hate each other.
Where can I get a grant for an MBA(Masters in Bulling Artisanship) for german women?
I'm already working on my Foreign Tongue license in Women Studies.
deported volga-Germans
Achmed aub ga weg
>Sweden 2nd language
This palce has only reinforced my stereotypes about amerimutt stupidity
cool down, chukhna. german toilets, that you clean, don't give a fuck how white you are.
>germans successfuly genocided their own dialects,replacing it with hoch deutsch,t*rkish and mudrabic
..so? That's like saying that America has more niggers than Sweden.
We're actually developing our ryssä problem as well, though few acknowledge it, and it's understandably shadowed by other problems.
It's ridiculous either way, even if those 0.9% of non-european finns are from the deepest depths of congo it doesn't make Albania whiter than Finland since Albania is filled with slavs and turks. Similarly, Belarus and Ukraine are filled with Central Asians.
>It is so much greater in Albania then in Sweden
Pretty wrong, actually. Slavic language != Bulgarian, roots are way in the past. All slavic languages descended from the main slavic language, alphabets are from us, though. Naum of Preslav created the Cyrillic after the Glagolic, which Cyrill and Methodius created from some Greek alphabet.
Naum was a student of Cyrill.
But the root of slav languages is the "Slavic language".
it should be 0% for them and 85% for us
Hahahahahah. Good one senpai.
Dialects still exist in the rural area and Hochdeutsch includes the dialects (what you're referring to is standarddeutsch)
>Hahahahahah. Good one senpai.
Iceland. Rest of nordics are cucks.
Well,not really but we can understand eachother to a certain extent,While macedonian is pretty much a dialect.
You know, it's hard to keep country white when you're empire size 1/6 of whole planet.
You don't have that problems, your country smaller than my fucking oblast' I live in.
Only relevant PURE WHITE country is Poland. they have great history, successful conquests, they are pretty big country and still white.
And other baltic countries are just swamp shitholes, that even churkas don't want to live there.
>Slavic language != Bulgarian
>Rant on ancient glory of [the particular slavic shithole without working plumbing this particular person was born in]
Thank you for your input
>>They'll tell you it's not though, because they all hate each other
Says krokodil addicted gopnik. Go suck off your local oligarch to earn enough money for a dose before your teeth fall off.
>Nobody wants to migrate to Poland because it's fucking shit
No wonder they don't have a problem with shitskins and niggers.
Probably Belarus, which literally means White Russia afaik. They call it Wei§russland in Germany
All the Nordic countries are cucked and have at least some peaceful refugees. Lukashenko is so fucking based