What's the purpose of this board?
What's the purpose of this board?
Other urls found in this thread:
To really make you think.
>really makes you think
sick gets and bants
also check em
Sup Forums with racism and flags
It's to lure in twinks like you so we can hack your IP address and rape you hard.
Get ready for the cuckening, big boy ;)
The dankest of memes
To call you a cuck so you think about being a cuck and that really makes you think about being a cuck, and also jews
Sup Forums was always bretty racist
To save the West
We put on the guise of retardation to throw off our enemies, but our power is undeniable
I'm not a cuck.
I'm from Peru.
Is there a possibility to change this fate?How are you gonna do/doing this?
Sick bantz and containment
Sup Forums doesnt exist anymore
to give alternate opinions on world news so you get a less bias taste of the world around you.
Also for shitposting and banter
To suffer and endure.
don't be sad because it's over, be happy because it happened :)
Shitpostin with strayans
almost mhuhmad ID :s
Well the flag checks out
Abstain from liberal social justice women, it is the only way.
How are you gonna change all of that bussiness running behind the state and ruining your countries?
It's there to make worthless permavirgin NEETs feel superior because of their skin color.
Because it's one of the last places you can anonymously voice forbidden opinions.
Lurk more faggot or get back to /lgbt/
Sup Forums is dead
kill all the jews?
>he thinks its about skin colour
you have to go back
One word
I'm brown and you are all brainlets.
Fight propaganda with propaganda. What method would we use?
Destroying pic related.
The anglo method
Idiot and low income poster containment
Keeps quality boards like Sup Forums and Sup Forums safe
This is a containment board for all the childless men who masturbate to anime. Things that are discussed here are usually race related news and crime statistics, none of which is ever going out to the general public and none of which matters anyway. The people that congregate here do not matter in the course of history. Knowing that you have 2 options:
1) Stay here for the memes, bantz and top keks
2) Leave and find something productive to do with your time
You're welcome.
On this board we discuses the incoming New World Order and Zionist take over using cultural Marxism and critical theory to overthrew society.
>Kaczynski on Pschology of Modern Leftists
>Bezmenov on subversion tactics
>Bowden on "white guilt"
It's only been like six months since this Miley shit was posted all the time and you idiots are taking the bait? It was even a Spain-poster doing it.
Well, I've been masturbating to anime too for years and I didn't come here.
However, there are some things I agree with the posters over here.
I know you also wanted to make some "action" about this matter, about what's happening on Europe and USA.
Well, I'm maybe here as a reminder that together, we can change the world.
It was me, because Americans are hilarous and pride to be ridiculous. But let focus on the "action" topic, please.
>That spider
So, are you gonna give up before starting to act?
Good to know how the white pride is just a fucking excuse to whine about anything.
do you have a reading comprehension? Americuck is taking the piss out of Sup Forums and Sup Forums
poorfags only way means to escaping their everyday life
Designated strayan shitposting
this made me to actually check /(t)v/
and I thought it couldn't get worse!
Come on
oh it certainly does
Shitposting containment board
b/ is way more racist than Sup Forums
You need to go back
el peruANO
Dissemination of ideas of political conservatism and preservation of the European way of life
as a resistance to the ways of jewish bolshevism and the new world order
Do you really think the dissemination of ideas will automatically do the change?
Típico español heh
Huh... made you think, huh?
Whats the point of this post
really makes you think
Wow that really made me think
That's one heck of a meme right there, user.
this really made me think
The one which makes you all wake up and do something about what's happening on EUROPE AND USA.
They will soon ban and censor any hate-speech website, which means banning everything they think it will obstruct their business.
Literal containment board so other boards can get bluepilled 24/7 by everyone.
It says white american 72,4% my man, Sup Forums lyied to me about the 63% all along
To call each other niggers and cucks.
Vuelvete a Lima si no te gusta
That was beautiful.
collecting IPs of the pedos, the nazis and other kind od deviants
using those IPs to mad deviance and degeneracy
when the time will come using those informations for the great clean up
I'm sorry pablo ernesto mariano de la rosa juarez, but you gotta go back
>latin americans have long ass names for no reason
I've here for all of Sup Forums's existence and I'm serious when I say this.
Sup Forums is a place where /r9k/ tier shut ins can rationalize why they have no friends and no one wants to have sex with them. That is the majority of this board. Every major view held here is a complex resulting from social and sexual rejection.
to contain nazis and wannabe nazis, obviously.
It is a tool to identify, marginalize and temporarily contain the vilest elements of society until they can be dealt with in an appropriate manner.