I need an explanation.
I need an explanation.
>dat satanic/Judaic symbolism
>celebrating the opening of a public thing that isn't just someone cutting a red ribbon
you dun goof'd
Wanna see something scary?
Look up SYMMETRY, a satanic ritual and dance of destrucion performed for CERN.
nice trips, mad manlet.
Nice trips faggot.
Also, Central Europe has always been weird, what's there to explain?
Gotta launder some more money and make a satanic ritual of the coming of the antichrist while at it, senpai.
They've been in their Alpine fortress for hundreds of years, what do you expect?
>tfw no qt swiss autist gf
>Central Europe
The real shitposter
Explanation? What the fuck is this. Celebrating would be some choir singing, some music ansambl playing suitable music, usw... Not some fucking satanic ritual.
Says Fritzl the Alpin neighbor.
racist and paranoid much?
Lol holy fuck, remind me never to give a shit about europe ever again.
>4 horse carriage
>zombie workers
>sexual druggy underwear dancers
>literally Baal with smaller horns
>more satanic crap
wtf swiss
You and me both, leaf.
Some modern hipster artist shit. That is only a part of the celebration. The army was there too with drums and "normal" ceremony.
It seems to be a vogue a shit since the 2000' to take degenerate artist for official events. Like the 100 years celebration of the battle of Verdun during WW1 last week.
>Celebrating would be some choir singing, some music ansambl playing suitable music, usw.
You probably never seen an opening ceremony of any olympics, right? Might want to get a telly in serbia
Does anyone doubt that CERN isn't a portal to hell/the warp anymore?
some illuminati shit
>cern may be portal to warp
>EU is full degenerate
Just another outlet for society's useless women to have an outlet in a destructive manner.
No nigger you don't understand. It's just a big donut that we build to keep your attention while we stole your money.
its some bullshit-ass dance-piece comissioned and paid for with eu citizen money and excuted in this bullshit "modern abstract art" way. It's a hoax, it's mostly weird because choreographers and directors are retarded leftist special snowflake castes who've been fed and groomed for generations on subsidies (your money) by governments and municipalities. They're not accountable if its'shit, you just didnt understand it thats why this spectacle cost 500 000 000 euro, goy, do you know how hard and rare it is to be so deep and creative? You probably just don't get it.
it's a scam, not much more to it.
wow this is really fucking gay
mfw this. occam's razor and shit.
are they all from special ed?
The saddest part of this whole crap is that the ones who payed are the swiss citizens.
And then there is Victory Day Parade
nice trips my guess is that Switzerland went full autistic.
I wonder how long it took to teach those women to walk in lock step.
Why must EVERYTHING be degenerate today? There are no fucking limits, nothing is sacret.
Even the fucking 100th year anniversary of the battle of Verdun was degenerate and disrespectful.
see here if you havent.
Fuck i hate this world. We have to go back.
It's """""art""""" and the pretentious fuck that organized this would probably say that it is meant to be questioned. We always had batshit insane people in charge of cultural shit here.
Also the costumes at the end are inspired by local folklore.
Pretty much this. The Goat head at the end made it rather clear.
Women parading in front of the men as if they actually fucking did anything.
I would have booed and threw tomatoes.
152km of tunnel.
Now that is fucking whack! You moles are pretty good at diggin'
This shit is not to far off to what we have in the U.S with the liberal art scene like in New York city and shit. Pretentious liberals
If we are drafted to come over there I'm going to have fun shooting your civilians in the back. Fucking disgrace.
This is some next-level Illuminati shit here
Embrace the diversity. Demons are people too, you know?
You mean potatoes?
To be honest it looks kinda cool
>500 000 000 euro
What the fuck, man.
What the fuck.
goddamn it^s just a fucking tunnel
I imagine some gay guy with big glasses.
its entry level tbqh, london olympics opening was the next level shit
>We always had batshit insane people in charge of cultural shit here.
Personally, I blame Calvin.
That's only because your ancestors used to throw parties like that. Only thing missing is the ceremonial cannibalism.
Wheres your leaf gone?
Zombie workers, note how they are all White/European. (inb4 "it's Switzerland")
Zombie workers are divided between those who run and those who become fixed in the air.
Zombie workers bring in beautiful citizens who act like animals, pampering themselves constantly.
Angry metal worker flails in his chains, he is isolated and alone.
The Zombie workers who chose to be "elevated" earlier are now reaping their choice. Oppression by their offspring.
Zombie workers are now made equal (3:30). The oppression from their offspring has evolved into a blended race. They are directionless and become enamored by the Performer (the dancing goat-human).
A new culture arises out of the blended race, now sharing the appearance of the goat-human and his friends. Everything is now a distortion and confused united by the trance-like acceptance of the horns.
is this a sign that european culture has stagnated and inwardly collapsed?
