Be born in Sweden to Middle Eastern parents

>Be born in Sweden to Middle Eastern parents
>Understand and speak Swedish better than natives
>Get educated in Sweden's top 3 university
>Jobs refuse to hire me because my name isn't Swedish and I don't look "Swedish"

Did I lose in the lottery of life? I can't even find a job outside Sweden because Swedish universities don't have any connection outside Scandinavia.

Other urls found in this thread:ö#Demographics

change yr name to Muhammad or whatever muslim name

Go the fuck back to where you belong

Ok redskin

Get the fuck out. Your parents shouldn't be in Sweden, and neither should you.

You should go get a gun and commit a mass rape and shooting

Tape a koran to your chest when you do it.

If you really love Sweden you will kill yourself for the good of the country.


Stop lying leacher

Just move to spain or whatever

Swedish universities have many connections all round the world, don't lie.

No, I hate this country. I also hate cucks, cuckservatives, neo-/pol (You), alt-rightists etc because the stigma from these groups is nothing but cringe.

Hahaha no.

let me guess, you've a degree in journalistics (most saturated/unwanted profession on market) or economics (alsmost same as the journalism)

you should have thought about career choice BEFORE starting studies

Computer engineering. I wouldn't say it's useless.

Question is, how is the outlook on the job market in general, compared to what you educated yourself to?

If you educated yourself to a doctor, psychologist or nurse it seems fucked you can't get a job. On the other hand, if your're a vegan halal latte sipping hipster with a background in media and advertisement, i don't feel bad for you.

That being sad, hope you get a job soon Jamal.

We conquered those people in battle. By using this argument you're literally admitting that your people are invaders.


serious question, why do you think you name affects or hinders your employment?

or you just can't find explanation why?

Kill yourself, shitskin scumfuck

Why hire outsiders when you can hire your own kin and let everyone else starve to death unless they enlist in Arbetsförmedlingen for 500 euros per month while working 15 hours a day cleaning streets?

He's a stupid nigger and can't realize that his low intellect is why he's getting a job. To these people race is everything, and they are so dumb that if they can't get a job it's because das raycis.

> Be a White Communist
> Fish for sympathy about fictitious racist incidents on behalf of others.

whenever someone talks about being born by middle eastern parents i immedietly think of Malmö
there are plenty of serbs there tooö#Demographics

I grew up with a Serb since kindergarten and we both got our CE degree in 2014. Today he's helping his family's farm in Serbia because he also couldn't find a job here.

that's pretty cool, what town are you from?
is his familiy 90s war reufgees?

>refusing to cater to a middle eastern
do you get off at lying on a korean tech support forum?

God what a waste. Mooching on the swedish education system for one billion years, just to move back to his home country and do manual labor.

>i have a fancy degree and no experience working
>why wont companies hire me

Kill yourself Ahmed

His family runs a restaurant in Göteborg but his relatives own a farm in Serbia.

But that's wrong you dumb cuck, fuck off underage.

That's also wrong bonnejävel, heard of praktikplats?

Cant exactly feel sympathy for someone who bitches about being in a place they dont belong, born there or not you're not a Swede and never will be, fuckoff back to the desert Ahmed.

>everyone from Middle East is an Arab
>native AMERICAN education

ok buddy

So your a racist? Thats what you would do if you were to hire people is this what you mean? Or do you mean every white swede think like this and is racist... either way you are racist.

>No, I hate this country. I also hate cucks, cuckservatives, neo-/pol (You), alt-rightists etc because the stigma from these groups is nothing but cringe.

Then fuck off back to where you came from and see how much you enjoy it.

No I think this is what any native person thinks in their own country and this is reality faggot.

B-but muh wasted tax kronor

In which way am I wrong

A shitskin is a shitskin you dumb fuck. No one cares about your imaginary "Persian" roots.

>Understand and speak Swedish better than natives

I see the problem, it's because you're a typically, hilariously, arrogant entitled Muslim.

You either study and borrow money to afford living expenses (CSN) or you go on welfare (Arbetsförmedlingen and Försäkringskassan) for 500 euros each month while cleaning streets every day.

Change your name for start.
Standing out has its negative. I also studied in europe, but I look the part (except for the manlet part) so I could blend in, my asian roommate was harassed by chavs (oi gimme a cigratte) around the dormitory area on a monthly basis.

