Other urls found in this thread:
that french guy looks suicidal
The new German
>romanian girl hiding her boner
hungary is a manlet :(
Time to redefine the new german
>UK guy doing the Allah sign
>white as snow
so slavs white?
>dat Portugal
>Not one Hijab in sight
Fucking bigots
this could be a great meme
We're used to it.
>the finger of the british
Allah snackbar !
I know right why are they nearly all cis, white (except portugal and germany) and non-muslim? I thought it was all about diversity.
It's funny because when I visited the average person didn't look like an arab.
I guess that the Alberto Barbosa meme is seeping into reality
>not a freckled redhead
You're triggering the fenian in me
Besides the fact that my flag isn't twice as tall as he others I'm okay with this
where are the other genders? they want to win the vote with bigotry? shameful...
>germany the darkest
And a nice fuck you to you, sir.
>Only germany and portugal is brown
Phenotypically speaking our future is darker.
>that tanned german
>Eva Rothschild
>that tanned German
did the artist purposefully make everyone look like they're being held captive against their will?
>westerners are niggers
>slavs are white
>skandis are blonde girls
yep, pretty much how I see it in 10 years.
>cyprus and france white
This children's book illustration is literally the most artistically accomplished of the bunch.
People like this are exactly why I want out of the EU. Over-privileged dilettantes paid off to shill for the EU. Same with useless crap like the Erasmus programme. Fuck these "artists", and fuck the EU. The EU is throwing away Europe's future by whoring us out to the world.
You're a little girl.
we're a heavily segregated country at this point
Germany is more brown than Greece.
This is indeed "our future", remaining in the EU.
>Germany and Greece brown
Indeed, I see that the Netherlands is still the Netherlands.... and Italy and Germany is losing their millennia-old identity as we speak. It's very sad.
I don't want this to happen, I want Europe to stay Europe, and not Eurarabia.
>Cuckstrian being allowed access to the internet from the shed
You've got a lot to learn from Sweden.
>our future is brighter
>represented by a mulatto
Really makes you think.
Top fucking kek when leftists try to appeal to "European" values, what do you think they're imagining in their minds?
It sure as hell isn't western values.
>we are still us
I know, but if you calcualte the average colour of france, it's most likely not white. We probably aren't as well, cause 10% of our population is gypsies and turks.
Maybe the artisted wanted to show the average person's colour in the countries, I don't know.
Wow also note how degenerate this art is. Very Jewish, also note the poss poor arguments, "muh travel" etc. The non Europeans in our society will vote based on this, ive hears packs of ferel africans yabber about "muh travel".
Don't forget the purpose; subvert and smash the goyim into a rootless mass and slowly form the new ruling classess in seperate communities.
The goyim are to sow, reap and toil.
All propaganda has a meaning, nothing produced by the Jewish media is for nothing, its no coincidence Germany is depected as non european here flanked by a very aryan looking france and a whiter looking greece, both of whom are looking at it.
Take this;
It is revealing the game: a socialist superstate where the Jew leads all the snowflake groups to smash the indigenous people of Europe, the new " oppressors".
Note the central positioning and height of the jew. The ruination of childhood (swearing child), the 12 tribe banner (EU flag) and much more.
The Jewish elite are getting VERY arrogant and bold, just like before, and just like before they will throw the common Jew under the bus if need be.
Watch how we get about ten sliding threads now this had been posted.
Portugal is white though.
Atleast when i was there. As white as spain at least.
Someone needs to edit them in chains.
Thats not even funny though. Its scary and disrespectful.
Also this
This is the kind of stuff leftists love. Feely good, feminised, cucky, idealist, childish garbage.
fukn lol out loud lolololololololo
tfw denmark has just accepted their fate by now
cuck macht frei
Dane-chan looks so sad and deflated
holy fuck
it is important that art reflects reality
it's the face expression of someone beaten
From this (pic)
To this
severely underrated
My grandma would be so pissed at this.
I miss Hitler.
I wish I was this naive again. I miss being a kid.
>Eva Rothschild
They all do
This picture bothers me for multiple reasons.
-Germany's skin color has been mentioned by other anons already. It's scary and disgusting how they are trying to redefine what is a German person, and how they have been succeeding at it.
-But aside from that, nearly everyone else is portrayed as ethnically European white people. Why? EU has been campaigning for the idea that we must be diverse, and that the variations of white cultures aren't enough diversity. So why isn't the Finn drawn as a Somali or the Brit as a Pakistani person, and so on? Choosing to draw nearly all of them as caucasian-looking is dishonest about what EU wants for Europe.
-If "our future is brighter in the EU", why is this image portraying everyone wearing their flag colors? We've been told repeatedly that nationalism and patriotism are bad, and that EU must stay united against them and the far-right. If our loyalty should primarily belong to Europe and the EU instead of our home nations, shouldn't all the kids in that image be wearing EU flag colors?
i think it is for some kind of reassurance, that even though we are together in eu, the countries are still allowed to be diverse -> diverse in the eu, diverse in enthnicity.
We could fix this for them without being racist, just change all of them to brown.
Literally looks like a fucking child drew it.
>Everyone is white
>Everyone is flying national flags
Literally the opposite of the EU ideal.
(I do like that they at least couldn't lie about Germany and Portugal's racial identity. That would be pushing it too far)
Fuck you Sweden, day was fine until now. FUCK YOU AND YOUR TANNED GERMANS!
>Everyone is white
are you blind?
Revenge for "muh holohoax"
but then it would be darker.
What in the 7 hells
>that tanned German
Good Lord, how humiliating...
Fuck of, norfag jew shill. If we fall i hope thousands of niggers run into your nation. How are you gonna stop them faggot? We border each other for thousands of miles of wood and mountain, easy to go across.
You fags won't shoot refugees, you are just as cucked as us.
Stop being a divisive little cuck and fuck off
post yfw you're not a part of the EU
Niggers are afraid of the woods.
pic related
fixed for real
Why the fuck did they put Belgium DEAD FUCKING LAST while we fucking INVENTED THE EU.
checked and keked
he looks like my wifes son
Wallonia drags Belgium down
>from antony gormley to eva rotschild
>a white guy being used for anything in the EU
>Germany is a shitskin
>while we fucking INVENTED THE EU.
Uh ?
>a real country