In your moms cunt
Yeah I guess that's it, it would be better if it was actually some kind of religious ceremony
Nah, you got it wrong. Lobotomized workers build the tunnel and then a steady stream of nightmare creatures streams north while the world leaders just sit there and watch.
I wish the would use the money this cost for something better
What the shit am I watching?
Way to ruin a new human accomplishment, Swizfags.
1:59 in the bitch on the bottom middle falls while running, fail.
Good theory, but you forgot to take our culture into account.
is pic related once worshipped in switzerland?
i love lindt btw.
According to that logic we worship poo paintings and bears. Fucking degenerates.
Yeah it was all probably linked to deep specific cultural myths of Switzerland.
It didn't cost 500 million.
Calvin was the worth thing that happened to glorious Switzerland.
In fact christian degeneracy began with the protestant reform. The shit clearly hit the fan at this time.
I think you're right.
>all those women
Yeah I'm sure they had loads to do with digging out that tunnel.
kek'd at the "Games Workshop" copyright.
we should plaster that on everything degenerate
No just myths and legend of our Alpins regions with the devil, witches, god, cows, mountain goats, etc..
A fucking leaf
>tfw I found this video yesterday when it had been uploaded 4 minutes before because I wanted to see some phat ass from the underwear-wearing women.
What in the actual fuck
This is literally what Hitler thought when he talked about degenerate art.
Those who came up with the idea,and those who contributed to this "show" should be gassed.
They claim it's just an innocent performance meant to make you relax, but even if it's true it's a little weird. Our leaders sure have a shit taste.
It's a fucking ritual.
looks like metro 2033 did a fuckton of coke and shit
it's the eternal German. I both cases it was a german director. Still don't know why would hire someone who does something like this, but as mentioned in this thread, people in charge of our "cultural" shit are your typical >muh deep art people
Whatever the fuck it is I feel like our leaders are far gone, one way or the other. It's not even entertaining, it's just weird.
Is it weird that i want to slaughter a goat and drink its blood now like in ye olden paganic times?
3:30 This is getting way too scary/bizarre
>mountain goats, etc..
lord jesus your mountain goat looks scary
no flood there?
i read germany,france,belgium and austria is getting rekt by flood now.
>That flying baby thing
How can anybody take this seriously
>That flying baby thing
pic related knows
Are you muslim?
>racist and paranoid much?
Kek you are actually using the brainwashing memes. You are supposed to be programmed to parrot similar arguements to the meme not repeat it. Damn shitskins.
A satanic power has risen in Europe
I have no intention to fuck the goat, so no.
forgive him he's australian
Swiss-Germans, I will never understand them..
>white, working class march onwards, making this piece of civilisation
>they immediately surrender it to hordes of degenerates, outsiders and those who worship false gods
Actually it was just built to show the world that we need another season of Stargate SG-1
>muh portal
Stupid zionist symbolism, playlist related
It's fucking this.
Alright Sup Forums, I know we joke around a lot and give Swedecucks a hard time, but what the fuck. I thought it was just a meme, these people are literally mentally ill.
a bit of german fun
>all those women in front who likely didn't do shit to build it
Check this out too
The whole ceremony is the hipster version of swiss folklore and history around the Gotthard.
>The postal carriage, representing the first Devils bridge that made it the fastest and most important North South connection in the 13th century
>the marching uniformed remembering the clash or russian and french troops at the devils bridge in 1799, there's still a memorial for the 700 russian soldiers that died there.
>construction of the first Gotthard Railway tunnel about 1880
>the running away and carrying people away is a memorial of all people that lost their life during construction and while it was it was in use.
>the utility cars with all the noise and shit is the construction of the Alpen Festung during WW2 (massive bunkers in the area)
The last part is telling the saga of the devils bridge tl;dr:
>they couldn't get a bridge done and one guy goes "the devil shall build here a brdige"
>devil appears and accepts the deal in exchange for the soul of the first crosser of the bridge
>they agree and the devil builds a solid bridge
>farmer is smart and sends a goat as the first crosser over the bridge
>devil is angry and wants to smash the bridge with a big rock
>women draws a cross on the bridge iirc
>devil misses
>end of story
>I hate my wife, and her boyfriend too
Yeah this is definitely a German song.
Tell me the place, I will go there mein deutscher Bruder
>I hate my wife, and MY boyfriend too
Also appears at the end, kek
Chose one.
Would you rather see the people who actually worked on this? Strong old men and "Italians"?
This. Thank you I was too lazy to explain it.
The Gothard allows you to go to Ticino, the southern part of Switzerland, where they make an alcohol (nocino) which can give you strong hallucinations (brought me in WW2 for several hours, once).
Hope it helps to understand the ceremony.