I'm not "Persian" either, try again Ivan.

Why did you choose to go back to Turkey instead of pursuing work in UK, is it the same shit I described?

blame your parents, they shouldn't have been in sweden to begin with.

>boo hoo I'm a special kid of shitskin
You just proved my point, arab.


Well tbqh I had no monetary concerns, my family is rich enough to pay the non-eu student fee and I don't want to grind my life away in london finance plus I like my country (not the countrymen, a big difference) I hope to open a small hostel like place near south west when the dust settles and erdoğan and his ilk is gone and spend the rest of my life just chilling.

It is sad a lot of the secular-atheist folk are migrating out of the nation though.

Have you considered going to Syria? I hear the place might as well be up for grabs.

There is literally nothing wrong with racism. Every other race on earth is openly racist to white people. It's only a problem if whites are racist.

But education still costs, regardless of someone taking student loans or not. The state pays for the teacher's fees, the administration, the very buildings in which the education takes place. It certainly isn't free, and is paid for with tax crowns desu. So one person takes up a valuable education slot and then moves outside of sweden to do something that has nothing to do with his education. Someone else could've taken this place, he could have worked on a farm without a masters thesis in whatever.

Not to mention what a waste this was for the person who can't get a job in spite of education.


You should realize that things are going to only be worse from now on in regards economy, and there's going to be scapegoat and banks will not be the ones to take the blame.

The fuck kind of shit tier b8 is this? Man this board is going down in quality.

You fucks hate everywhere you live and refuse to go back to the shit holes your kind made. Fucking pricks

Proof or GTFO

Fuck back to your middle-eastern shithole.

I wish they moved to USA or Canada. Currently I'm "unemployed" and I work as a freelancer for an American company.

>Someone else could've taken this place
But cucked people didn't take his place because the average Swede is uneducated and dumb enough to not pass the university test. You're so fucking stupid you need everything explained to you, my point has been proven.

>millions of niggers stuck in turkey
>erdogan gone
Yeah, nice try mehmet

Fuck off and die shitskin faggot.
You don't belong in sweden and you don't belong here.


You realize you're technically an Arab, right? Go harvest organs you worthless ape.

t. Redskin

we hate you too.

Like I give a fuck if you call me redskin, you middle east fuckbucket
>Born in Sweden
Whatever you say, middle east fuckbucket

How are things in Albania shqiptar bro

Tbh this sandnegro sounds more Swedish than most degenerate faggots who are ethnic Swedes.

I like you, you at least see the cringyness of faggots who supports ugly morons like Trump, Geert etc
Alt right is just an extension of the slavery we endure, the only way to salvation is a fascist revolution.

>has a Yugoslav buddy
I like you more and more

>all people on here hate Sweden for being cucked
>"Oh no some sandnigger hates it too, he should love Sweden"

because you arent swedish

one can dream, but He antagonized everyone, usa-russia-all the neighbouring nations. I believe his days are numbered

In the entire history of modern turkey there is no one, I mean no one who fucked with the west and lived long enough to tell the tale. I don't know whether there will be a coup but ( judging from the antagonization he receives from everyone) I doubt he will be around in early 2020s.

This is extactly the reason he is going berserk in the last years, paranoid about anything that might topple him (and rightfully so)

or I don't know,i I'll pray to Perkele Khan to save us.

wew lad
>Millions of young swedes too stupid to pass the 0.2 needed in högskoleprovet to take a bachelor's degree in computer science.

Yes I very much agree amerifat. Racism is natural and everyone has it. Racism is not moral nor immoral :)

You have to go back

That's great. When do you leave?

>almost half of Albania is non muslim
>even the muslim half is hardly muslim
>gave one of the most based kebab removers ever

Aside being landgrabbers who steal Serb lands and rape their goats, the average albo will be whiter than the average Swede in 40 years

Post some swedish girls mate.

fuck off fag

I am sure they have a lot of jobs for you in Istanbul.

Literally a strawman embodiment of muh poor refugee doctor and lawyer.

>Did I lose in the lottery of life?

No, you could have been born in the Middle East you fucking twat.

But since you're ungrateful and apparently can't leverage your superior intellect (tips fedora) into even getting a cleaning job, you should be blessing the stars you're in a country where you're not begging on the streets for being a failure at life.

Of course in reality we both know you're just another white leftist cuck who dreamt up this idealized scenario to build a little high horse you could try to make your case from, ignoring the blatant fact that the majority aren't even close to that. SCB statistics show not even half of migrants have jobs after 7 years, and that is mixing together Finns with Middle Easterners, meaning the real statistics for muh migrants are far fucking worse.

Only reason for your secularism is the west, what the fuck you think is going to happen once west turns into segregated fuck you for muslim world

Fucking kek the irony

I grew around Serbs, Italians, Iranians, Bosnians, Turks etc and one thing we have in common is our hatred for Swedes, Arabs and niggers. Today I am still trying to figure out why Swedes import hundred thousands of shitskins when not even white Europeans can find a job in Sweden because their name isn't "Sven Svensson" enough. Sooner or later, the hordes of niggers will realize they're being used as slaves for 500 euros a month for a 60+ hours week schedule and then there'll be a massive shitstorm.

Most of us avoid dating Swedish women because they might've fucked negroids or Arabs, that's how bad it is lol.

When a swede gets btfo kek

You gotta go back, Ahmed, fucking dune coon.

>when Erdogan is gone.

Good luck with that, is'nt he consolidating his power base & recommending that his supporters don't use birth control.

That coupled with the flight of secular nationals means bad news demographically mate.

It kinda really is, especially when your faggy little identity crisis isis Allah the faggy cock stroking fingers type your religion of soon to be of pieces bulls hit crybaby unwhite demon enters the field of engineering. DEATH TO ALLAH DEATH TO ALLAH AND ALL WHO SUPPORT THAT BULLSHIT WEAK religion of Uber gayness

>you're in a country where you're not begging on the street

That's right, I'm actually begging for a company in ANOTHER COUNTRY to hire me so I can live and pay my taxes there because they're not a mindless cuck like you who expect anyone who isn't Swedish to work a 60 hours work schedule for 500 euros/month.

Leave and make your middle eastern shithole habitable if we're so bad.

>shitskin who hates swedes
I hope you starve you fucking vermin.

Fucking cringe, I'm not even a Muslim but you along with other American posters in this thread make USA look like a bunch of hillbillies with a circumcised dick that says "

Fuck this thread

>no one posted swedish girls


America is Sweden now? Well it kinda is because Sweden will eventually have a negroid president soon.

Post your hand, nigger, with timestamp,

Have you tried applying for actual jobs or are you just upset that no one will give you one?

Also, have you tried not declaring jihad during job interviews?

Cry more Ahmad svennson, I can't wait for you and all the likes of you to be begging for these hillbillies to save you from yourself. Muslims were a very bad idea to let in they are not human at all. You are mad because Sweden is now the neo-mecca;or counterpart of isreal,of the Arab world. Except you have no balls

He's probably wearing niqab to interview and asking the interviewer if he has touched pig or dog lately

Or he's just leftists fucktard crying impossible scenario where nigger with qualifications can't find job from public sector. He wouldn't even need to bother at interview because he'd be hired. There's almost none highly qualified niggers in nordic countries

I understand that you have to beg considering that they won't hire you for your irrelevant education or lack of good merits. If you're lucky they hire you because of some diversity program. Gl m8

If he's even a real nigger. Honestly if he's really nigger and qualified he'd be employed by public sector in a day

It's probably some unemployed leftist trying to make 'world better place'

>Understand and speak Swedish better than natives
Do shitskin actually believe this?

I see them say this in a lot of countries and they're always wrong about it.

It's just another Husu who has done nothing with his life and tells it's Finns who are the reason why 90% of somalis are unemployed

Fucking niggers honestly

They actually doesn't. Their swedish is so degenerate by all their hood slang that they are largely unintelligable. Some swedish linguists even say it's a new language, especially the forms from Malmö. Finns speak better swedish that these kind of people desu.

Maybe you should kill yourself

Good. Go back to your shitskin country and take your family and neighbors with you. 2 years until things get ugly so best to leave soon before you get cided

Men håll käften din fula blattejävel tacka dina kamelknullade inavlad arab jävlar som anländer hit idag och tar alla skattepengar din förbannade idiotjävel hoppas du dör.

How does it feel I work for an American company and knowing I've never paid taxes in Swedenafter having spent 6 years in a Swedish university which your parents tax money financed NEETcuck?